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The most creative thing in us is to believe a thing into objective existence. – Neville Goddard
David Allen’s newest book, Simplifying The Teachings of Neville Goddard, is sure to show that what we are all doing, what we have all been doing, is believing our life’s experiences into objective existence. Let this book show how easy it is and that there is no need to complicate it. Creating the life you desire is just a LITTLE understanding away. $8.99 on online book stores.





This is the book (“Futility” or “The Wreck Of The Titan” by Morgan Robertson) that Neville Goddard referred to in his lectures “He Is My Resurrection” . . 06-28-1968 and Seedtime And Harvest . . 06-10-1956 and Chapter 4 of “The Law And The Promise” entitled “There Is No Fiction”, that was first published in 1898, edited by David Allen, with references to Neville Goddard’s examples of “There Is No Fiction”.
It is a free PDF download. – David Allen


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Neville Goddard’s Interpretation of Scripture: Unlocking The Secrets of The Bible

The Neville Goddard Collection

By FAR our best editing of Neville Goddard’s 10 Classic books… PLUS we have included 2 of his most famous lectures The 1948 Class Lessons and The 1951 Radio Talks.
This is a must have for any fan of Neville Goddard!!!!!!
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Neville Goddard Your Inner Conversations Are Creating Your Reality

Neville Goddard Amazon Page
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Discover The Power Of Your Mind

Questions That Create Reality
A Principle That Works!
How we ask ourselves questions matters. When we ask ourselves questions FROM the wish fulfilled, it gives us the consciousness of having our desire… it is this act that makes our thoughts our reality, that brings our desires to fruition. It is the principle Neville Goddard revealed to us applied to our questions.
To him who hath, it is given!

*ASKffirmations is a term I coined in order to uniquely identify the technique that I have successfully applied in my own life and set it apart from other similar techniques. It isn’t about asking better questions but rather to ask questions I already have the answers to, inserting them into the question, and asking “How did I do that?” which gives me the consciousness of already having my desire. What you possess in consciousness is given to you. Possess the fulfilled desire. There is inherent principle at work in the question that creates the experiences… the expression that the impression of the question makes. That is what ASKffirmations do.
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Neville Goddard (1905-1972)
Joseph Murphy once said of Neville: “Neville may eventually be recognized as one of the world’s great mystics.”. Here it is 2016 and I say that time is already here. Neville Goddard IS the World’s Greatest Mystic – David Allen
There are thousands of metaphysical, new thought, occult, law of attraction books on the market and in the public domain and none that I know of, even come close to what Neville left with us in books and lectures. While I do believe there are many books and authors that seekers of truth can, do and have benefited from, their search would be incomplete without the teachings of Neville.
Neville not only taught that Imagining Creates Reality but he lived it, he spoke from experience, and the bulk of his teachings are centered around this foundation.
Said Neville: I ask you to take me seriously. Imagination will fulfill itself, so do not limit yourself by anything that is now happening, no matter what it is. Knowing what you want, conceive a scene which would imply you have it. Persuade yourself of its truth and walk blindly on in that assumption. Believe it is real. Believe it is true and it will come to pass. Imagination will not fail you if you dare to assume and persist in your assumption, for imagination will fulfill itself in what your life becomes.
If you are a seeker of truth, consider yourself a mystic, curious what his teachings were all about, wondering why the Law of Attraction does not seem to be working for you, consider yourself a spiritual being or enjoy the teachings of Abraham-Hicks or Dr, Joe Vitale or Dr Wayne Dwyer to name a few, you are going to want to further investigate Neville Goddard’s books. During his lifetime there were 10 books written, they are: Book 1: 1939 – At Your Command . . Book 2: 1941 – Your Faith is Your Fortune . . Book 3: 1942 – Freedom for All . . Book 4: 1945 – Prayer: The Art of Believing . . Book 5: 1948 – Out of this World . . Book 6: 1951 – Feeling is the Secret . . Book 7: 1952 – The Power of Awareness . . Book 8: 1954 – Awakened Imagination & 1946 – & The Search . . Book 9: 1956 – Seedtime and Harvest . . Book 10: 1961 – The Law and The Promise

Here is a sample of what you can expect to see on Neville Goddard Books. Neville Goddard All In One Stop, At Your Command, Your Faith is Your Fortune, Freedom for All, Prayer The Art of Believing, Out of this World, Feeling is the Secret, The Power of Awareness, Awakened Imagination & 1946 – & The Search, Seedtime and Harvest, The Law and The Promise, The 1948 Class Lessons/Lectures/Instructions & The July 1951 Radio Talks. Neville Goddard Books and Lectures, Mystic, Occult, Spiritual, New Thought. Power, Law of Attraction, The Secret, Faith, Universe, Ernest Holmes, Joseph Murphy, The Power of I AM, Neville Goddard Reader, Neville Goddard Collection, Thomas Troward, If You like Abraham Hicks, you’ll love Neville, Bashar, Bible Review, Charles Fillmore, Christian D. Larson, Florence Scovel Shinn, Genevieve Behrend, H. P. Blavatsky, Henry Harrison Brown, James Allen, Joel S. Goldsmith, U.S. Anderson, L.W. De Laurence, Lillian DeWaters, M. MacDonald-Bayne, Mary Baker Eddy, Metaphysics, Mind, Mysteries, Napoleon Hill, Neale Donald Walsch, Orison Swett Marden, Prentice Mulford, Ralph Waldo Trine, Rhonda Byrne, Robert A. Russell, Robert Collier, Rudolf Steiner, William Blake, Ancient Secrets, Susanna Cocroft, Hidden Secrets, Theosophical Manual, Thomas Parker Boyd, Walter C. Lanyon, neville goddard manifesting