We believe these quotes may just be what many are missing in mastering the art of manifesting the life of their desires. It is truly our desire that they inspire and bless everyone who reads them.
We should bless everything that we have, for we can increase and multiply what we have by speaking words. Jesus said that His words were spirit and life. Did you ever think that your word is charged with great spiritual life force? It is. Be careful of your words. Man shall be held accountable for his lightest word. If you talk about substance in a negative way, your finances will be decreased, but if you talk about it in an appreciative, large way, you will be prospered – Charles Fillmore
There is always something you can praise. As you do, your own good multiplies. – Catherine Ponder
You can begin releasing that power to produce greater good in your life and affairs, when you realize that your mind is your world. When you rule your mind, you rule your world. When you choose your thoughts, you choose results. – Catherine Ponder
The imagination builds things out of the one substance. If you will associate faith with it in its creative work, the things you make will be just as real as those that God makes. Whatever you make in mind and really put faith in will become substantial. Then you must be constantly on your guard as to what you believe, in order that you may bring what is for your good into manifestation. – Charles Fillmore
What is sin? The word in the original Greek which has been translated into our English word sin, did not mean sin as we understand it. Its meaning conforms more closely to what we understand by our English words, ” lack ” or ” absence of,” and so the “unpardonable sin ” would be a lack of the consciousness or the absence of this knowledge of goodness, and the recognition of its opposite, the evil, or sin, or wickedness, for as long as we recognize a lack of any kind in our consciousness, such recognition relates us with that lack. – F. W. Sears
You can receive the vast benefits available to you from the prosperity law of thanksgiving when you dare to give thanks first. – Catherine Ponder
When we learn to think from the standpoint of good alone, we will overcome evil and all that harms us will disappear from OUR lives. – Ernest Holmes
An Ancient Secret for Happy Living
THE ancients knew a marvelous secret for happy living that you also should know and use. If you will make it a basic “success attitude,” it can transform your life.
The ancients’ secret for happy living was the act of blessing. Most of us have heard the terms “blessing,” “bless you” or even, “I blessed him out.” But seldom have we realized the power we have to experience health, harmony, and prosperity through the ancient practice of blessing.
As presented in the Book of Genesis, the act of blessing was the Hebrews’ favorite method of prayer. Only twice are other methods of prayer mentioned: once when Abraham prayed for the healing of King Abimelech (Genesis 20:17) and again when Isaac went forth at eventide to meditate (Genesis 24:63). However, there are numerous instances in which the Hebrews invoked the power of prayer through blessing.
The Hebrews of Genesis loved to voice blessings and to predict the good that would come to those whom they blessed. If any Hebrew was to receive a spoken blessing, he did not want anyone to stand in his way of accepting that blessing. He considered a blessing to be a priceless gift.
The ancients felt that a blessing carried great power to accomplish good. The Lord pointed out the power of blessing to Abraham, when He advised, “I will bless thee . . . and be thou a blessing” (Genesis 12:2). Jacob felt that a blessing was so desirable that he even stole the Messing which his father intended to bestow upon his brother Esau. The dictionary explains why there is dynamic power for good in the simple act of blessing. To bless means “to make holy or whole by spoken words.” To bless means to “ask divine favor for some situation or condition.” To bless means “to wish a person or situation well.” To bless means “to make happy or prosperous.” To bless means to “gladden, glorify, praise.”
You and I might simply say that to bless means to “bring forth good in a situation, condition, or personality,” whether there seemed any good to be brought forth or not. To bless is to judge not according to appearances, as Jesus advised, but to judge according to right judgment—that of beholding the good and thereby bringing it forth in a condition or person.
How often you have condemned, criticized, or cursed a situation and only brought forth more problems and unhappy experiences from it. Whereas, if you had dared to take the opposite view and bless the Situation, you would have activated the omnipresent good within it, and you would have witnessed a happy result from it. – Catherine Ponder
Bless Everything We Have
We should bless everything that we have, for we can increase and multiply what we have by speaking words. Jesus said that His words were spirit and life. Did you ever think that your word is charged with great spiritual life force? It is. Be careful of your words. Man shall be held accountable for his lightest word. If you talk about substance in a negative way, your finances will be decreased, but if you talk about it in an appreciative, large way, you will be prospered. – Charles Fillmore
To “bless” is to magnify spiritually. It is another form of praise. Its mental law is increase– multiplication. Jesus always blessed what he had in hand as a working capital, and it was increased. The few loaves and fishes expanded under this law to the satisfaction of the hunger of thousands. – Charles Fillmore
Blessing has not lost its power since the time that Jesus Christ used it. Try it and prove its efficacy. The same power of multiplication is within it. Praise and thanksgiving have within them the quickening, spiritual power that produces growth and increase. – Edward E. Beals
Your secret thoughts grow. They become strong. They rule your life, while the thoughts to which you give expression grow weak, lose their vitality, fade away. – Benjamin Franklin Woodcox
WISHES. We are usually worthy of that which we sincerely wish another. – Benjamin Franklin Woodcox