The conscious mind acts, the subconscious reacts; the conscious mind produces the impression, the subconscious produces the expression; the conscious mind determines what is to be done, the subconscious supplies the mental material and the necessary power.
Christian Larson – Concentration
Christian Larson – How Great Men Succeed
Christian Larson – How to Stay Well
Christian Larson – How to Stay Young
Christian Larson – Your Forces And How To Use Them
Christian Larson – How the Mind Works
Christian Larson – Just Be Glad
Christian D Larson – Mastery of Fate
Christian D. Larson – The Pathway of Roses
Christian D. Larson – Poise and Power
Christian Larson – Business Psychology
Christian Larson – The Great Within
Christian Larson – What Is Truth
The subconscious mind is the great within — an inner mental world from which all things proceed that appear in the being of man.
The conscious mind is the mind of action, the subconscious mind is the mind of reaction, but every subconscious reaction is invariably the direct result of a corresponding conscious action.
Every conscious action produces an impression upon the subconscious and every subconscious reaction produces an expression in the personality.
Everything that is expressed through the personality was first impressed upon the subconscious, and since the conscious mind may impress anything upon the subconscious, any desired expression may be secured, because the subconscious will invariably do what it is directed and impressed to do.
The subconscious mind is a rich mental field; every conscious impression is a seed sown in this field, and will bear fruit after its kind, be the seed good or otherwise.
All thoughts of conviction and all deeply felt desires will impress themselves upon the subconscious and will reproduce their kind, to be later expressed in the personal being of man.
Every desire for power, ability, wisdom, harmony, joy, health, purity, life, greatness, will impress itself upon the subconscious, and will cause the thing desired to be produced in the great within, the quality and the quantity depending upon the depth of the desire and the conscious realization of the true idea conveyed by the desire.
What is produced in the within will invariably come forth into expression in the personality; therefore, by knowing how to impress the subconscious, man may give his personal self any quality desired, and in any quantity desired.
Personal power, physical health, mental brilliancy, remarkable ability, extraordinary talent, rare genius — these are attainments that the subconscious of every mind can readily produce and bring forth when properly directed and impressed.
The subconscious mind obeys absolutely the desires of the conscious mind, and since the subconscious is limitless, it can do for man whatever he may desire to have done.
What man may desire to become, that he can become, and the art of directing and impressing the subconscious is the secret.
Unlimited possibilities do exist in the subconscious of every mind, and since these possibilities can all be developed, there is no end to the attainments and achievements of man.
Nothing is impossible; the great within is limitless — the inexhaustible source of everything that may be required for the highest development and the greatest accomplishments in human life, and whatever we may direct the within to produce, the same will invariably be produced.
Christian Daa Larson was an American New Thought leader and teacher, as well as a prolific author of metaphysical and New Thought books. His writings influenced notable New Thought authors and leaders, including Religious Science founder Ernest Holmes.
Christian D. Larson was born in Iowa, in 1874. He attended Iowa State College, and also attended a Unitarian Theological school in Meadville, Pa. In his early twenties, Larson became interested in the Mental Science teachings of Helen Wilmans, Henry Wood, Charles Brodie Patterson, and other prolific New Thought writers of the time. Christian had an analytical mind and his own new thought writings made had a big influence on the movement. Larson believed that all people have a tremendous latent power within them, which could be harnessed for success with the right mind and proper attitude. He attempted to find a place where science and theology could meet in order to provide a practical and systematic philosophy of life.
In 1901, Larson organized the New Thought Temple at his residence. In September of that same year, Christian Larson began to publish books for one of the leading New Thought periodicals of the time. This was around the time he began his writing career, going on to write over 40 books in the New Thought and metaphysical genre. Christian D. Larson also had a considerable influence on the work and philosophy of Ernest Holmes, the founder of Religious Science (also known as Science of Mind), early in his career. Holmes had been studying the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health, but was particularly impressed with the New Thought writings of Larson. According to Fenwicke Holmes, Ernest abandoned the Christian Science textbook in favor of Larson’s books. Ernest and Fenwicke Holmes later took a correspondence course with Christian D. Larson. In Ernest Holme’s biography, Fenwilk Holmes elaborates on the influence that Larson had on his brother Ernest. Larson influenced Holmes to a new philosophy that inspired him to go forward with learning and practicing the art of mental treatment, also encouraging him to go beyond physical healing to the ‘control of external conditions’.
When Ernest Holmes’ 2-year old magazine changed its name to Science of Mind in 1920, Christian D. Larson became the associate editor and a frequent contributor. Christian D. Larson is also credited by Horatio Dresser as being one of the influential founders in the shaping of the early New Thought movement. As early as 1928, Christian D. Larson began appearing in the Science of Mind magazine as part of the major teaching courses. Christian Larson was also on the permanent staff of the Institute of Religious Science in Los Angeles, of which Ernest Holmes was the founder. Christian D. Larson was also a one time honorary President of the International New Thought Alliance.
In 1912 Larson developed the “The Optimist’s Creed” , which in 1922, was adopted by Optimist International, better known as the Optimist Clubs. Christian D. Larson was an important leader in the New Thought movement. His early influence on Ernest Holmes, Norman Vincent Peale, and numerous other self-help and inspirational writers influenced much of the New Thought movement as a whole. Nearly 100 years after they were first published, many of Larson’s books still remain popular and in print today.
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