David Allen – The Power of I AM, Vol 2, Part 12


The ancients knew that the secret name of God had power. Now we do.

David Allen - The Power of I AM 2

Withdraw into the closet of mind. Shut the doors of sight, sound, touch, taste, smell. When you enter this closet, when you get in there, know this . . “I AM.” Think about yourself something like this . . I AM a three-fold being. In my nature I AM physical and I AM spiritual. And all through my spiritual and my physical natures I have mind. In my mind are two things, consciousness and a Force. I AM . . I AM . . I AM made in the image and likeness of my Father, the Great Universal Father who is Universal Spirit, substance and Mind. He is Universal Mind which is filled with Universal Consciousness. His Universal Spirit pervades His mind and substance and is the Force which is all love, all life, all intelligence. He supplies me with His infinite, limitless force, which reinforces and multiplies the force already within me so that I can keep drawing upon the supply as long as I keep giving out. I AM . . I AM . . I AM one with the Father. I AM . . I AM . . I AM divine creator. I AM. I create with the force of God.

God (I AM, consciousness) is the giver and the gift; man is the receiver. God (I AM, consciousness) dwells in man, and this means that the treasure house of infinite riches is within you and all around you. By learning the laws of mind, you can extract from that infinite storehouse within you everything you need in order to live life gloriously, joyously, and abundantly.

The I AM cannot live consciously without giving expression to life; and the giving of expression to life demands an instrument through which that expression can take place. If there were no manifestation the I AM would simply exist in a state of unconscious abstraction, and we can conceive of no reason why the I AM should exist at all if its existence simply meant eternal sleep in the absolute.

We must have a reason for things; things must explain their existence or state of being in a satisfactory manner; and if anything exists at all there must be some cause for that existence. However, we can find no cause for an existence that would mean nothing more than isolation in an abstract state, or eternal sleep. We must accept, therefore, the other view, or rather the higher understanding of this great theme.

When you have completely given the body over to God and it is free, easy and silent, you are ready to step into that new dimension of mind . . the Silence. You are entering the divine Presence of the I AM. You are approaching the state of consciousness that unifies with Intelligence, Power, Substance, Wisdom, Life and Love. Your vision and thought must be single to the I AM in the realization that there is nothing but God.

By staying the mind upon your own I AM, you absorb something of the spiritual environment which you have entered. Your nature takes on the Divine Nature. The beginner in this work will find that the door to the closet will fly open many times during this period and that many unwelcome thoughts will knock. Do not arouse yourself to resist them. Dismiss them by saying something like this, “Go away now. This is not your time or place. If you are important, I’ll think about you later.”

The Spirit being all there is, we cannot conceive of anything that can hinder its working. When the Spirit has spoken, the Word becomes Law, for before the Law is the Word; It precedes all else. First is Absolute Intelligence, All-Power, All-Presence, All-Causation; then the movement upon itself through the power of the Word; then the Word becoming Law; the Law producing the thing and holding it in place. So long as the Word exists the thing will exist, for since the Word is All-Power there is nothing beside It. “I AM That I AM, and beside me there is none other.” This “I AM” is Spirit, God, All.

There is no physical explanation for anything in the universe; all causation is Spirit and all effect spiritual. We are not living in a physical world but in a spiritual world peopled with spiritual ideas. We are now living in Spirit. God, or Spirit, governs the universe through great mental laws that work out the divine will and purpose, always operating from Intelligence. This Intelligence is so vast, and the power so great that our human minds cannot even grasp it; all that we can hope to do is to learn something of the way in which it works, and by harmonizing ourselves with it, to so align ourselves with Spirit that our lives may be controlled by the great harmony that obtains in all the higher laws of nature, but has been very imperfectly manifested in man.

I alone possess the power of the first person. I AM That which I want to be. Except I believe I AM what I want to be, I remain as I formerly was and die in that limitation.

Here is a method by which you may have constant contact with Universal Mind.

The method is called the “Silence.” It is a mistake to think that the Silence is a state of passivity only. It may be that, to be sure, but for the most practical results it is a work shop. It is where we realize our contact with the great Power and certainly this Universal Power or Mind is ever active, omnipresent, eternal Energy. The Silence as understood by many is subjective and negative. It is subjective, to be sure, but positive. In our present understanding, the subjective side of life is positive and if there is any negative side it is the objective.

It is the within” of all things that is dynamic. The germ within the kernel of wheat, within the tulip bulb, within the acorn or the egg is the creative side of the expression. The shell or husk is important, but always remember that the wheat, flower, tree and chick come from the dynamic center.

Remember, the negative electrons revolve around the positive proton at the center of the group. This point in man is the solar plexus and all his objective activities evolve from that center. The Universal Mind or God flows into man’s body through the soles of his feet, through the tips of his fingers and through his head. Just as the sun’s rays may be focused at the very center of a magnifying glass, so I AM “in the midst of thee” is mighty.

I AM is localized in you as a point within a circle. The circle could not be drawn without some point as a center; so your outer (objective) life could not exist (stand forth) without this I AM center within you. Man, like the prodigal son, has gone into the far country (surface . . objective, sense life) and has met or rather created difficulties for himself. His only salvation is to return to his home (center . . God . . “I AM”). When he does he will find music, dancing, joy, food, and abundance of all good things. Man must come back consciously to the God within him. This is done by the method of the Silence. “Be still [objectively-physically] and know that “I AM” . . God.” One moment spent in quiet meditation (where real thinking takes place) upon the subjective side (God’s side), will make all our struggles, doubts, false pride and fears sink into utter nothingness. We realize our Oneness with God by realizing in the Silence that God alone thinks and works. When we are conscious that our thought is really not our thought but God’s thought through us, we shall be prosperous and happy. You see, when the realization of the “I AM” is attained, you will be conscious of thinking and speaking from the center of your Being.

There are many books relative to the benefits to be derived from going into the Silence. The great need is to know how to enter it, for when this secret has once been learned, the advantages which come to the seeker are self-evident. The following rules are given to guide you into the way of Truth:

  1. SILENCE FOR RELAXATION Practice this Silence at night before going to sleep. Through the application of these suggestions I have known all forms of nervousness to disappear in a week:


  1. Lie flat (no pillow) in bed.
  2. Extend arms side horizontally: palms up; fingers bent slightly upward.
  3. Close eyes.
  4. Let go. Let all the weight of your body rest on the bed.
  5. Rest for a moment.
  6. Repeat each of the following statements seven or eight times, slowly and restfully:

A. I rest in the sea of Universal Energy.

B. This Energy is Good.

C. I AM one with It.


This will take about ten minutes. Do not move a muscle of your body during the Silence, for you are relaxing. If you find some difficulty at first in being quiet, you might say, “Peace be still,” for five minutes.

If you go to sleep in this position, perfectly relaxed, you will derive much benefit therefrom. After having this Silence, you may make an audible request such as any of the following: “I want to be guided to an individual who wishes to employ me”; “I want to have the companionship of someone whose thoughts are harmonious with mine”; “I want to attract a buyer for my home”; “I want to make the right move in business”; “I want to know how to improve my health.” You see you first make your conscious contact with Universal Mind by going over the statements given. Then you commit to Universal Mind your desire and your subconscious mind which never sleeps, will work faithfully while your objective mind is shut off in sleep. “Let” Universal Mind work; remember you do not make it work; you step out of the way.

  1. SILENCE FOR THE REALIZATION OF “I AM” This Silence will be practiced while the student sits in a chair.

A. Always select the same chair.

B. Always have a straight-backed chair.

C. Have the same time for your Silence each day.

D. Always have the chair in the same room and in the same place. The reason for this is that you enter the vibrations of the former day, by going where those vibrations are.


E. The student will sit erect and close the eyes. A straight spine aids concentration.

F. Place both feet flat on the floor.

G. Have the head well poised.

H. Allow both hands to rest either on your knees or in your lap. See that they are relaxed.


  1. You must not move from this position for one-half hour.
  2. Affirm quietly each of the following, seven times:A. I AM receptive to Universal Good.
    B. I do not resist.
    C.I let go.


  1. The next statement should be spoken once. You must be positive in speaking it, because you are going to shut out all thoughts except those which you wish to think. You can “close the door of your mind” by practice. See to this, for it is very important. Affirm . . “I close the door.”
  2. The next step is just as important. Now that the door is closed, your stream of thought activity cannot go out into the world. It must be directed in and down. Do not try to think thoughts at this point. Your mental stream is like a flowing river. Just direct the stream in and down.
  3. As you feel the stream of mental activity flowing in, you will aid your realization by saying quietly, “Down . . Down . . Down” . . three times. As you say it, just imagine that you are in an elevator, going down into a mine. As you descend, the noise of the world grows very dim, until you enter the deepest part of yourself. While you are going down into the “secret place,” you will remember many things which you thought you had forgotten. This takes place as you go through the subconscious.
  4. When you have reached the center (solar plexus), begin to assert the “I”
  5. Repeat the following (each seven times):

A. “I.”

B. “I AM.”

C. “I AM” . . (always a slight pause after the phrase “I AM”) Perfect.

D. “I AM” . . Perfect Life.

E. “I AM” . . Perfect Health.

F. “I AM” . . Happiness.

G. “I AM” . . Success.

All this time you are thinking and speaking from the center.

  1. You may now go forth in the “I AM” consciousness. You can reasonably expect a remarkable change to become manifest in your physical, mental and financial affairs.

Do not allow these rules to worry you. Follow the spirit of them and do it easily.


  1. Gain “Understanding” through reading these lessons.
  2. Be faithful with your “Silence.”
  3. Realize God (“I AM”) and you will always desire the right thing.
  4. Follow these four rules:A. Know what you want.
    B. State what you want. State it audibly once in a definite tone of understanding faith, before the “Silence.”
    C. Have your Silence for the realization of the “I AM.”
    D. State that you have your desire in substance, after the silence.


All I AM Quotes From The Power of I AM Volume 2 are from the following Authors

Fay Adams, U. S. Andersen, Raymond Charles Barker, M. MacDonald-Bayne, Joseph Benner, Kate Atkinson Boehme, Thomas Parker Boyd, Louise Brownell, H. Emilie Cady, Robert Collier, Florence Gloria Crawford, Mrs. Dan M. Davidson, Walter Devoe, Franklin Fillmore Farrington, Charles Fillmore, Emmet Fox, John Seaman Garns, Harry Gaze, Neville Goddard, Henry Hand, Shirley Bell Hastings, Ernest Holmes, C. W. Kyle, Christian D. Larson, Elinor S. Moody, Joseph Murphy, Janeski Robenoff, Robert A. Russell, John Milton Scott, Elizabeth Towne, Thomas Troward, Helen Wilmans