Ye Shall Know The Truth


"Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free".  The truth that sets man free is the knowledge that his consciousness is the resurrection and the life, that his consciousness both resurrects and makes alive all that he is conscious of being. Apart from consciousness, there is neither resurrection nor life.
“Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free”. The truth that sets man free is the knowledge that his consciousness is the resurrection and the life, that his consciousness both resurrects and makes alive all that he is conscious of being. Apart from consciousness, there is neither resurrection nor life.
Neville Goddard


One day man will realize that his own I AM-ness is the God he has been seeking throughout the ages, and that his own sense of awareness . . his consciousness of being . . is the one and only reality. The most difficult thing for man to really grasp is this: That the "I AM-ness" in himself is God. It is his true being or Father state, the only state he can be sure of. - Neville Goddard Meme
One day man will realize that his own I AM-ness is the God he has been seeking throughout the ages, and that his own sense of awareness . . his consciousness of being . . is the one and only reality. The most difficult thing for man to really grasp is this: That the “I AM-ness” in himself is God. It is his true being or Father state, the only state he can be sure of.
Neville Goddard


When you imagine a state, do you believe that the scene has the power to externalize itself? Or do you feel you must pray to a being on the outside for help? I tell you: there is no being on the outside. The creative power of the world is housed within you now. Sit down and imagine a state of confidence that it must externalize itself. Believe that because all things are possible to imagine, the state you have imagined must become an external fact. - Neville Goddard
When you imagine a state, do you believe that the scene has the power to externalize itself? Or do you feel you must pray to a being on the outside for help? I tell you: there is no being on the outside. The creative power of the world is housed within you now. Sit down and imagine a state of confidence that it must externalize itself. Believe that because all things are possible to imagine, the state you have imagined must become an external fact.
Neville Goddard


You can prove you are all imagination if you believe it, for you live by your beliefs. Lip service is not enough. Belief must become alive. Do you really believe your imagination makes all things? Then test yourself and see. When confronted with any problem, immediately construct an imaginal solution. Enter into that image and abide in its truth. Always remember who the maker is, for he makes things out of that which does not appear. - Neville Goddard
You can prove you are all imagination if you believe it, for you live by your beliefs. Lip service is not enough. Belief must become alive. Do you really believe your imagination makes all things? Then test yourself and see. When confronted with any problem, immediately construct an imaginal solution. Enter into that image and abide in its truth. Always remember who the maker is, for he makes things out of that which does not appear. – Neville Goddard
Neville Goddard


Don’t feel that you are better than someone else, you are creative power. Stand upon your tower and watch to see what God will say and how you will answer. Do this by assuming you are the person you want to be and seeing what you would see if your assumption was real. Remain there until you feel its certainty, until you reach the point of satisfaction, until you are convinced of its truth; and although the world may collapse around you, you will become that which you have assumed you are. = Neville Goddard Quote
Don’t feel that you are better than someone else, you are creative power. Stand upon your tower and watch to see what God will say and how you will answer. Do this by assuming you are the person you want to be and seeing what you would see if your assumption was real. Remain there until you feel its certainty, until you reach the point of satisfaction, until you are convinced of its truth; and although the world may collapse around you, you will become that which you have assumed you are. – Neville Goddard
Neville Goddard Books


Always do everything in the present, as though you had it. Always go to the end, as though you had it. The end is where I start from. The minute you say, "Yes, but -" then you don't believe it. You say, you need the money now." Well, I say, "Assume that you have it now." "Ah, but . . "Well, then, you haven't assumed it at all! Walk through the door just as though you had it. You might stumble on it out there. Walk as though you had it. Live in the assumption of the wish fulfilled. Live in it as though it were true. - Neville Goddard Quote
Always do everything in the present, as though you had it. Always go to the end, as though you had it. The end is where I start from. The minute you say, “Yes, but -” then you don’t believe it. You say, you need the money now.” Well, I say, “Assume that you have it now.” “Ah, but . . “Well, then, you haven’t assumed it at all! Walk through the door just as though you had it. You might stumble on it out there. Walk as though you had it. Live in the assumption of the wish fulfilled. Live in it as though it were true. – Neville Goddard
Neville Goddard Books
Neville Goddard The Wish Fulfilled - The man who at will can assume whatever state he pleases has found the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Neville Goddard The Wish Fulfilled – The man who at will can assume whatever state he pleases has found the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.

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No one has ever revealed to mankind the truth of how our minds (conscious and subconscious) work quite like Neville Goddard. Throughout his books and lectures Neville gave several examples of Imagining The Wish Fulfilled, Assuming The Wish Fulfilled, Feeling The Wish Fulfilled. Let me note here: What he meant by that is to BELIEVE that your wish is fulfilled. This should be abundantly clear to anyone who has understood Neville’s teachings. This book is a compilation of these teachings.

This book was compiled to capture these teachings in one book for the purpose of giving the reader a clearer and more concentrated look at what Neville was conveying about assuming the wish fulfilled.

In his words…

“Prayer is not so much what you ask for, as how you prepare for its reception.

“Whatsoever things ye desire, when ye pray believe
that you have received them, and ye shall have them.”

The only condition required is that you believe that your prayers are already realized. Your prayer must be answered if you assume the feeling that would be yours were you already in possession of your objective. The moment you accept the wish as an accomplished fact, the subconscious finds means for its realization. To pray successfully then, you must yield to the wish, that is, feel the wish fulfilled.” – Neville Goddard

From the back cover.

The man who at will can assume whatever state he pleases has found the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. 

Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled and continue feeling that it is fulfilled until that which you feel objectifies itself.

Ignore the present state and assume the wish fulfilled. Claim it; it will respond. The law of assumption is the means by which the fulfillment of your desires may be realized.

Your subconscious gives form to your desires only when you feel your wish fulfilled.

Call your desires into being by imagining and feeling your wish fulfilled.

Denying the evidence of the senses and appropriating the feeling of the wish fulfilled is the way to the realization of your desire.

The assumption of the feeling of the wish fulfilled makes the future dream a present fact.

Realization of your wish is accomplished by assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled. You cannot fail unless you fail to convince yourself of the reality of your wish. A change of belief is confirmed by a change of expression.

Your assumption, to be effective, cannot be a single isolated act; it must be a maintained attitude of the wish fulfilled.



The Neville Goddard Collection, At Your Command, Your Faith is Your Fortune, Freedom for All, Prayer: The Art of Believing, Out of this World, Feeling is the Secret, The Power of Awareness, Awakened Imagination & the Search, Seedtime and Harvest, The Law & The Promise, The 1948 San Francisco Classroom Lessons, The July 1951 Radio Lectures/Talks

Neville Goddard… The Mystic Who Showed Us How Manifesting Really Works.