David Allen – The Power of I AM – Part 4


David Allen - The Power of I AM


Man has made no more important discovery than this law. It opens an era in human progress that presages the realization of that New Civilization which prophets have foreseen and sages foretold. This Law is the one Principle, present in every New Thought movement. The Law is stated thus, I AM THAT WHICH I THINK I AM. Every person is controlled by his thoughts. The mental attitude determines conditions of body and environment.

Begin to affirm, “I AM strong. I AM radiant. I AM happy. I AM inspired. I AM illumined. I AM loving. I AM kind. I AM harmonious.” Feel these states of mind; affirm them, and believe them; then you will begin to truly live in the Garden of God.

Creation is finished. You call your creation into being by feeling the reality of the state you would call. A mood attracts its affinities but it does not create what it attracts. As sleep is called by feeling “I AM sleepy,” so, too, is Jesus Christ called by the feeling, “I AM Jesus Christ.” Man sees only himself. Nothing befalls man that is not the nature of himself. People emerge out of the mass betraying their close affinity to your moods as they are engendered. You meet them seemingly by accident but find they are intimates of your moods. Because your moods continually externalize themselves you could prophesy from your moods, that you, without search, would soon meet certain characters and encounter certain conditions. Therefore call the perfect one into being by living in the feeling, “I AM Christ,” for Christ is the one concept of self through which can be seen the unveiled realities of eternity.

The Universe is One. This Universe is divided, by my Consciousness, into myself and that which is not myself. This division is purely a mental one; I make it when I say, “I AM”; this means there is a manifestation of the Universe which I AM not. That which I AM not is named variously: God, Energy, Force, Nature, etc. Names cannot change IT. They are names, and names are symbols only for that which is. I AM in the Universe, not a portion of it, but I AM a manifestation of IT. Thus my recognition of Self divides the Universe, to my consciousness, into what I call “I,” which is the Within, and what I call “Not I,” which is the Without. This is the simplest of all philosophy. It is as simple as Cause and Effect.

Subjectively, as a manifestation of Unity, man is potential power in every direction. In the objective life he is unfolding that which he is in the subjective. Being all potential power, why should he not affirm that power? Why limit the manifestation of the subjective “I AM” to the little power he has heretofore manifested? There is no reason, except habit Let him say henceforth: “I possess, and, since, by thinking I have power to direct the manifestations of the subjective life I AM, I affirm that I AM power to do that which I desire to do!” He who will so affirm, will do. If I AM one with the highest, I AM the highest, for God and man cannot be separated. The kingdom is within.

It does not matter what the appearances round about you are like. All things make way for the coming of the Lord. I AM the Lord coming in the appearance of that which I AM conscious of being. All the inhabitants of the earth cannot stay my coming or question my authority to be that which I AM conscious that I AM.

Your I AMness, your Consciousness, is the way in which you change your world. Whatever you attach to I AM you become. As you affirm with feeling, I AM illumined, inspired, loving, harmonious, peaceful, happy and strong, you will resurrect these qualities that lie dormant within you, and wonders will happen in your life. When men and women help you in the realization of your dreams, they are playing their part and are messengers testifying to your beliefs and convictions. You wrote the play, and other men and women execute the parts conforming to your concept of yourself.

The Top Secret

When you say “I AM,” you are announcing the Presence of God within you, as explained in the third chapter of Exodus. “I AM” means Pure Being, Life, Awareness, Self Originating Spirit, Unconditioned Consciousness. In other words, it is a secret to millions of people, because they don’t know that when they say “I AM,” they are proclaiming the Presence of God within them. It is called “Om” in India, and many chant the word “Om” as a mantra. It is important that you know the meaning of the word “Om” before using it. In Sanskrit, mantra means an instrument of thought.

Woman is a continuing symbol throughout the Bible for this reason: Woman stands for the human soul. From a metaphysical point of view the Woman is not just Eve, or Mary, or Jezebel, or any particular person. Woman signifies the human soul your soul . .  or as psychology expresses it, the psyche or mind. That is represented by Woman, and the history of Woman in the Bible is the history of your soul, and one of the keys to your destiny.

The soul is not the divine part of you. This divine part is the “I AM,” “Pneuma,” which we will consider later. Your soul expresses itself as your personality, and that includes everything in the conscious and subconscious mind. So it is the changing personality, the psyche, which is represented by Woman in the Bible.

The whole of history is really the story of the human soul, always changing, either getting better or getting worse. It is a receptive thing . .  this constant change in your thought . .  as you either allow the spiritual power, the “I AM,” to govern, or you let the lower self have sway. So, WOMAN IS THE SOUL.


All the quotes in The Power of I AM are credited
to the following authors.

Neville Goddard, Joseph Murphy, Walter C. Lanyon, Walter Devoe, Lillian DeWaters, Emmet Fox, Ella Wheeler, Christian D Larson, Edna Lister, Thomas Troward