David Allen – The Power of I AM, Vol 2, Part 18


The ancients knew that the secret name of God had power. Now we do.

David Allen - The Power of I AM 2

To mold these surroundings to our liking is the secret of Mental Science which these lessons are attempting to unravel. We have been helpless because we did not know our strength . . not because we did not possess strength. Strength has been latent within us, and so has health, because Omnipresent Being (I AM) is in everything, constantly developing from negative to positive . . and constantly asserting a riper unfoldment of its own enormous vitality. But only knowledge could make us aware of this, and the knowledge was lacking.

The law is the great I AM. It existed always, and may be had for the perceiving. The first step toward the appropriation of truth is to recognize it. This is the fulfilling of the first injunction: “Believe, if you would be saved.” Belief is recognition. It is the wakening of the intelligence to a perception of truth. To recognize a truth is to believe it. After believing . . recognition . . what then? To him that overcometh are all the promises given. And that which we are to overcome is our former habit of unbelief in the omnipotence and omnipresence of Eternal Being (I AM). To climb high enough in the scale of intelligence to perceive that a truth is a truth, is to place that truth within our reach; and is recognition. To then bring our will-power into operation, and by its operation to overcome our former unbeliefs that conflict with the acceptance of the new truth, this will make that truth our own; and is appropriation. We grow step by step in this mighty magnet . . the universe . . by recognition and appropriation of truth. We have now come up far enough in the light of our constantly increasing intelligence to recognize a very great truth, indeed . . the truth that in all the universe there is no evil, nothing but absolute Life or Being; and because we have at last recognized this master truth, we are called upon to bring all our past beliefs under review and judge them by a stronger light than they were ever subjected to before.

Now that we understand that the Universal Mind is always “pressing out” into visibility, we know that things are thoughts and thoughts are things. When the student not only believes this with the conscious mind but knows it, he is then one with the Source of all supply. As long as the mind believes that Spirit and matter exist as separated parts of the whole, there is bound to be confusion. If there is confusion in the mind, there is struggle and with struggle comes the lack of peace, relaxation and harmony. When man is convinced that there is one Mind, he becomes more harmonious and as a result has more Wisdom. When this same individual knows that there is one Substance and that he must therefore be a part of it, he becomes more harmonious with Supply and has more of the good things of life classified under the word “prosperity.”

To realize prosperity then, is to realize I AM as the Substance of all things. To this end we must stop believing that matter means another Substance. That which is called matter is really a different form or manifestation of I AM. The reason all things do not look alike is due to the fact that they are vibrating at different rates. A tree has its rate of vibration; so has a rock, and if the rock vibrated at the same rate as the tree, it would no longer be a rock in appearance, but a tree. The elimination of belief in matter must take place before the student is really on the highway to success. Probably more people have been confused over this word “matter” than over anything else. In the light of present day science it is easily understood and when comprehended places one’s feet on the road to abundance.

WE must resolutely set our faces to the rising consciousness of the Son of Truth; seeing only the One Power we must destroy the adversary and leave the field to God or Good. All that is in any way negative must be wiped off the slate and we must daily come into the higher thought, to be washed clean of the dust and chaos of the objective life. In the silence of the soul’s communion with the Great Cause of All Being, into the stillness of the Absolute, into the secret place of the Most High, back of the din and the ceaseless roar of life, we shall find a resting place and a place of real spiritual power. Speak in this inner silence and say, “I AM one with the Almighty; I AM one with all life, with all power, with all presence. I AM, I AM, I AM.” Listen to the silence. From out of the seeming void the voice of peace will answer the waiting soul, “All is well.”

The Universal Law offers to each one of us satisfaction in all our ways; and that we remain unsatisfied is not the fault of the Law. That we do not know how to obtain this satisfaction is not an injustice of the great First Cause, but is rather a matter of indifference or choice on our part. Either we have not cared enough about obtaining our birthright to determine to know how it may be obtained, or we have chosen to spend our time and effort for other purposes than learning, first, what is the truth; and second, in living that truth at the cost of all things else. The Law opens the door to us freely in its “I AM the way, and the truth and the life,” and we may study it at will. But, the Almighty does not force us to know the truth, or to live it, if we know it, in order that we may have the freedom that is ours at any time we have earned the right to have it. Concentrated right thinking is the sure prophecy of its own fulfillment; and this ought to be sufficient incentive to decide all of us to get acquainted with the working power of the mental realm.

To understand what it means to be in the absolute state, or even to imagine the existence of such a state, we shall find it necessary to give much thought to the very highest states of consciousness; and, although we may not always be able to form a perfect conception of the absolute state of perfect being, still we can form mental conceptions that are so similar to that state that they will give us, for the time being, an indication to how and where we should turn attention. And here we should remember that although we may become conscious of perfect being, that does not mean that we have become conscious of all there is in perfect being. Such a consciousness would require an eternity; but we can become conscious of perfect being; we can draw so near to the absolute state that we can form a clear conception of the life of the absolute. However, we can never become conscious of all that is in the absolute, because again, that would require an eternity.

It is true that all who are spiritually awakened are conscious more or less of the absolute, and there are times when they can draw so near to perfect being that they can really feel that they are in reality the I AM. And here you should remember that whenever you can feel that you and the I AM are one and the same, then you are in absolute consciousness. However, you may continue to penetrate more and more deeply into that state for eternity, and the more deeply you penetrate into that state the larger the I AM becomes in your conscious understanding.

It is in the heart of Being that man says “I AM.” It is the I AM of man that is ever one with the Father, as one with God as a drop of water is one with the ocean of which it is a part. Man’s being is one with the Being of God and is within itself that which God is. For this reason, man within himself is power, substance and intelligence. It is knowing this that gives him dominion in the realm of form, or makes all form subject to him. “Even the winds and the waves obey him,” they said of Jesus, who was the first to claim his God-given right of dominion in earth.

Within the heart of man’s consciousness lies the creative law through which he expresses his Being. This is the treasure in heaven of which Jesus spoke, and is a treasure because within it lies the power of bringing forth every earthly treasure. It is the cause of things. It is a trinity principle, and through its use “All things are possible,” for within it lies the power and substance and intelligence through which all things are created.

This heart of Being, man’s Spirit, or Christ self, may be understood as follows:

  1. Wisdom, or Power to express.
  2. Love, or Substance with which to express.
  3. Truth, or Intelligence with which to conceive what shall be expressed.

It can be readily seen that when in man lies all power to express, and all substance with which to express, and all intelligence with which to think what form shall be expressed, there remains but one thing necessary to bring forth expression, and that is to decide what form shall be thought into expression, or to intelligently conceive what the power and substance of Being shall produce. This definite decision as to what shall be expressed is like choosing a seed for sun and earth to bring forth. They are willing to produce any harvest man desires, but he himself must decide what he wishes to sow. Even so, power and substance lie within the being of man and will bring forth into expression that which he conceives, or prophesies, if he will only fulfill the law of mind, which is the law of faith, by “Asking” for what he wants and by believing he has that for which he asks.

“What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe ye receive them, and ye shall have them.”

We will now consider the four planes of man’s being again, understanding that in his heart, or Spirit, is the power and substance and intelligence to bring all form into manifestation; That in soul the Prophet is always asking “WHAT shall be brought forth?” That in mind the law is to be fulfilled, or the individual is to believe he has that which he has conceived, since he indeed does have it in unmanifest form, and that through believing he has, he actually comes to have in expression that which previously he had only in Being.

In the Heart of man’s being, where he is one with the Father, the Father says, “I AM That power, substance and intelligence which is the fulfillment of your every desire.” In Soul, the question is asked, “What do you desire?” In Mind, it is required, “Believe ye have that which ye desire.” In Expression, it is promised, “And ye shall have the fulfillment of your desire.”

As STUDENTS of LIFE, we are seeking a method by means of which we can attain more Good. What we all want is to eliminate friction and anxiety. We desire health of body, peace of mind, and success in all of our affairs. This is possible through the harmonious adjustment of the mind to the outer and inner realm. The fear and worry of life can be banished in no other way than by Understanding. To become enlightened and to realize the Truth is to find your Self-reliance increased. “Understanding,” in the sense in which I AM using the word, includes our individual relationship to the universal Reality. The moment we look upon the Universe as the WHOLE, of which we are a part, we feel an alliance with a friendly Power. The Universe is not a foe to be conquered, but a friend to be understood.

It is said that most of Mind (nine-tenths), like the iceberg, is submerged. Just because you cannot see yourself does not mean that you do not exist. An iceberg is often seen floating against the current. This is explained by what I have just said . . that it is nine-tenths submerged. One-tenth is seen in the current flowing north but it is buried so far down that nine-tenths of it is in another current going in the opposite direction. Many people are able to go against the current of events, and succeed. They are called the strong souls. They are strong, however, because they understand that they are not the visible man but the invisible “I AM.”

Dear friends, you who at times feel almost discouraged, you who are being continually “sand-papered” by the petty worries and anxieties of life, just try for one week always saying the I AM upward, toward the good, and see what the result will be. Instead of saying, “I AM afraid it will rain,” say, “I hope it will not rain;” instead of “I AM sorry,” say, “I would have been glad had it been so and so;” instead of saying, “I AM weak and cannot accomplish,” say, “I AM, because Thou art; I can accomplish, because I AM.” You will be astonished at the result.

Mind of itself has no power, therefore mind has no power over you. Although you create images in your mind and then fear them, it is like fearing your own shadow. Neither has matter any power of its own; it is but mind modified. When you understand this you will get behind form to that which is. You then become one with the Creator; not creating imperfection, but manifesting that which is already perfect within you. The Impersonal becomes the personal, and we see the Spiritual World before us. The I AM of the ego disappears, and the I AM That I AM appears. When you say knowingly . . I AM That I AM, all things will respond; the elements will obey you; anything will be possible to you. The world will be negative to you, and you will be positive to everything in it. The Master said, “All power has been given unto me in heaven and on earth.”


All I AM Quotes From The Power of I AM Volume 2 are from the following Authors

Fay Adams, U. S. Andersen, Raymond Charles Barker, M. MacDonald-Bayne, Joseph Benner, Kate Atkinson Boehme, Thomas Parker Boyd, Louise Brownell, H. Emilie Cady, Robert Collier, Florence Gloria Crawford, Mrs. Dan M. Davidson, Walter Devoe, Franklin Fillmore Farrington, Charles Fillmore, Emmet Fox, John Seaman Garns, Harry Gaze, Neville Goddard, Henry Hand, Shirley Bell Hastings, Ernest Holmes, C. W. Kyle, Christian D. Larson, Elinor S. Moody, Joseph Murphy, Janeski Robenoff, Robert A. Russell, John Milton Scott, Elizabeth Towne, Thomas Troward, Helen Wilmans