David Allen – The Power of I AM, Vol 2, Part 22


The ancients knew that the secret name of God had power. Now we do.

David Allen - The Power of I AM 2

Mind is everywhere, in everything and through everything: everything can respond to our thought. Jesus revealed this Truth when He spoke to the fig tree, saying, Bear no more fruit, henceforth; when He spoke to the winds and commanded them to be peaceful. When a unity has been established between the individual and the Universal I AM, Mind Substance can be directed into any channel.

The Universal Mind is always impersonal. It never decides who shall use it. It becomes personal only as It expresses through us. It doesn’t matter who we are, or what we are. The sun shines on the good and the evil, and the rain falls on the just and the unjust. God is accessible and responsive to all. Cast thy bread upon the waters, for thou shalt find it after many days. The Law is exact. Thoughts are things, and things are thoughts. Cast your thought into the Universal Mind, and in due time it will return as form.

When man discovers his I AM consciousness to be the impersonal power of expression, which power eternally personifies itself in his conceptions of himself, he will assume and appropriate that state of consciousness which he desires to express; in so doing he will become that state in expression. “Ye shall decree a thing and it shall come to pass” can now be told in this manner: You shall become conscious of being or possessing a thing and you shall express or possess that which you are conscious of being.

The law of consciousness is the only law of expression. “I AM the way”. “I AM the resurrection”. Consciousness is the way as well as the power which resurrects and expresses all that man will ever be conscious of being.

If we have clearly grasped the fact of our identity with Universal Spirit, we shall find that, in the right direction, there is really no such thing as submission. Submission is to the power of another . . a man cannot be said to submit to himself. When the “I AM” in us recognizes a greater degree of I AMness . . if I may coin the word . . than it has hitherto attained, then, by the very force of this recognition, it becomes what it sees, and therefore naturally puts off from itself whatever would limit its expression of its own completeness.

“To him that overcometh” . . that is, to him who recognizes that already the world is overcome by the I AM, that there is nothing in all the universe but the I AM . . “will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and on that stone a new name which no man knoweth, saving him who receives it.”

“All is within. Pray to your Father within.”

If we do this, . . knowing and believing that we, as Life, Intelligence, Truth and Substance are God, we cannot possibly manifest pain and disease, the opposite of God. Therefore, if we will meditate and think of the Father within, the I AM, the God Principle, Power and Life, which we the Thinker really are, we can experience only health and happiness.

It is our conception of ourselves which frees or constrains us, though it may use material agencies to achieve its purpose. Because life molds the outer world to reflect the inner arrangement of our minds, there is no way of bringing about the outer perfection we seek other than by the transformation of ourselves. No help cometh from without: the hills to which we lift our eyes are those of an inner range.

It is thus to our own consciousness that we must turn, our own I AM, as to the only reality, the only foundation on which all phenomena can be explained. We can rely absolutely on the justice of this law to give us only that which is of the nature of ourselves.

To attempt to change the world before we change our concept of ourselves is to struggle against the nature of things. There can be no outer change until there is first an inner change.

To attempt to change the world before we change our concept of ourselves is to struggle against the nature of things. There can be no outer change until there is first an inner change. As within, so without.

I AM not advocating philosophical indifference when I suggest that we should imagine ourselves as already that which we want to be, living in a mental atmosphere of greatness, rather than using physical means and arguments to bring about the desired changes.

Everything we do, unaccompanied by a change of consciousness, is but futile readjustment of surfaces. However we toil or struggle, we can receive no more than our concepts of Self affirm. To protest against anything which happens to us is to protest against the law of our being and our ruler ship over our own destiny.

Before the world was “I AM”; before Abraham was “I AM”; when all things cease to be “I AM.” I AM . . the only living Reality, . . the timeless One within man, . . “the lost Word” has been found. You have truly finished the work here when you have discovered who you are and return to the Glory of the Father. In the instant you become one with the All you find you are the world, and motion, gravitation, time and space are all within you. You know now that you are Alpha and Omega, that which was, is, and ever shall be. All things in space now revolve and dance as countless wheels within you, . . the Eternal wheel of the Law. You are the Creator of Heaven and earth whose dream is creation. You are also the dream, and when the dreamer awakens, the creation disintegrates, . . “When all things cease to be “I AM.” All the world is but an infinite dream of the Infinite One. When we come out of this meditative phase we find we have fallen. “Remember man from whence thou hast fallen and do the first works.”

The statement “I AM well” should be used constantly in the deepest and most sincere attitude of realization in order to secure a basis for healthful thinking. To this statement should be added as many constructive statements as may be necessary to express the true, the perfect and the ideal in every part of human life. The principle is, to think constantly that you are well and never permit yourself to think anything to the contrary. You will thus give the power of thought the power to produce health, and such thought will permeate every part of your body with the very life of health. By giving expression to the idea of health in every mental state, and in every action of consciousness and feeling, you add health producing power to the power of thought.

The image-and-likeness man pours into “mankind” a perpetual stream of ideas that the individual man arranges as thoughts and forms as substance and life. While this evolutionary process is going on there seem to be two men, one ideal and spiritual and the other intellectual and material, which are united at the consummation, the ideal man, Christ. When the mind attains an understanding of certain creative facts, of man’s creative powers, it has established a directive, intelligent center that harmonizes these two men (ideal and spiritual vs. intellectual and material). This directive center may be named the I AM. It is something more than the human I. Yet when this human I has made union with the image-and-likeness I, the true I AM comes into action, and this is the Christ Jesus, the Son of God, evolved and made visible in creation according to divine law.

“Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free”. The truth that sets man free is the knowledge that his I AM consciousness is the resurrection and the life, that his consciousness both resurrects and makes alive all that he is conscious of being. Apart from consciousness, there is neither resurrection nor life. When man gives up his belief in a God apart from himself and begins to recognize his awareness of being to be God, as did Jesus and the prophets, he will transform his world with the realization, “I and My Father are one”, but “My Father is greater than I”. He will know that his consciousness . . I AM . . is God and that which he is conscious of being is the Son bearing witness of God, the Father.

The speed with which you make any demonstration will depend entirely upon the clarity of your mental picture. You cannot believe you are going to receive anything until you understand definitely what it is that you are going to receive. You must see the picture that you are presenting to Universal Mind very clearly. Not until your picture is clear do you have a good model or mold. The more perfect your picture, the more perfect your manifestation. The I AM working through the imagination not only can create but can also control. Imagination is the permanizing force that takes an invisible idea and builds it into form. Jesus was able to explore every negative condition and image it into perfection. The Perfect Man is created in the image of the I AM; through Spiritual vision, you can restore your body to its spiritual purity and perfection. The Universal Mind gives back to you what you deeply impress upon it. In the Silence, you are working in a spiritual foundry in which Universal Substance takes definite shape. If you are careless in your model or pattern, your product will be imperfect.

When we learn to vibrate with God, we shall be conscious that we are one with our Supply. This change in our rate of vibration is gained through the “Silence. If a musical note is sounded gradually through the various octaves until it reaches a very high pitch, it cannot be heard. Remember the second lesson, wherein I stated that things become invisible by increasing the rate of vibration. The greatest forces are “silent” because of their high rate of vibration. When one is absolutely still and his mind is taken off of forms and he thinks of the “Allness of I AM”; “Allness of Invisibility”; “Allness of Spirit,” he finds that he has met this unseen Power face to face, and is one with Him. It is at this point that he loses the sense of the personal and gains the Impersonal.

When speaking of the soul we usually refer to it as something we possess instead of that something which actually is the possessor. We generally say “I have a soul” though the correct statement is “I AM a soul.” The cause of this mistake is found in the fact that the ordinary person is only conscious of the surface. To him the outer man is the only real man, because he is not conscious of the deeper and more permanent principles of his being. He, therefore, thinks of the objective person as the true self and refers to what is distinct from the person, as something that is possessed by the person; but when the mind begins to expand, and consciousness becomes aware of the deeper and finer things in life, the discovery is made that the outer mind is not the basic mind, and that the person is not the real self.

The first discovery that is made through this mental growth is, that there is a subconscious mind, and if no further step is taken the conclusion is formed that the subconscious is the soul. There are many scientific minds today who have discovered the subconscious and believe they have found the soul, but they are mistaken. The subconscious is only the inner side of the personal mind and is, therefore, not any more a part of the soul than the outer mind. To find the soul, therefore, we must go beyond the subconscious into that state of consciousness that deals exclusively with the real, the permanent, the perfect and the absolute.

Within you is the I AM, the Infinite, Eternal One Being. Because of this, you are. Because of this, you may so attune unto and blend with the Infinite Being as to be able to say, in sincerity and in truth, for yourself, I AM. In the realization of the I AM, all dark problems are solved in light as nights are dissolved in days.

I AM now realizing myself as Mind, the power which creates by thought. My mind is creative under Mind’s Laws.”

To practice any art you must keep coming back again and again to it. Come back constantly, thoughtfully, eagerly, deliberately. So you must practice this art of creating. Practice closing the doors to the outer. Practice opening the doors of the mind to the Father-force, the Great Universal Force. Practice knowing I AM. Establish yourself in your mind. Practice looking for the Force, the creative Force. Speak to it. Practice . . practice . . practice . . practice.

The wealth consciousness never carries a thought of “I have not,” or “I cannot.” Instead it carries: “I have” . . ”I AM.” This continual carrying of constructive thinking makes the thought become, as it were, second nature, and you find no time for the opposite.

Every atom is intelligent, and every organ is a being of intelligence; it should therefore be treated as such and spoken to as such. Do not think of the organs in your body as so many physical organs, but as so many minds, because that is what they really are. The idealist is right, though he does not always make himself clear. Reduce anything to its last analysis, and you will find it to be MIND. Even iron, when reduced to its last analysis, becomes a MENTAL FORCE in nature; and many scientists believe if they could reduce still further they would find it to be absolute spirit.

What we speak of as matter is simply mind vibrating in the scale of tangibility. Matter does exist, but it does not exist apart from mind. Matter is mind in tangible expression. It is therefore strictly scientific to think of the body as visible mind, and to think of all the organs in the body as being centers of intelligence. And we shall find that when we take this view of the body, the physical system will no longer be a chunk of clay, but will become a more and more highly organized instrument, responding perfectly to every desire of the ruling mind the conscious mind, the “I AM” in man.

Imagination is the only redemptive power in the universe. However, your nature is such that it is optional

to you whether you remain in your present concept of yourself . . a hungry being longing for freedom, health, and security . .  or choose to become the instrument of your own redemption, imagining yourself as that which you want to be . . I AMness . ., and thereby satisfying your hunger and redeeming yourself.


All I AM Quotes From The Power of I AM Volume 2 are from the following Authors

Fay Adams, U. S. Andersen, Raymond Charles Barker, M. MacDonald-Bayne, Joseph Benner, Kate Atkinson Boehme, Thomas Parker Boyd, Louise Brownell, H. Emilie Cady, Robert Collier, Florence Gloria Crawford, Mrs. Dan M. Davidson, Walter Devoe, Franklin Fillmore Farrington, Charles Fillmore, Emmet Fox, John Seaman Garns, Harry Gaze, Neville Goddard, Henry Hand, Shirley Bell Hastings, Ernest Holmes, C. W. Kyle, Christian D. Larson, Elinor S. Moody, Joseph Murphy, Janeski Robenoff, Robert A. Russell, John Milton Scott, Elizabeth Towne, Thomas Troward, Helen Wilmans