David Allen – The Power of I AM, Vol 2, Part 3


The ancients knew that the secret name of God had power. Now we do.

David Allen - The Power of I AM 2

When you claim that what is true of God is true of you, miracles will happen in your life. By realizing and knowing these qualities and attributes of God are being expressed through you, and that you are a channel for the Divine, every atom of your being begins to dance to the rhythm of the Eternal God. Beauty, order, harmony, and peace appear in your mind, body, and business world as you feed among the lilies; you feel your oneness with God, Life, and God’s Infinite Riches. You are married to your Beloved, for you are now married to God; you are a bride of the Lord (I AM). From this moment forward you will bring forth children of your Beloved; they will bear the image and likeness of their Father and Mother. The father is God’s idea; the mother is the emotionalizing of the idea, and its subjective embodiment. From that union of idea and feeling come forth your health, abundance, happiness, and inner peace.

“Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free”. The truth that sets man free is the knowledge that his (I AM) consciousness is the resurrection and the life, that his consciousness both resurrects and makes alive all that he is conscious of being. Apart from consciousness, there is neither resurrection nor life. When man gives up his belief in a God apart from himself and begins to recognize his awareness of being to be God, as did Jesus and the prophets, he will transform his world with the realization, “I and My Father are one”, but “My Father is greater than I”.

The encouraging message in all of this is, no matter what may be in the subjective state of our thought, the conscious state can change it; this is what treatment does. How can this be done? Through the most direct method imaginable: by consciously knowing that there is no inherited tendency toward limitation, no race suggestion operating through subjectivity, nothing in, around or through us that believes in or accepts limitation in any way, shape, manner or form. We do not stop here, this is only half the treatment. The conscious state must now provide a higher contemplation, a spiritual realization, which says: “I partake of the nature and bounty of the All Good and I AM now surrounded by everything which makes life worthwhile. The Universal Medium at once changes Its thought (because Its thought is deductive only) and says: “Yes, I AM all these things in you,” and immediately begins the work of bringing such conditions to pass. Whatever is held in consciousness until it becomes a part of the subjective side of thought, tends to take place in the world of affairs. The reason that we do not demonstrate more easily is that the subjective state of our thought is too often neutralized by the objective state, though often this is an unconscious process of thought.

“I AM the resurrection and the life.” No principle can carry in itself an opposite and limiting principle contradictory of its own nature, and this is as true of the Principle of Life as of any other principle. It is we who by our thought introduce an opposite and limiting principle and so hinder the working of the principle we are seeking to bring into operation; but so far as the Principle of Life itself is concerned there is in it no reason why it should not come into perfect manifestation here and now.

“For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God“. . . This means that you must recognize the Living Spirit Almighty (I AM) as supreme and omnipotent and refuse to give power to any created thing. In other words, you should not worship a created thing; you must give all allegiance, loyalty and devotion to the One Presence and Power within you, called I AM, or Spirit. For example, if you are looking for promotion or advancement and you say to yourself: “The boss is blocking my good; but for him I would be promoted and receive greater emoluments,” at that moment you have exalted him, a false god. Actually, you are making the boss a god and denying the One Source . . I AM . . from Whom all blessings flow. Your subconscious mind knows that your loyalty is divided and consequently does not respond. You are like the double-minded man, unstable in all your ways. On the one hand he is affirming that I AM is the Source of his supply, meeting all his needs, and then in the next breath he is resenting his employer for not promoting him and increasing his salary. You must never give power to any person, place or thing, for actually you are transferring the power within you to externals. You must give exclusive devotion and loyalty to the One Power within you . . I AM, which responds according to the nature of your thoughts and belief.

Spirit is the active and Self-Conscious Principle. Spirit is First Cause or God . . the Absolute Essence of all that is. It is the Great or Universal I AM. Spirit is Conscious Mind and is the Power which knows Itself. It is conscious Being.

If you are dissatisfied with your present expression of life, then you must be born again. Rebirth is the dropping of that level with which you are dissatisfied and rising to that level of (I AM) consciousness which you desire to express and possess. You cannot serve two masters or opposing states of consciousness at the same time. Taking your attention from one state and placing it upon the other, you die to the one from which you have taken it and you live and express the one with which you are united. Man cannot see how it would be possible to express that which he desires to be by so simple a law as acquiring the (I AM) consciousness of the thing desired. The reason for this lack of faith on the part of man is that he looks at the desired state through the consciousness of his present limitations. Therefore, he naturally sees it as impossible of accomplishment. One of the first things man must realize is that it is impossible, in dealing with this spiritual law of consciousness, to put new wine into old bottles or new patches on old garments. That is, you cannot take any part of the present consciousness into the new state. For the state sought is complete in itself and needs no patching. Every level of (I AM) consciousness automatically expresses itself. To rise to the level of any state is to automatically become that state in expression. But, in order to rise to the level that you are not now expressing, you must completely drop the consciousness with which you are now identified. Until your present consciousness is dropped, you will not be able to rise to another level. Do not be dismayed. This letting go of your present identity is not as difficult as it might appear to be. The invitation of the scriptures, “To be absent from the body and be present with the Lord”, is not given to a select few; it is a sweeping call to all mankind. The body from which you are invited to escape is your present conception of yourself with all of its limitations, while the Lord with whom you are to be present is your . . I AM . . awareness of being.

Also realize that in very truth what you see in the mirror is but a reflection . . an appearance . . of what your mind thinks is You. But the Real You, being Spirit, cannot be seen, and instead is that which sees and knows all things. Now slowly and very positively . . trying as you voice each word to realize fully the deep meaning and significance of the command in them . . speak to that intelligence which you see looking out of the eyes in the mirror as follows (you can say it aloud or silently to yourself  . . whichever is the most effective to you): “Be still and know, . . I AM . . God. Know that I AM, and that you are not at all . . as a separate being. I AM not your body, mind or soul, . . I AM Spirit. I AM That which animates you, which lives you, which is your intelligence, which is your power to be and to do all that you are and do. “I AM your REAL self . . your ONLY self . . I, the God of you. You are only a portion of My Consciousness, dwelling within a focalized center of My Mind, which you call yourself. The proof is, you are nothing, know nothing, can do nothing, only as I inspire and empower you to know and do it.”

It is the polarization of Spirit from the universal into the particular, carrying with it all its inherent powers, just as the smallest flame has all the qualities of fire. The I AM in the individual is none other than the I AM in the universal. It is the same Power working in the smaller sphere of which the individual is the center. This is the great truth which the ancients set forth under the figure of the Macrocosm and the Microcosm, the lesser I AM reproducing the precise image of the greater, and of which the Bible tells us when it speaks of man as the image of God.

The person trying to live up to a principle did not insist that he was greater than the principle, but instead recognized that the principle was greater than he was. Building a god-like self-image was not complex. For the principle of absolute being realized itself by saying, “I AM.” And the principle of absolute power realized itself by saying, “I can.” And the principle of absolute freedom realized itself by saying, “I don’t have to.” Desire was the power that accomplished all things. Not willpower. Want power. Desire opened up the pineal gland and allowed pure energy through. A man who wanted something badly developed the power of ten. And the only reason he didn’t want something badly was because his desire had been locked up in prison. The bars of that prison were always named, “I AM not,” I can’t,” and “I have to.” If you thought, “I AM not,” you couldn’t choose a goal. If you thought, “I can’t,” you didn’t try to achieve it. If you thought, “I have to,” you only went through the motions. In any case, you were a loser. The simple self-image that brought success, whether building bridges or seeking God was “I AM,” “I can,” and “I don’t have to.” These enabled you to “want to.” By repeating these three affirmations, you could cure yourself of headaches, tiredness, indigestion, irritability, and insomnia. If you fell asleep at night repeating them to yourself, you could get things done that you never thought possible. Only eight little words, but they made a world of difference.


All I AM Quotes From The Power of I AM Volume 2 are from the following Authors

Fay Adams, U. S. Andersen, Raymond Charles Barker, M. MacDonald-Bayne, Joseph Benner, Kate Atkinson Boehme, Thomas Parker Boyd, Louise Brownell, H. Emilie Cady, Robert Collier, Florence Gloria Crawford, Mrs. Dan M. Davidson, Walter Devoe, Franklin Fillmore Farrington, Charles Fillmore, Emmet Fox, John Seaman Garns, Harry Gaze, Neville Goddard, Henry Hand, Shirley Bell Hastings, Ernest Holmes, C. W. Kyle, Christian D. Larson, Elinor S. Moody, Joseph Murphy, Janeski Robenoff, Robert A. Russell, John Milton Scott, Elizabeth Towne, Thomas Troward, Helen Wilmans