David Allen – The Power of I AM, Vol 3, Part 1


David Allen - The Power of I AM 3


There is no one thing which will give a timid soul such assurance, which will so brace up one who is inclined to depreciate and efface himself, as the constant affirmation of the ” I AM.” ” I AM courage; I AM health, vigor, strength; I AM power; I AM peace; I AM plenty; I AM a part of abundance, because I AM one with the very Source of Infinite Supply. I AM rich, because I AM heir to all the resources of the universe.”

Stoutly, constantly, everlastingly affirm that you will become what your ambitions indicate as fitting and possible. Do not say ” I shall be a success sometime”; say, ” I AM a success. Success is my birthright.” Do not say that you are going to be happy in the future. Say to yourself, ” I was intended for happiness, made for it, and I AM happy.”

God, the Father of all life is in you! Being all imagination, your true name is I AM, and besides you there is no other God. So I tell you: unless you believe “I AM He,” you will die in your sins in the sense that you will continue missing the mark. You must assume that you are now the man (the woman) you want to be and persist in that assumption, for there is no other way for you to be it, as there is only God (imagination) in this world.


God (I AM) speaks and it is done; but if God speaks, His Word must be Law. The Word of God is also the Law of God. God is Word, God is Law and God is Spirit; this is self-evident. We arrive at the conclusion that God, as Spirit, is Self-Conscious Life. That Spirit is conscious is proven by the fact that we have evidence of this consciousness strewn through all time and space. God must know that God Is. This is the inner meaning of the teaching of the “I AM,” handed down from antiquity. “The Spirit is the Power that knows Itself,” is one of the oldest sayings of time.

Since I AM as I think I AM, I have heretofore lived the slave of conditions and subject of environment because God and I were two. But now, no longer separated, the prodigal has arisen and come home to the Father and in Unity found Power, and in this realization has conquered disease and death, and, chanting “I and my Father are one,” he has taken heaven by violence and, planting its Love and Truth upon earth, made all the promised heaven here and now.

Matter and body cannot create, because they are effects. They can only manifest the energy infused into them by their cause. Vitality is not a material force; it is spiritual force. Vitality is cause. Vitality is the creative energy of the love and intelligence of the I AM which holds in its embrace every atom of sentient substance. It is the vitality of the Infinite Mind that we see manifesting in bird and beast, tree and flower, and this same vitality is at this moment giving you all the life that you have, and the Infinite Mind can give you as much as you can individualize and express. Your lack of knowledge of the possibilities of your own nature keeps you from growing out of your weak or sickly condition. Knowledge is power.

Man knows intuitively that he is God’s supreme creation and that dominion and power are his, though he does not understand fully. The I AM of him ever recognizes the one divine source from which he sprang, and he turns to it endeavoring to fathom its wonderful secrets.

It is done unto you as you believe. We limit the expression of the I AM through our belief in limitation. The Divine Law will produce anything we choose. It will produce prosperity instead of poverty, health instead of sickness. The Law is, but It must be definitely specialized. Until we specialize It, It is only a latent possibility. Through this Law, we set the Principle in which we live in motion. When we do not use the Law consciously and constructively, we are using It unconsciously and, it may be, destructively. Prayer is the mental act through which we specialize the Law for specific purposes. In the Silence, we are responsive to the Law. Silence is the home of the soul. It is always at rest, always at peace, always in repose. The unseen and silent forces in the universe are the strongest. Physical activity is noisy and slow; Infinite activity is silent and quick. We hear nothing as gravity holds our material world together. There is no sound as the sun each day lifts billions of tons of water from the earth. Neither is there any perceptible friction or noise in the operation of electricity. What we interpret as such is disturbance in the manifestation and not in the power itself. The I AM is indifferent to things because it recognizes nothing apart from Itself. It desires only man’s unity with Itself. In this unity man embodies his Good. In the intangible world of Spirit, all things needful to man are classified under the heading of Good. If we seek the supremacy of Good (God), we shall never lack. Not until we withdraw our thought from the relative plane are we able to cultivate our inner resources.

Inasmuch as this great Mind is flowing into our bodies, it must of necessity have an outlet. This conclusion leads us to accept the following: The Universal Mind flows through us, but registers or localizes itself in the solar plexus and from this point radiates by thought to the world. Therefore we see that God (I AM) is the only Thinker, Actor, Power and Life. Then “I AM” Success or if it would be easier for the student to realize the impersonal, he may say, “I AM is Success.” If he wishes to say, “God is Success,” he is saying the same thing. It is not so much what we say, so far as the words are concerned; it is the understanding with which we say them.

Troward says, “I AM that which I contemplate.” You become what you claim and feel yourself to be. Except you now believe and accept as true that you now are what you long to be, you will remain as you are. In other words, you will die in your sins, meaning you will fail to reach your mark in life. If a man who is poverty stricken refuses to enter into the mood of opulence and the belief in a God of abundance forever supplying all his needs, he will remain poor regardless of the church he joins or what creed he adopts.

The Law

I AM hard as adamant, cold as steel, bitter as gall, deadly as poison; I AM soft as down, warm as sunlight, gentle as a zephyr, tender as a mother. I AM your adversary, your opponent, your enemy; I AM your counselor, your assistant, your friend. I AM stronger than the strongest, I bend you to my iron will; I AM yielding to the uttermost, gladly I go your way. I AM a curse; I AM a blessing. I AM what you make of me; I thwart or serve, I degrade or exalt; I AM your Master or your servant. Obey me, and you are my Master ; Disobey, and you are my slave. I AM the Law!

In the 12th chapter of the Book of Numbers, we are told: “If there is a prophet among you, I the Lord will make myself known unto him in a vision and I will speak with him in a dream.” A scriptural prophet is not one who tells your fortune, but one who hears the Word of God and fulfills it. If you asked me if I were a prophet I would answer in the affirmative. I am not one who prophesies by looking into a crystal ball, teacup leaves, cards, or astrology, but one who has fulfilled scripture. I know I AM the central figure of scripture called “the Father.” I came into the world to fulfill scripture and share my revelations, my experiences concerning the power to create. In this simple way God revealed his power to create, his power to remember when!

When the average person employs the term “ego,” he thinks that he is dealing with something that is hidden so deeply in the abstract that it can make but little difference whether we understand it or not. This, however, does not happen to be true, because it is the ego that must act before any action can take place anywhere in the human system, and it is the ego that must originate the new before any step in advance can be taken. And in addition, it is extremely important to realize that the power of will to control the forces we possess, depends directly upon how fully conscious we are of the ego as the ruling principle within us. We understand therefore, that it is absolutely necessary to associate all thought, all, feeling and all actions of mind or personality with the ego, or what we shall hereafter speak of as the ” I AM.” The first step to be taken in this connection, is to recognize the “I AM” in everything you do, and to think always of the “I AM,” as being you, the supreme you. Whenever you think, realize that it is the “I AM” that originated the thought. Whenever you act, realize that it is the ” I AM” that gives initiative to that action, and whenever you think of yourself or try to be conscious of yourself, realize that the “I AM” occupies the throne of your entire field of consciousness.


All Quotes from David Allen’s The Power of I AM Volume 3 Are Attributed to…

Benjamin Johnson, Charles Fillmore, Charles Haanel, Christian Larson, Edna Lister, Emmet Fox, Ernest Holmes, Eugene Del Mar, Fenwicke L. Holmes, Florence Gloria Crawford. Frances Larimer Warner, Franklin Fillmore Farrington, H. Emilie Cady, Helen Wilmans, Henry Harrison Brown, Jane Woodard, Joseph Murphy, Nancy McKay Gordon, Neville Goddard, Orison Swett Marden, Robert A. Russell, Walter C Lanyon, William Walker Atkinson / Yogi Ramacharaka