Demand and Supply, The Money Bible, Henry Harrison Brown


It is a legitimate demand on the part of each individual that he have enough. To supply human needs is the function of the universe. All is for man. The sun shines for him: the waters run for him: the flowers bloom for him: the grain ripens for him; and the earth teems with beauty for him. All would be useless, would be purposeless but for him. When he ceases to be, there is no use for the universe or anything in it. Without Man these are virtually nonexistent. Man alone gives a meaning, a use. a value, a purpose to the universe.

There is enough in the Universal One from which all things materialize, for each one to have enough to meet all desires without robbing any. Infinite Supply is all about us and yet there is want. Whose the fault? Not of The One. It is in ourselves. We have not known how to claim, nor have we claimed our own.

The Money Bible


Excerpt From

The Money Bible The Spiritual Secrets of Attracting Prosperity & Abundance