It all goes back to the electrons and protons of which each individual cell whether mineral, animal or vegetable is made. Everything in Nature starts with this. A single electron is touched in just the right way to start it revolving on its axis. Its awakening affects other particles of a like nature, drawing them to it, setting them in motion likewise. Each electron is a small universe in itself, with revolving particles turning about a common center with the same motion and at the same relative distances that the earth and planets revolve around the sun.
It is the RATE of movement that variation occurs. Those groups that have higher rate of movement produce the higher forms of life. The moment that the rate of movement changes, form and color are changed, and in the case of complicated organisms like the human body, the change in the rate of movement of any part of the body may readily affect the harmony of the whole, for with differences in rotation, the faster units have a tendency to break away from and throw off the slower.
Something of this kind is going on in the body all the time. Older cells slow down, break away and are thrown out. That is how a dog follows the scent of its master by the trail of old, discarded cells that he is continually throwing off. It is only when we fail to throw off the inharmonious cells that disease gets a foothold and we sicken or die.
Remember this: Starting with the individual cell, we attract to us only those elements that are identical in quality and character with ourselves, and that are revolving at the same rate of speed. Our selective ability is such that we are able to pick such material as will preserve our quality and identity. This is true of our bodies, of our circumstances, of our environment. Like attracts like. If we are not satisfied with ourselves as we are, if we want a healthier body, more attractive friends, greater riches, and success, we must start at the core within ourselves!
And that core lies in our thoughts. Thought can speed up or slow down the rate of motion of the whole body. Thought can retard certain organs, and thus cause inharmony throughout the whole body. Thoughts of anger, fear, worry, envy, hatred or discouragement can create such inharmony as to bring about cancerous growths in the body as well as disaster in one’s affairs. You can cut out such growths with a surgeon’s knife, and thus help the body organism to throw off the inharmonious elements, but an easier way, a better way, is to bring the body back into harmony, bring the entire organism into tune.
The Money Bible
Excerpt From