Neville Goddard, Imagination, The Redemptive Power in Man, Quotes 141 – 150


Neville Goddard Quotes

Neville Goddard - Imagination The Redemptive Power in Man



  1. Everything is within you and can be brought into being by this simple technique. Desiring to visit my family in Barbados, I slept in New York City as though I were in Barbados and thought of New York City as 2,000 miles to the north. Then I received a letter from my brother justifying the trip and enclosing a draft to cover my personal expenses. I had not written my brother to ask him for this money, but while I was physically sleeping in New York City and imagining myself in Barbados, my brother had the impulse to write and give me reasons why I should come home. I hadn’t been there in twelve years and the family needed me to complete the link. He justified his letter; justified the draft and justified the expenses he would incur, while I . . without a nickel . . simply imagined I was already in Barbados. I knew exactly what I had done, and I believe that all things are made by God . . Imagination . . and without him is not a thing made that is made; so I have found God to be my human imagination. Now, am I going to fall into the trap and not honor him (Imagination) as God but turn to an image resembling a human being and say he was the cause of my trip? Am I going to give credit to my brother who sent me the draft and notified the steamship company to issue me a ticket? Or am I going to remember the God . . Imagination . . that I discovered? This is what Paul is asking everyone who reads his letter. Having found God, are you going to honor him as God? Or are you going to exchange the truth about God for a lie?


  1. The Bible begins on this note: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Here we see that God created the within, (for we are told that heaven is within and God is in his heaven) and he created the earth, which is without. How did God bring the earth into existence if it is on the outside and He is in heaven on the inside? By the act of movement: “The spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” Here we find that motion is the cause, that without motion it is impossible to bring forth anything. And how does God move? Through the act of imagining. Now, motion can only be detected by a change relative to a fixed frame of reference. What would you do to move from where you are now and what you are now, to where you want to be? Would your friends see a change in you? Would your outside world look different? Take time to sort out your desire, and when it is clearly defined move in your imagination. How do you know you have moved? By mentally looking at your world and seeing its change.


  1. In the Book of Psalms, you are told to; “Commune with your own self.” Sit quietly. Be at peace with yourself and suddenly thoughts will begin to flow within you, from God. In the beginning you were God! And in the end, you and I and the whole vast world of billions will be regathered into the one God. One imagination fell into this fragmented world of seeming others, yet the whole is within each one of us. A man’s enemies are those of his own household, for they are all within him. Not knowing this, man fights within himself until he realizes there is no other, just himself. Then he tells others in the hope he can convince himself. And as he rises from within, he is called back into the one being he was before that the world was. The fall into division was deliberate for God’s expansion into unity.


  1. Start now to put your imagination to the test. Jesus Christ is in you and you will not fail if you call your desire forth with God’s name. Sleep in the assumption that you already are the person you desire to be, and firmly expect the evidence to appear in your world. The last bold statement in the Book of John is: “I AM the true vine.” If God’s name is I AM and it is synonymous with God Himself, then I . . the vine . . will grow and produce the fruit I AM aware of. If you dare to remain conscious of any state, it must appear! Claim for yourself that which you would like to experience. Then put your hope fully upon the grace that is coming to you at the unveiling of Christ within you. When the first act takes place, count the days, and you will discover the last act will appear exactly 1,260 days later. After that, you will linger to tell your story to those who will listen. Not everyone will, for they are interested only in things of this world. Show them how to get their things until they hunger for the promise. Then Christ will unveil himself in them and they will discover they are God the Father. Yes, I AM the way, the truth, the life, and the vine. But when I come to the end, I AM the Father.


  1. I tell you, if you want someone to change, you must change your imaginal activity, for it is the one and only cause of your life. And you can believe anything in if you will not accept the facts your senses dictate; for nothing is impossible to imagine, and imagining . . persisted in and believed . . will create its own reality.


  1. I say to everyone: the whole vast world is now in your human imagination, and you can bring any desire out of it by believing it into being. First, you must know what you want, then create an image that fulfills it. Would your friends know and talk about it? Imagine they are with you now, discussing your fulfilled desire. You could be at a cocktail or dinner party that is being given in your honor. Or maybe it’s a little get-together over tea. Create a scene in your mind’s eye and believe its reality in! That invisible state will produce the objective state you desire, for all objective reality is solely produced by imagination.


  1. Your life is nothing more than the out picturing of your imaginal activity, for your imagination fulfills itself in what your life becomes.


  1. Always remember that the Bible is addressed to the man of imagination and not to any mortal man.


  1. Continue to revise and not to be afraid of the responsibility of this tremendous power to imagine; for life itself is nothing more than an activity of imagination. When I speak of Christ being your life, I am saying he is your imagination, for life is an activity of imagination. Ask yourself what you are imagining right now and you will discover what Christ has created. For by imagination all things are created, and without imagination is not a thing created that is created.


  1. I had discovered that my imagination was the only God who ever existed, yet in spite of this discovery I had not fed it. Rather I continued to use the rational approach to life by planning my life on a reasonable basis. Knowing of a power that did not need reason was not enough; I had to exercise this power within me. And then I was determined to exercise my imagination on behalf of myself and others. You must exercise your powerful imagination morning, noon, and night and never neglect it. It must be exercised daily and then one day you will discover the Christ within you, who is God the Father.


Neville Goddard