“I AM the beginning and the end”.
That is, all things or conceptions of myself begin and end in me, but I, the formless awareness, remain forever.
Jesus discovered this glorious truth and declared Himself to be one with God, not the God that man had fashioned, for He never recognized such a God.
Jesus found God to be His awareness of being and so told man that the Kingdom of God and Heaven were within.
When it is recorded that Jesus left the world and went to His Father it is simply stating that He turned His attention from the world of the senses and rose in consciousness to that level which He desired to express.
There He remained until He became one with the consciousness to which He ascended. When He returned to the world of man, He could act with the positive assurance of that which He was conscious of being, a state of consciousness no one but Himself felt or knew that He possessed.
Man who is ignorant of this everlasting law of expression looks upon such happenings as miracles.
To rise in consciousness to the level of the thing desired and to remain there until such level becomes your nature is the way of all seeming miracles.
Neville Goddard
Excerpt From