JOSEPH MURPHY wrote, taught, counseled, and lectured to thousands all over the world for nearly fifty years. Born in 1898, he was educated in Ireland and England. Years of research studying the world’s major religions convinced him that some great Power lay behind them all: The Power is within you!
Dr. Murphy was Minister-Director of the Church of Divine Science in Los Angeles for 28 years, where his lectures were attended by 1300 to 1500 people every Sunday. His daily radio program during all that time was immensely popular. He moved to Laguna Hills, California in 1976, where he continued to speak every Sunday until he made his transition in 1981.
Murphy refused requests for profiles and biographies, saying that his life was to be found in his books. He wrote over 30, including The Amazing Laws of Cosmic Mind, Secrets of the I-Ching, The Miracle of Mind Dynamics, Your Infinite Power to Be Rich and The Cosmic Power Within You. There is a new edition of The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, revised and expanded by Ian McMahan.
Murphy was influenced by Ernest Holmes and Emmet Fox, both well known writers on New Thought principles, but his academic background was in Eastern religion. He spent many years in India, and was an Andhra Research Fellow at the University of India.
Dr Murphy spent a good part of his life studying Eastern religions, and was a scholar of the I-Ching, the Chinese book of divination whose origins are lost in history. Joseph Murphy, Ph.D., D.D., was a world-renowned authority on mysticism and mind dynamics. He remains a beacon of enlightenment and inspiration for legions of loyal followers.
“You were born to be rich. You grow rich by the use of your God-given faculties, by tuning in with the Infinite, and as your mind becomes productive and full of good ideas, your labor will become more productive and will bring you all kinds of material riches.”
“There is no virtue whatsoever in poverty, which in actual fact is a mental disease, and it should be abolished from the face of the earth. You are here to find your true place in life, and to give of your talents to the world. You are here to expand and unfold in a wonderful way, according to a God-given potential, and to bring forth spiritual, mental, and material riches, which will bless humanity in countless ways. Learn how to surround yourself always with beauty, and luxury, and realize your inalienable right to live, liberty, freedom and peace of mind.
“It is your Divine right to dramatize, reveal, portray and express the power, elegance, and riches of the Infinite One.”
“I have seen miracles happen to men and women in all walks of life all over the world.” — Dr. Joseph Murphy.
Dr. Murphy teaches the simple, scientifically proven techniques and the astonishing facts about how your subconscious powers can perform miracles of healing. How lung cancer has been cured and optic nerves made whole again. How you can use the newly discovered Law of Attraction to increase your money-getting powers. How your subconscious mind can win you friends, peace of mind, and even help you to attract the ideal mate. How your dreams can help you solve problems and make difficult decisions — or warn you of potential disaster. Prosperity, happiness and perfect health are yours when you use The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind.
Murphy saw the subconscious mind as a darkroom within which we develop the images that are to be lived out in real life. While the conscious mind sees an event, takes a picture of it and remembers it, the subconscious mind works backwards, ‘seeing’ something before it happens (why intuition is infallible).
The subconscious responds to habit and habitual thinking. Being totally neutral in a moral sense, it is happy to adopt any habit as ‘normal’ – good or bad. We blithely let negative thoughts drop into the subconscious every minute of our lives, then are surprised when they find expression in day to day experiences and relationships. While there are some things that will happen to us that we had no role in creating, these are in fact rare. Mostly, the bad that happens is in us already, waiting for the light of day.
Understanding your subconscious mind as a photographic mechanism removes the emotion and struggle from changing your life, because if it is simply a matter of replacing existing mental images with new ones, you begin to see the ease with which you may change.
‘The law of your mind is the law of belief itself,’ Murphy says. What we believe makes us who we are. William James observed that whatever people expect to be true, will be so, irrespective of whether the object of their belief exists in fact. In the West we have made ‘the truth’ our highest value; this motivation, while important, is weak next to the actual power of belief in shaping our lives. Whatever you give your subconscious – false or true, good or evil – it will register as fact. Be careful not to joke about misfortune, as the subconscious has no sense of humour.
‘If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth’ (Mark 9:23). In all the old rituals of ancient times, with their weird mixtures and incantations, it was the power of suggestion and acceptance in the subconscious mind that healed. Even today, doctors report the power of placebos to produce miraculous recoveries if accompanied by doubt-free instructions that ‘this will do the trick’. Miracles of healing, Murphy says, are simply the body’s obeying of the subconscious mind’s knowledge of ‘perfect health’ when the questioning nature of the normal conscious mind is silenced.