Evelyn Davis – The Power of Love (Unity Magazine)


IF people only knew the bountiful provider, the easy task-master, that love is, the jails and penitentiaries would not be so thronged. If every morning each one would say, ” I will take with me this morning into the world and its onward crush, just the one weapon, love,” he would find the world at his feet, God revealed, and plenty of all good flowing to him from every quarter. If this sweet weapon, love, could be used just for one short hour by all the unions in the country, it would revolutionize the entire labor question, and bring plenty and happiness into each and every home. It would open the purse strings of the money holders, and fill the home of every loborer in the land with radiant sunshine. It would fill every man, woman and child with superb health. It would melt away all hardened conditions. It was only the dear teaching of the Christ that was given, not for a chosen few, but for all. If all would cease struggling and only love; love the Good Supreme, the good in everything, and in everybody, refuse to talk of and gloat over the ill things of life, refuse to condemn, but determine to win all through love, the desired peace and plenty would come to everyone on God’s green earth.

This mighty power of love (unselfish love) in one’s consciousness is a drawing card that cannot fail you. No one can resist the loving one, the sweet smile, the kind act. Cease all self-condemnation and go forth every day, yes, every hour, with this one avowed purpose in your mind, ” I will win all through love;” and then let the love fairly shine out all through you, no matter if you have on the commonest of clothing, it will work like magic, and you will be a bright, sweet, pure presence that none can resist. “He who runs may read” such an one.

The battle is yours, and you are a blessing, not only to a few, but to the entire world. Just try this weapon of love; it unlocks all sorts of prison doors, breaks down all walls of oppression, melts away all barriers to success. This is nothing more than good common sense, doing as we would be done by. It is sound philosophy, and the best receipe ever given for overcoming all poverty, sickness, worry, sin and care.

There is a love so deep, so grand, that it cannot be sounded or compassed by the mind of man until he be unfolded into the perfect mind of God. Seek not to confound the use of love with that of personal gain, or selfish satisfaction, but go into the depths of the Christ teachings and from there bring forth the bright jewels that lay hidden to the unsearching mind. Bring forth the bright gems that quiver and dance and scintillate from the depths of true God consciousness, and beam forth as brilliant rays of love-light that pierce the gloom of every saddened and benighted heart in the universe. Then break forth, each and every soul, in the one grand theme of love, such as was given to the world in the glowing teachings of Christ, and this world of ours shall become so charged with brightness, so illumined, that all the worlds surrounding her shall be attracted to our bright sphere, and the effulgence of the holy presence of love shall be the all-known and widely worshipped God, and attract all the people that inhabit the entire universe of worlds.

This is no mythical teaching. It is the philosophical teachings of Christ, demonstrated by him wherever he went, whenever he spoke. These wondrous words of love are to be brought into daily, hourly, aye, into an abiding state of use, the fruit of which is harmony, freedom, prosperity, wisdom, and pure spirit consciousness, which becomes inevitable in prominence in every seeking soul.

Love was the power which Jesus wielded. Love was the awakening Life presence. Love was and is the bountiful provider, the all-healing presence, the kingdom of heaven consciousness which his disciples had at times when they came in closest spiritual touch with Christ. Love unfolded peace to the hearts of the sorrowing and opened the eyes of the blind; healed the lepers and cleansed the impure. Almighty, unswerving, unchangeable love! Not for glory or renown did Christ wield this mighty power of love. This teaching of love is handed down to us through generations as the greatest, most sacred and most practical teaching ever given to the world. Would it not have been wise to have destroyed the old Mosaic teachings and laws entirely when Christ came teaching such wondrous love, not even holding to these old documents as a matter of history? For do we not even today see the error that fills the minds of the over-zealous Bible reader, those who “believe every word in the Bible”? It seems incredible that anyone can make such a random statement, and if it is so that they so blindly believe, is it any wonder that on hearing of a murder these same people cry out that the guilty one be hanged? But Christ said, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” And again, “Love is the fulfilling of the law.”

The brightest star in the diadem of the immortals is that which symbolizes the teachings of Christ, is that which comes straight from the fountain of love within each soul, and when a soul is poised in love, untouched by selfish motive, that soul has the power to speak the words of spirit and of life to all creation, and as he speaks, so speaks God; and as God speaks, the universe obeys; and thus man, through •the power af love as taught by Christ, has proven thai all power is given unto him in heaven and in earth.

“In love immeasurable and boundless I continually dwell; the love which is changeless, unfailing, and will at all times and in all ways sufficient prove.”