Julia Seton Sears – Psycho Therapy



The greatest secret of the age is the connection with, and manipulation of the Cosmic Energy, and the next thing in importance is the method by which we relate ourselves to this Cosmic Energy and through this relationship make or unmake our life.

To-day we know that the great cosmic ether in which we live, and in which the whole objective world exists is nothing but a vast undifferentiated sea of energy, the absolute or abstract is called God, and the differentiated is called matter; this energy is composed of electrical currents, and these currents are always waiting to correspond in positive and negative re-action with other currents.

Man and his environment are formed of this energy; he is a localized center of force, and he and his environment are only the embodiment of electrical energy with which he relates under the law of Cosmic correspondence.

As we investigate this Cosmic or Energy, we find there is a negative and positive re-action within it. These forces act independently, or together.

In the manifested world each individual takes his place in one, or both, of these re-actions. Every individual Is by birth either positive or negative in his cosmic position, and we call the positive individual creative, and the negative one receptive, and only as these two forces are joined in a life can it become whole, creative, and powerful.

This great Cosmic Energy is also intelligence, and this intelligence is in action no matter whether it is in the abstract, or the concrete expression of life; the atmosphere is intelligence, so also are the forms of life called matter; the objective world is only the little world, or the microcosm of the macrocosm. When we know this we can soon see that under this law every cell of our physical body must become intelligence, and in league with the higher intelligence around us, and a correspondence between the two is a natural result.

The positive, and negative re-action of the intelligence within and without us sets into activity the cells of our physical body, and produces within us a great electrical explosion which is called the vibratory law of our being. Under this vibratory law we are constantly creating, registering, and sending out electrical currents which act on the atmospheric environment, and they in turn act upon us, keeping up a continuous electrical circuit, and these circuits are known as our aura, atmosphere, or radiations, or electrically speaking they are our magnetic field of lines of force and those in whom the electrical exchange is very rapid, are called magnetic, mesmeric, or attractive.

Everything in the universe is in a state of intelligent vibration, and when intelligence becomes expressed in the form of the human plane it passes into what is known as human consciousness, and becomes a part of Cosmic Consciousness. All human life is simply different states of consciousness brought about by the different vibratory laws to which humanity responds. The physical body is a group of atoms tuned to move at a certain vibratory rate and within this human physical form there is another body of finer atoms tuned to move at a still higher vibration, and this fined atomic body is in direct relationship with the higher electrical currents of the cosmos. This finer body is the thought of psychic body, and the physical body is dependent for its expression upon this body, just as the very best piano, or instrument on earth is dependent upon the player for its expressed melody.

All sight, hearing, taste, sensation, everything is in the psychic body, not in the physical one.

What many of the psychologists so fondly call the subconscious mind, is only the registered intelligence in this psychic body, and disassociated from this the physical atoms become as dead. It is this body that is driven out by an aesthetic. This psychic body manifests through the human brain, and its vital centers, its fixed point of physical union is through the solar plexus, or the abdominal brain of the physical body, the higher concept centers of the brain are the switchboard where the connections are made for consciousness, and through which the human mind registers the psychic phenomena.

Disease is simply the loss of connection between the physical and psychical body, and results from loss of poise either on the physical, mental, or psychical plane and is simply disassociation of the two bodies.

There are two great avenues in the human body where disassociation takes place, and these are first, the mind, through negative thinking, and second the emotions through negative feeling; these thoughts, and feelings indulged in bring depolarization of the vital centers within the brain.

Our thoughts are the great instrument with which we bring everything into our psychic mind, and they are the instrument with which we exclude everything from our psychic body. Our emotions are the great instrument with which we use everything brought into our consciousness, and the emotions determine the vibrations under which we live; the whole life can be depolarized through thoughts of hate, envy, fear, anger, grief, fright has frequently killed; all these well known conditions are only rates of vibration acting upon the psychical body through the mind and emotion, and causing their corresponding effect upon the physical cells.

It is known only too well to-day that back of all the well known physical conditions, such as nervous prostration, temporary insanity, nervous disorders of the bowels, pains resembling rheumatism, and neuralgia, heart trouble with mental symptoms, nervous chills, hot flashes, morbid forebodings, there lurks the abnormal activity of the psychic body, brought about by the thoughts and feelings being allowed to act abnormally upon the vital centers of the nervous systems.

All disease except accidental wounds, fractures, and infectious diseases, are at first functional in their origin; they begin because the psychical centers are not normally connected by thought and feeling, and the psychic body is over or under active; if this connection is persisted in the disturbed function brings change in the cells themselves, and a really organic lesion results; by this same law as soon as the psychical body is adjusted, and sends out the correct amount of energy, the physical cells find again their normal vibratory rate restored, we can rebuild old tissue with new cells, and restore to health what may seem to be an impossible condition.

Now the only thing that naturally follows these statements is the question how to restore this normal psychic union, and how to bring together the disassociated psychic body, and the physical one, and again poise the life in a normal vibration, with its normal electrical re-action. The process is brought about through the correct control of the idea centers of the physical brain, and here is where New Thought Healing differs from many other methods of healing.

New Thought deals with the psychological side of the individual, and teaches him a normal relationship with every law within, and without himself. The scientific medical knowledge of the localization of motor, sensory, and psychical functions in the cortex of the brain make it possible to form a fairly definite, and probable hypothesis as to how the mechanism of the healing is accomplished through the natural idea centers of the brain.

Ideas have definite sensory centers in the cortex of the brain. It is held that the ideas of motion are located in the kinesthetic centers of the posterior part of the Rolandic region of the brain, and are memories of the sensation, caused by motion being repeated. Bear this in mind, for it is thus seen how psychologically conscious ideation may be brought to produce a particular form of activity by establishing memories of a strong positive nature to which the motor fibers of our body must respond.

It is held by some that the prefrontal lobe, and part of the parietal and temporal regions of the cortex are receiving stations which connect all the motor and sensory centers in our brain somewhat as the telephone central connects scattered subscribers, and these are called association fiber centers.

In this connection it is necessary to remember that associated impulses pass finally from one center to another.

This shows us that all action depends first upon the idea of the action, then the willing to do, then the doing, and is brought about by the normal action, of a chain of corticle centers in the physical brain.

It becomes necessary to instruct everyone in the correct use of the idea centers, and through this instruction we succeed in forming for them, or helping them to form such ideas as will touch the emotions, and poise the psychical and physical body in a harmonious vibration and register only a normal amount of power on both planes, and not drive the human engine to destruction in a wild waste, and explosion of electrical energy.

The first step toward poising a life in harmonious electrical re-action is to give it the positive creative ideation; and this is done by changing their thought world, and this changes their emotional rate, this is followed by an increased will power, doing later becomes possible. “Ideation,” “willing,” and “doing,” is the great psychic trinity; and when these are correctly expressed Health must follow.

Thoughts of disease, worry, anxiety, fear, morbid imaginings, all produce negative vibrations, and they weaken the idea motor centers, and favor weakness of willing and doing.

Thoughts of health, success, happiness, harmony, beauty, joy, selfness, power, etc., all these are positive creative thoughts, and stir the most harmonious emotions into expression, moving the body at a purely normal rate of vibration, and they strengthen the idea of motor centers of the physical brain, and favor firmness of willing, and bring about a normal psychical activity; in the continued use of these ideas we produce for the patient a power consciousness, or a sane sensible human expression of harmony, so the patient must be taught at once to resist any negative ideation. We have come to the exclusive use of affirmation to strengthen a weak ideation; we no longer say “I will not be sick,” but rather “I am health.”

If when we first meet a patient we find him so depolarized that his concept centers refuse to take up an idea we simply form the idea for him, and in the weakened condition of his idea centers he cannot refuse to receive what is projected into his psychic mind, and we build him a positive ideation motor form, and project this into his psychic mind through his physical idea centers, we project it again, and again until his psychic mind lays hold of it, and responds to the image; then the idea centers receive it, and the emotions respond, and the vibrations of the body are changed, and a new consciousness results. This is not normal for the patient’s conscious mind is allowed to be free, etc., this the whole science by which one is taught to heal himself, and the whole science by which we give absent treatments; the psychic body is always ready to receive stimulus through the mind, and this stimulus can be produced face to face or miles apart, the atmospheric ether carrying on the thought vibrations, and ready to vibrate the physical body to the feelings these thoughts produce ; and when one can be taught to produce his own ideas, and project them into his psychic mind, he becomes healed by his own developed understanding; when he cannot do this then the healer, doctor, or teacher being the powerful manipulator of these cosmic currents can so beat upon the patient’s electrical body with his own creative thoughts, that he forces the negative brain cells to respond to the higher or positive vibration, and in this way changes the patient’s consciousness, and clears the corticle centers for a new idea motor form.

There is nothing mysterious, or metaphysical, or strangely supernatural in New Thought, or Healing, or Psycho-Therapy; it is only the understanding of the great universal forces in operation without and within ourselves.

It is the finer relationships of our own being with the great Creative Energy of the universe. Through the understanding of correct vibration, the human body can be stored full of energy that can be assimilated and utilized in the vital processes of life. Man is a magnet, and his atmospheric environment is magnetic ether. The great terrestrial magnetism is always beating through him as long as he does not break his connection, and when he has broken it he can re-establish his union, and draw harmony to himself, just as soon as he knows the truth of this universal law. He may heal himself to stay healed, and even death can be made to stand still and wait years, under this law; we can build for ourselves a physical body of increasing power until at last we stand up with such marvelously adjusted centers that our consciousness will reach to the very center of our being within, and to the rim of consciousness without, and will vibrate to the highest rates of cosmic intelligence; then we are one with Nature, or God, with the very life blood of the universe in our veins; and we can understand what Jesus meant when he said:

“I Tell thee of a truth; there be some standing here that shall not taste of death till they see the kingdom of God.”