Meditation 8
The truth about life is the infinite love of God for all things. Each man is my brother, bound to me by immortal and everlasting ties. I love all people; they dwell in my Father and my Father in them. I surrender my heart to humanity, and humanity serves me with love. I surrender my heart to God, and the love of God becomes complete in me. I AM one with all the power and vigor and knowledge of the universe. I let go of fear and confusion; They are illusions and cannot live with truth, which is love, which is complete and fulfilled in me now. The great reality of Universal Subconscious Mind is forever present at the center of my being. I draw from it perfect intelligence, perfect health, perfect peace, perfect happiness, perfect love. I surrender all the built up inhibitions that have been impressed upon me by the illusions of the world. I refuse to accept anything but truth, which is always the good and the positive. I move in accord with Divine Intelligence. I accept the will and the love of God, which I express in laughter and joy and pleasure and service. Only the good, the great, the significant, and the constructive do I add unto myself. Nothing else is allowed into the creative depths of my being. The surging desire of each man is to know the fulfillment of love. The way to this fulfillment is through contact with the center of consciousness, through communion with the silent dweller within. I surrender my doubts and confusions and fears. Universal love is complete in me. I AM united with God, move with God. I AM serene and sure, joyful and achieving, confident of ultimate splendor.
You can also get these meditations in The Power of I AM Volume 2
The ancients knew that the secret name of God had power. Now we do.