Infinite Supply is my savings account.
We do not carry a savings account around with us, — we do, however, carry about with us a sense of satisfaction and a feeling of security in that we have a savings account. We know that the account is in the bank and that we can draw on it at any time. Think of Infinite Supply as your savings account, ever-present and always responsive to your demands upon it. You do not see the money in the bank, but you know it is there. In the same way know that you are always surrounded by the raw material from which money is made. You may be sitting in an empty room, but you know that the room is filled with air, though it is invisible. If sunbeams strike across the room, you become aware that the room is also filled with little motes of dust. Substance is, although invisible, but it responds and takes form in accordance with your mental concept.
The Father worketh hitherto, and I work.
“Nature unaided fails.” “The Father worketh hitherto, and I work.” All creation is spirit in form. The universal life principle has evolved a self-conscious being; namely, Man, and all future evolution depends upon the cooperation of Man with the Creative Law, which produced him. As the parent birds shove the fledglings out of the nest that they may learn to use their wings, so is Man set adrift to learn through experience how to use the Creative Law of Cause and Effect.
I live in Eternity.
“A thousand years in His sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.” Man’s experience on this plane is but a day in his Eternal Existence. We are accustomed to the thought that God is ever-present. Let us realize that we are ever-present also, with reserved seats for the Eternal Pageant of Life.
All things reveal God.
John of Salisbury, who lived in the 12th Century, wrote as follows, “All things, even the most insignificant, reveal God, but each reveals Him in his own way. Just as the sunlight is different in the sapphire, the hyacinth and the topaz, so, too, God reveals Himself in an infinite variety of forms in different orders of creation.”
I have freedom under Law.
Law is the statement of the habit of nature — the noted manner of the Creative Process. Only in a world of Law is it possible to have freedom. If the Universe were founded upon disorder instead of order, we would be the victims of Chaos. But the fundamental principle of the Universe is Order, and the method of its activity we call Law. This Law, as it applies to man, is a law of belief, for it has been observed that our beliefs take form. Knowing this we have freedom under this law — the freedom to entertain any belief we please.
There is no sin but a mistake, and no punishment but an inevitable consequence.
There is only that which is — but after it has gone through the mill of Cause and Effect we call the result Good or Evil. Ethics is the philosophy of moral acts. Socrates, the Father of Ethics, said Virtue is the Highest Good. Others, with less lofty ideals, said, “There is no good except that which you can see, and handle, and feel.” Through the study of Ethics alone man may learn to love the good — but never find it (like Diogenes who went about with a lantern looking for an honest man, because he loved honesty). With physics alone man may find the whole material world, and miss his own soul—grasping the cage to find that the bird has flown.
All roads lead to Unity.
“All roads lead to Rome,” — just so, all roads lead to Unity, because they start there. The roads that lead to Rome lead out from Rome. The One Life Principle is expressing Itself, and every Expression, be it star, flower or man points an index finger to the One from which it sprang.
I am receptive to the Substance of God.
The greater my recognition of Spirit, the greater my receptivity to the Substance of God. Substance is the material correlative of Spirit. Without Spirit there could not be Substance and without Substance there would be no way for Spirit to take form — it would be like a writer with nothing. to write upon. Substance is the stuff from which Spirit fashions its traveling-suit for its journey from Idea to Earth.
Truth does not depend upon my thought.
Truth is that which is, and our thought about it does not affect it. “Who by taking thought can add one cubit to his stature?” We can add nothing to Truth for it is all there is. Life is, Substance is, the Creative Law is,—and none of these is dependent on our thought or lack of thought. Man is the result and not the cause of Life. Falsehood alone is contrary to Truth. “Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free.” When you know a thing you are one with it. Knowing the Truth, you are one with it and thus free from mistaken belief.
The Life of God is individualized in me.
There is only the one Life Principle. It is the nature of Life to express itself — the expression is what we call Creation. All Creation, then, is an expression of the One Life. Man is the expression in self-conscious form. Realizing then the source of our being, we should be forever healed of self-pity, self-depreciation, self-condemnation and self-consciousness as we usually employ this term. The little “I am” yields to the greater I AM, not to the loss of individuality but to the expansion of the possibilities which lie hidden within us. “As the Father hath life in Himself, so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself.”
I am made in the image of Love.
“Man is made in the image and likeness of God, and God is Love.” As students of Religious Science, we are learning to break away from the old order of thought which would have us believe that “God loves and pities his children.” We accept as our major premise that there is only the One Spirit of Life and that we are the incarnations, the embodiments of this One — consequently It can have no patronizing feeling toward us. It knows us only as itself. The extent of that recognition depends upon the extent to which any individual realizes the relationship. “I am the vine, ye are the branches.” These branches personified, are members of the human race, and that individual will draw down into himself the most of this Life-giving sap of the Vine who the most clearly realizes that he is a branch.
The Christ in me is my Perfect Self.
Every human being is an embryo-Christ. In some the Christ remains unborn, some are babes in Christ-consciousness and some are masters in Christ-consciousness. In all, there is the Christ-possibility for this goes inseparably with self-conscious existence. When we awaken to the truth that our life is the Life of God, “the Christ has been born anew.” Then we must cultivate and encourage this new consciousness that “the Christ may grow in grace, and in favor with God and man.”
I recognize God within me and in all Creation.
Mind’s Eternal Quest has been for Truth. It will never find it until it recognizes itself in the mirror of Creation. Reason is the microscope through which mind squints, and Imagination is the telescope through which it gazes afar. All that is perceived through either instrument is mind’s own reflection; and it does not recognize itself in its many disguises.
All that the Father hath is mine.
God owes Himself nothing for he is all Substance. God individualized as man, owes Himself nothing for He is all Substance. God within me knows no indebtedness. This truth frees me from the fear of indebtedness.
I am growing in a knowledge of the Truth.
Truth is that which is. We did not make it, and we cannot change it. But we can know more Truth, and each revelation will free us from some false belief. All suffering, both mental and physical can be traced to some false belief; therefore, the more we know of Truth the less suffering we shall have to endure. I am growing in a knowledge of Truth.
I cultivate tolerance.
Everyone has a right to his own belief, but he has no right to inflict it upon others. “Religion’s greatest enemy is the spirit of intolerance manifested by its most zealous advocates. True religion sanctions no course of procedure in its defense that is contrary to the spirit of love.”
The One Life is flowing through me manifesting as perfect health.
Health and Sickness are not causes but results. When we add a column of figures there can only be one correct result. The way to obtain a different result is to change the factors. The result called sickness can be changed by substituting a correct mental conclusion in place of the one which produced the sickness. Start with a clean page and write these factors upon it: “The One Life, birthless, deathless and changeless, is my life here and now; this One Life is Intelligence and guides me in ways of wisdom; the Substance of God is my constant Supply; the Love and the Beauty of God are expressed through me.” Add up this column and the result will be health.
I direct Subjective Mind.
We have been directing Subjective Mind every conscious moment of our lives — but we didn’t know it, just as we breathed air for years before we knew that there was such a thing as air. Subjective Mind takes our every thought as a direction, a command, and starts in at once to create it into a thing. Now that we know this, let us entertain only those beliefs which we shall rejoice to welcome as a condition in our lives.
Infinite Intelligence is my Guide.
Let this be the word we speak for ourselves: “There is a Wisdom which knows; there is an Intelligence which directs; my path is made plain before me; the answer to my problem is revealed,” — and verily this “word shall be a lamp unto our feet, and a light unto our path.”
Life is still.
“Be still and know that I am God.” Be still and thou shalt know that the “I AM” which is thyself, is God, is Life, is all there is, or was, or ever shall be. In the presence of death a hush comes over us — it is then that we are still enough to sense the ever-presence of Life. And this very recognition causes us to resent Death, which is the result of the denial of Life. The only place this denial of Life has existence is in a mistaken concept — we call the result Death, and the resentment Grief. The power of conscious reflection is the highest manifestation of Life, and we are encouraged to believe that this same power will eventually enable Man so to perceive the ever-presence of Life that he shall come to dwell here and now in that aspect of Life we call Eternal.
The meaning of Life is life itself.
The consciousness of man is a cauldron where The One is dissolved into the many and poured out to cool on the platter of experience, and then collected and melted back again into the One. Unity goes forth into diversity but travels back into Oneness.
My Life’s setting is the Universe.
We think our lives are cramped and narrow; we speak of getting into a rut; and there is a reason for this rebellion, for the Spirit of Life within us knows itself to be free. It was conceived in Universal Spaces, born into the vastness of Eternity, and all Creation is its rightful playground. God made man upright and gave him dominion, but we can come into masterhood only through the constructive use of the creative power of thought.
Thoughts become things.
Thoughts become things — we do not know how this is accomplished, but neither do we know how seeds become plants. Fortunately it is not necessary for us to understand the ways and means in either instance in order to utilize the principle. The reason we do not demonstrate quickly is because we do not quite let go of the mental seed. The length of the process of gestation is proportionate to our idea of the time required.
My Thought is creative.
Thought builds up and repairs our bodies; thought erects the houses we live in, and calls to us those with whom we come in contact. We become what the mind dwells upon. Therefore “whatsoever things are of good report, think on these things.”
Peace is my vibration.
Only that one can vibrate peace who is in tune with Life. We are told that God is Life, and God is Peace; now those things which are equal to the same thing are equal to each other; so by process of reasoning as well as by intuition we arrive at the conclusion that Life is Peace. Life fights nobody and no thing. It is Peace—and our atmosphere will be that of Peace in proportion to our attunement to the rhythm of Life.
I rejoice in Freedom.
“Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth will make you free.” Freedom is our birthright, therefore we long to be free from fear, sickness, burden and all forms of unhappiness. This freedom can only come as we recognize the Truth of our being. So long as we believe lies about ourselves, Truth cannot be manifest in us. Freedom must be redeemed by each individual — no one can do this for us. In the last analysis, there is no vicarious atonement. Accepting as the truth that we are free frees us, for “there is something that does unto us according to our belief.” I rejoice in freedom.
Body is the garment of spirit.
Thomas Hobbs writing in the 16th Century said, “An incorporeal spirit does not exist.” It is the nature of thought to clothe itself in form, and the nature of spirit to embody itself. “The body is all ensouled, and the soul all embodied.” Just because we no longer see the embodiment of certain souls “we have loved long since and lost awhile,” is no proof that they no longer have bodies. Because we have learned from experiment and from experience that thought does clothe itself in form, we have every reason to believe that creatures capable of conscious reflection will always be clothed in form. Edward Carpenter says that as a hand encased in a glove is withdrawn from a gauntlet, so the spirit robed in a finer body withdraws from this house of clay. Body is the garment of spirit.
Wisdom directs my thoughts.
The action of the mind is thinking, and it builds up a form which is like the idea which started the mental process. If our thoughts are guided by wisdom, we shall call the result good, and that which is good is like God, who is Wisdom. There is a difference of only one letter between the word God and the word good. If our thoughts are guided by wisdom, we shall see God in the result.
I see myself in others.
Emerson says, “Jove nods to Jove from behind each one of us — even in our ordinary conversations.” In the ratio that we think of ourselves as centers of God-Life, Love and Wisdom, so will those we contact appear to us to personify these God-qualities. Jesus knowing this, said, “Whosoever giveth a cup of cold water to one of these little ones giveth unto me.” I see myself in others.
I abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
The consciousness of the ever-presence of Good protects me from harboring thoughts of fear. The realization of His Indwelling Presence casts out of my mental house-hold all false beliefs that would rob me of my peace of mind. The peace of God which passeth all understanding makes its abiding place in my heart.
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