God is expressed through me.
God is Life, and Life is God. It is the nature of this Life-God to express. All that we call Creation is an expression of It. Man is an expression of It in self-conscious form, and the individual who is most fully aware of himself as an expression of It is the most able to invite more of the God-Life to express Itself through him.
All my desires are fulfilled through my intelligent use of the Creative Law.
To say that anyone can have whatever he desires is not true. We can desire a thing with all our hearts but if there is no mental acceptance of that thing it will not materialize in our experience. In order to use any power we must submit to its law, and the Creative Power of Thought is no exception. This Creative Power is always creating for us whatever our mental acceptance is – if the mental acceptance is that of something we desire to experience then our desire will be fulfilled.
The Substance of God is wherever I am.
The Cosmic consciousness of Life causes a vibration within Life Itself. This vibration becomes static as it were or takes on the appearance of a solid, (for example, if one held up his hand and moved it very rapidly from side to side, the fingers would appear to merge together). This Cosmic Solid, or Substance, is converted into form according to the thought pattern or mould into which it is poured. The awareness that Substance is wherever we are, together with the fact that it is responsive to our thought enables us to gain the consciousness of Abundance which by the very nature of the Law of Creative Process results in what the world calls Prosperity.
I approve of myself.
Every time we feel weak, inefficient, poor, sinful, that is the use we are making of the Creative Power. But when we use the Creative Power in this way we are never satisfied with the results — that is because the Essence of our being is strength, abundance and goodness. I approve of myself because my real self is one with all that I have always thought of as God-qualities.
The Creative Law is impersonal.
If this were not true it would have a will of its own which might be opposed to the command we give. The soil has no will of its own or it might refuse to accept the seeds we plant in it. It is impersonal, and for this reason it accepts any and all seeds that we care to plant. So it is with the Creative Law of Mind this Mind-soil is impersonal, receiving as seeds, all of our beliefs. Let us sort these belief-seeds carefully — so shall the harvest be made a time of rejoicing.
Within me is the fountain of Good.
“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all of these things shall be added unto you.
The Kingdom of Heaven is ‘within you.” “With all thy getting, get Understanding.” We shall be dependent upon things until we learn that we are the masters of their production, and we can only learn this by a recognition of our True Masterhood, and this “degree” can only be earned by attendance at that Inner College which each can find only within himself. “It is in knowledge as in swimmers; he who flounders and splashes on the surface, makes more noise and attracts more attention, than the pearl-diver who quietly dives in quest of treasures to the bottom.”-Washington Irving
Any belief of mine which is contrary to the nature of Life will manifest as misfortune.
The good we desire is in accord with the nature of Life. When fear that we shall not receive our good becomes our belief, all sorts of misfortunes result. Any particular misfortune is the exact counter-part of the fear which constituted the belief. Fear of death results in sickness and death fear of limitation results in poverty — fear of inability results in a manifestation of it. “A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? By their fruits ye shall know them.”
My thought deals directly with the Creative Power of the Universe.
Life is a unit. There is not one Creative Law for God and another for Man. Man is God individualized, and the creative power which is the Mind of God (Subjective Mind) is responsive to God when He operates from the Man-Center the same as when He operates from the Cosmic Center. The thoughts ye think are the seeds ye sow for the harvest that is to be, Subjective Mind is the fertile soil that nurtures the seeds for thee. Then blame not fate, nor chance, nor luck if you harvest a crop of tares, for tares and wheat are alike to the soil – both receive its tender cares.
I am not dependent upon manifestations of Love, for I am at-one with Love.
We shall never find Love until we cease leaning upon those we love. God is Love but God is also Freedom. Ye shall know this truth, and this truth shall make you free from dependence upon those you love. You will not love them less but in greater freedom.
God is Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.
There may be a feeling on the part of some that the so-called Higher Thought robs one of God. To such we answer, When Mary found the tomb empty, she lamented “They have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid him.” She was looking for a dead Lord – but lo! he made his presence known by speaking her own name, and then, lest she worship his personality, He said “Touch me not, for I have not yet ascended to my Father,” thus directing her attention to the source of all Life. We shall never find the Living God until we speak our own name, and then we shall discover the One in all.
Unity is the fundamental fact of Life.
It is the fact of Unity that interprets itself as the Universal Urge, and which views itself mirrored in all forms of creation. It is this underlying fact of Unity that prompts us to seek the companionship of those who think as we think and enjoy what we enjoy it is the One recognizing Itself and calling its work Good. Children enjoy the companionship of children, but when we become men we put away childish things. There are different stages of unfoldment, first the shoot, then the stalk and then the full corn in the ear. “Birds of a feather flock together,” — so shall we find that as we grow in understanding, we are attracting to us those who are thinking along similar lines.
I have the strength to yield.
The strength of a sky-scraper is due in part to its ability to sway a little. A tree that cannot bend breaks easily. The person who cannot yield a point on occasion is not sure of his strength he must remain adamant to prove to himself that he is a strong character.
The affirmation of evil is the prayer of faith pointed in that direction.
When I strike a key on the piano I hear a certain note it is the only possible tone that could come back to me. When we affirm evil by believing in it, it is the equivalent to “speaking our word” for a manifestation of it, — or to use the usual orthodox expression, it is praying for a manifestation of the evil we are affirming in our own mind. “Not that which goeth into a man defileth the man, but that which proceeded out of his own heart.”
Nothing in nature exists in isolation.
“The globe is mirrored in a drop of dew,” and “God is proclaimed in every moss and cobweb.” There is but the one Spirit of Life, the one creative medium, and the one substance out of which all things are made. “He who would injure another will find that he is beating his own bleeding breast.” In daily walk, help me to sense my kinship with the Whole, that man, and beast, and clod and sun express the one great soul.
All relation has only a relative existence.
All things exist in relation to other things thus a thing is large or small by comparison with some other thing. So we are rich or poor as we behold one who is richer or poorer than ourselves. All things measured by time and space have only a relative existence. The water drawn from an earthly well will soon be exhausted, “but he that drinketh of the water of Life shall never thirst again.” These things will someday appear to us as the pennies a monarch throws to the populace – then shall we become monarchs instead of beggars.
Truth is not dependent upon any proof of It.
All things proclaim That-Which-Is, but That-Which-Is is not dependent upon the proof of It. No doubt electricity has been all through the ages; the proof of electricity, however is of comparatively recent date. Doubtless, we shall find increasing uses for electricity. but electricity does not depend upon this possibility. We see Truth manifest in all creation, and we are learning to provide new vehicles for Its manifestation — but Truth is not dependent upon the proof of it.
Morality is Man’s perception of the Rightness of Life.
Morality does not mean the keeping of man-made laws true morality means perception of the Law of Life and sensing one’s self to be in accord with it. It is the identification of the will of the individual with the law of his being. One may keep all the laws of the land and still reside in a prison-house of his own building. Morality is the legality of the heart, for Love (an underlying conviction of Unity) is the fulfilling of the Universal Law.
I take no anxious thought for the morrow.
To take anxious thought for the morrow is to ignore present good. God is an ever-present help, and the only way to derive the benefit of this ever-present help is to live in the present. Regret for the past, and fear for the future is the best possible way to rob ourselves of the good which we might experience in the moment that now is. The consciousness that all good is focalized at the point of our recognition is productive of good now, and the planting of the seed that shall blossom as good tomorrow.
My faith hath made me whole.
All sickness is the result of a negative attitude toward life. The creative action of the Spirit is always affirmative, consequently if we affirm that which is not in accord with the nature of the Spirit, we are giving it material to work on which when returned to us as a finished garment, we shall find unbecoming. If today we find ourselves clothed in sickness, let us say “this garment was made out of the material I supplied but it is not me, for I am one with all Life, Love and Wisdom.” So shall we find that our faith in the perfection of our true natures will make us whole.
The Highway to Happiness is in my own heart.
Happiness is the goal of Life. Many of the ancient philosophers perceived this. Our own nature proclaims it. But how to reach the goal — that is the question. Just the acquisition of wealth and fame will not procure it. One may have all that the world has to offer in the way of rewards, and still gaze with strained eyes for the Promised Land of Happiness. Well, the Children of Israel had to be brought out of bondage before they could find the promised land, and so must we — out of the bondage to the belief that the promised land is somewhere where we are not. Behold the ground whereon thou standest is holy ground. Bless the place where you are today, bless the work you are doing today, love the people you contact today, and you will find that you are already in the Realm of Happiness.
The Law of Freedom is my only bondage.
We must humble ourselves to any law before we can derive benefits from it. So we are “bound” to use the law of the Spirit the way it works, and that way is a way of belief. Our beliefs become things and conditions. Knowing this, “the prisoners of the Lord (the Law)” become free indeed.
The Life-principle is available to me.
It is not enough to say Life is, Power is, Substance is — we must recognize that they are available to us if we would experience them in our own lives. “The answer to the prayer is in the prayer when it is prayed.” In other words if we ask for something and do not accept it we are still without it. No one can make you a gift if you will not accept it. So it is with the creative life principle, it is available to us but it can only give us what we will take.
I seek and I find.
“There is no royal path to knowledge.” No one can learn a thing for us; all they can do is to give us the benefit of their discovery. Now it has been discovered that the path to spiritual attainment is located by following this advice, “Call upon me and I will answer; Ask and you shall receive; Seek and you shall find; Knock and it shall be opened unto you.” That is because there is a responsive element in life, and it responds to each individual according to his own mental acceptance. By the use of a faculty we discover that we possess it, just as the child learns to walk by walking.
The Good Things I desire are prompted by my God-Nature.
It is in accord with the Nature of Life that Man should desire the manifestations of all that we call Good. The error is not in the desire but in the way in which Man too often goes about it to acquire the thing he desires. It is natural and right that Man should desire manifestations of Prosperity, but it is not right that he should steal them from someone else. This is not merely because the Law of Moses, the law of the land, and the ethics of polite and moral society say that stealing is wrong, but more especially because it is a violation of Man’s own nature. “God gave Man dominion,” and when Man understands that he is the master of the Law of Cause and Effect he will find himself surrounded by the good things which he desires.
There is no limitation in the Law.
Every law contains in itself the principle of its own expansion. There is no limit to the number three – I cannot exhaust the number three, no matter how many times I use it, and I am robbing no one else of the use of the number three. Neither is there any limit to the number of times it can be multiplied. So it is with the Creative Law. By the mental acceptance of a thing, we are specializing the law for the production of that thing. It makes no difference if no one has ever used the Law in that way before, because there is no limitation in the Law, and it makes no difference how many times it has been used that way before — it cannot be exhausted.
The Spirit of Life is breath to my lungs.
“The Living Power is what we mean when we speak of the All-Originating Spirit. The existence of this Spirit is not a theological invention, but a logical and scientific ultimate, without predicating which, nothing else can be accounted for. The word Spirit comes from the Latin “spiro” — “I breathe,” and so means “the Breath,” as in Job xxxiii,4, — “The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life” ; and again in Ps. xxxiii,6, — “By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.” — Troward
Divine Nature manifests through everything.
The only barriers between the human and the Divine are in the mistaken belief of Man. There is but the one spirit of Life and it is its nature to express itself. Thus doth Unity go forth into diversity. When more reach the conclusion which Jesus arrived at and which he announced in these words, “I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life,” more will be found making the same demonstrations that He made. “And greater things than I have done shall ye do.”
Health, happiness and success are effects and not causes.
All our conditions of body and affairs are indications of where our thought has been dwelling. Health, happiness and success are not spiritual entities — something separate and distinct from ourselves. They are the inevitable results of the correct attitude toward Life. “And these signs shall follow them that believe” that they are the incarnation of the Spirit of God.
I AM now sensing an eternal unity with Life itself.
“The Father and I are one” was the key-note to the power of Jesus. Only to the extent that we sense our external unity with life shall we remain in direct contact with the source of supplies. A lack of recognition of this truth will lead us into a far country where only starvation awaits us. This is the meaning of the parable of the Prodigal Son. The joy that ensues from sensing our eternal unity with Life is symbolized by the feast which the Father provided.
Nothing is impossible to the Power of God, and it is operating through me right now.
I am receptive to the Truth of this statement, and am freed from false beliefs. “Is anything too hard for me, saith the Lord.” “Prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if [ will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”
In Thee, Oh Lord, do I put my trust.
By “Lord” is meant the receptive, creative element which we call Subjective Mind. Since the Law of the Lord (or Subjective Mind) is one of belief it stands to reason that just to the extent that we trust it to create our desires into conditions, just to that extent it will do so. “Thou art my strong habitation, whereunto I may continually resort; thou art my rock and my fortress.”
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