Every condition has a cause. Every condition, whether it be desirable or undesirable, is the result of whatever causes that particular effect. The ways of God are not past finding out. The declaration, “the ways of God are past finding out,” is usually made by someone who is passing through an unpleasant experience, and who is unwilling or not wise enough to see in that experience the out-picturing of a mental cause. To rebel against a condition, or to submit to it, is to perpetuate it. The remedy lies in recognizing the fact that every condition has a cause — and then starting a new train of Cause and Effect by contemplating the sort of condition one wishes to create.
I create my experiences.
Our conditions may not express our hopes and aspirations, but they do express our mental concepts. That which the mind accepts the hands will touch. The children of Israel were told that they would possess all the land that their eyes rested upon, — whatever the spiritual eye perceives the feet will tread. Fear causes a mental acceptance of the thing feared, and it is thereby created. The same creative process is used for creating both pleasant and unpleasant experiences. “The fear of the Lord, (this creative process) is the beginning of wisdom.”
Things are the symbols of thought-patterns.
Things are not eternal. They are not spiritual entities. They are but the material forms of accepted ideas. A child playing on the floor with building-blocks depicts with those blocks the idea he has in mind, a bridge, a tower, a house, or a wall. The finished thing is the symbol of his thought-pattern. In much the same way we build with invisible blocks our accepted thought-patterns finding material expression. Form is the garment Thought wears.
I am the Master of my Thoughts.
To admit that we cannot, to some degree, control our thinking is an acknowledgment that we are insane. When a person is insane he is controlled by a thought or thoughts. It is not easy to break a habit of thought, but it can be done. This is best accomplished by substituting opposites — for example the thought of prosperity for poverty. When the thought of poverty again presents itself, do as Jesus did and say, “Get thee hence, Satan.” If this is done each time a negative thought comes, you will soon establish yourself as Master of your Thoughts.
There is something that does unto me according to my belief.
This “something” has been called by many names — the Law, the Lord, the Mind, the Soul, the Holy Ghost, the servant, the unconscious mind, etc. As students of Religious Science we usually speak of this “something” as subjective-mind. It is a good name because it is subjective to the impress that is made upon it. Subjective-mind has two outstanding characteristics — first, it is receptive, and secondly, it is creative. It can create only according to the belief that is impressed upon it. Jesus was speaking of this receptive, creative element when He said “The things whatsoever you desire, when you pray, believe that ye have received them, and ye shall receive them.”
All that the Father hath is mine.
My spirit is the individualization of the Spirit of God. The creative Law of God is mine to use. The Substance of God surrounds me and is responsive to me. Therefore I can truly say, “All that the Father hath is mine.”
I AM the expression of a Divine Idea.
There is Only-the-One. This One has many names — Life, Love, the Spirit, etc., but the name which is all-inclusive is God. God expresses Himself, (or Itself) for the joy of Self-expression, because that is His nature. God’s expression of Himself individualized in self-conscious form is Man. I AM — the expression of a Divine Idea.
My thoughts are constructive.
By constructive thinking is meant thinking that will find its logical outcome in a condition that is the out-picturing of some attribute of God — in other words thinking that will result in good. The opposite of this kind of thinking is called negative or destructive thinking. Just as constructive thinking results in good, so negative thinking results in what we call bad. My thoughts are constructive.
There is only One Power, and it is mine to use.
We all dislike to see a waste of good material, yet that is just what we are doing unless we are using the One Power to further our own best interests. Some may say, “that sounds like a very selfish teaching” — but let us remember that each “self” has the same privilege. The Wise Virgins could not give of the oil that was in their lamps. Let us let our lights shine by using the One Power to create for ourselves the Good Things, the God Things, which it is natural and normal that we should desire.
I am wisely employed.
Thought is creative, and we are thinking something all the time, therefore we are creating something all the time. “Adam where art thou?” Where is your thought working? How are your mental processes employed? Are you employed in the contemplation of your at-one-ment with all Good, with all God? Or are you, like Adam, engrossed in the externals? Believing externals to be all is not wise employment — it turned Adam out of paradise. The outside has its place, and it is necessary, but when we believe it to be all, Eden is no longer our home.
Health is manifestation of right thinking.
One cannot long entertain thoughts which are not in accord with Truth and remain well. Fear and Hate are the two great enemies of Health, and Fear and Hate are the opposite of that which is the Truth. Fear of death, poverty, loneliness, disaster, and hatred of those who have something we crave — these are roads that lead to sickness and disease. Therefore we may be reasonably sure that if we refuse to indulge in thoughts of fear and hate we shall manifest Health.
Knowledge of the Truth makes me free.
Today we do honor to Abraham Lincoln. He is called the Great Emancipator. Jesus gave to all mankind the secret of freedom, “Ye shall know the Truth , and the Truth shall make you free.” What is Truth? That we are One with God, in Spirit, Creative Power, and Substance is Truth.
Nothing can impede my progress.
Progress is the law of life, therefore it is the nature of man to wish to progress. When we permit the thought that something impedes our progress to gain a foothold in the mind we are likely to find our physical foothold weakening. This is because the feet and limbs are the instruments for progress on the material plane. Do not “treat” the feet and limbs; convince the mind that nothing can impede your progress.
Salvation is of the Lord.
The only salvation we need is salvation from the belief that we need salvation. There is no lost soul, but there are many who believe that they are lost, and as long as this is their belief they suffer the agonies of the damned. Substitute the word Law for Lord (because it means the Law of Cause and Effect), and set this Law in motion with the belief, ” I am One with Life, Love, and Supply,” and already your salvation is assured.
There is no age to Spirit.
We grow old in body because we measure off our lives by days, months, and years. When, through this mental-malpractice, we have aged the body, the Spirit, knowing itself to be ageless, frees itself from the worn-out garment. I am birthless and deathless because the real I AM is God.
Substance is real, and responds to me.
We have learned that that which is held in consciousness has a material result. According to this same Law, God’s consciousness of his own Being had a material result, and this was the primal, unseen Substance from which all material things are made. Now, we agree that God is Divine Intelligence, therefore the physical correlative of Intelligence must be intelligent. The chief characteristic of intelligence is responsiveness. The most intelligent child in school is most responsive to the teacher. The Substance from which all material things are made responds to Man because Man is the individualization of that Cosmic Intelligence which gave rise to it.
I am a Center of God Love.
Every normal person craves love — let us then make this impress of ourselves upon Subjective Mind: ” I AM a Center of God Love. This Love in me is a magnet for Love. It attracts to me lovely friends, lovely situations and experiences. It creates in me a loving, lovely, lovable personality.”
There is just the right place for me.
No two people are alike therefore no one can take another’s place. Each one fills his own place. We may not like the place we are filling but it is the right place, and the only one for us at the present time. However that does not mean that we cannot better our positions. The way is a mental way, namely, accepting mentally the place you wish to fill, think it, live it, feel it, love it, and give thanks for it, knowing that there is something that creates your mental acceptance into a condition.
I rejoice in Prosperity.
No normal person is content to skimp along not knowing where his next meal is coming from. That is because there is something instinctive in each one of us which knows that there is abundance. Now, we can only bring this unseen abundance into use as abundance fills our minds. The outside is always like the inside, and if the mental concept is small and cramped the material manifestation will be that way also. “Unto him that hath shall be given, and from him that hath not shall be taken even the little that he hath.”
I declare my own Perfection.
Jesus said, “Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect.” Emerson said, “Declare your own perfection.” The perfection of God is made manifest in Man in proportion as Man recognizes himself to be God-as-Man. There is no danger of becoming egotistical for we look ever to the Source of our Being. He is Life, Love, and Wisdom, finding self-conscious expression in Man.
I am one with all Life.
Since there is but the One Spirit of Life, the life of the flower is one with the life of the butterfly and one with the life of the little child who revels in their beauty. The more we sense the bond that knits together all creation the more Harmony, Peace, Heaven will be expressed in our lives.
I deal fairly with myself and others.
I “see in others my other selves.” “Love thy neighbor as thyself”—not better nor worse. Give to another as to thyself, and give to thyself as to another. Let each know himself as a center of God Life, realizing that this is true of others also — then shall there be fair dealing in very truth. We honor Washington as one who personified high ideals of fair dealing.
The power of choice is my birthright.
God does not force; Love does not compel. We are made in the image and likeness of Freedom, therefore we have the power of choice. If we choose to think in such way that misery results we are unhappy. This is because we are made in the image of Love as well as in the image of Freedom. Through suffering as a natural result of our own negative thinking we eventually learn to choose mental concepts which will find their logical outcome in conditions and experiences which are the expressions of God-qualities.
I keep my tongue from evil, and my lips from speaking guile.
Words do not return unto us void, but accomplish that for which they were spoken. The spoken word is powerful, and returns ladened to the speaker. All things work in circles, and thoughts are no exception. The guile we speak must first be conceived as a thought, and that which we think determines our own experiences. Emerson says, “He who would injure another but beats his own naked breast.” I keep my tongue from evil, and my lips from speaking guile.
I am guided in ways of Wisdom.
One can develop the habit of confused thought, or the habit of peaceful, orderly thought. “Order is Heaven’s first law.” When the mind is orderly the affairs will be also. I act wisely and well. I rely upon Infinite Wisdom to guide me. Divine Intelligence is operating through all I think, say, and do.
The Peace of God is my Peace here and now.
“Beloved, now are we the sons of God.” Now, right here where I AM, it is possible to experience that peace of God which passeth all understanding. The more consciously aware we become of our at-one-ment with the Father, the more fully the peace of God will be expressed in all our affairs. Peace is the Pearl of Great Price.
I attract that which is like myself.
All of our affairs express us. If we are not satisfied to be described by our conditions we must change our manner of thinking about ourselves. Nothing happens by chance, and the good that comes to us is irresistibly drawn — and so with that which is not good. We are content only when experiencing good — that is because “the real self” is God, Good. T o the extent we recognize this, only Good will be manifest in our conditions.
I am complete.
Every living soul is a complete spiritual entity. We are not halves, or quarters of other people. I am made in the image and likeness of that which is Whole, Complete, and Perfect—all Good is where I AM.
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