Today is a new beginning.
The past is gone. Today is mine. Today is new material for me to use. I can make of it what I will. If my thought-pattern is Life, Substance, Peace, then each Today will be filled with manifestations of Health, Prosperity and all Good. Today is a new beginning.
This is the best year I have ever lived.
I know more of Truth today than I have ever known before. I am more conscious of the creative power of my thought than I was last year. With new understanding I am in a better position to create for myself happy experiences. Happy experiences are not happen-stances, — they are the results of mental concepts. Only true happiness can express the God-within-me. I am using the creative power of my thought in a constructive way to the end that happiness may result. This is the best year I have ever lived.
I am the creator of my own experiences.
We may not be able to recognize in an experience the mental-pattern, — for example, one might say, ” I never desired this unhappy experience, in fact I have always hoped for happiness.” Let us be “From Hope’s illusion free,” for when we merely hope for a thing the mental reaction is usually something like this — “But I probably will not get it.” This mental reaction is our real belief and ” it is done unto us according to our belief,” not according to our hope. In Religious Science we learn that that which is held in consciousness will come into our experience because we are dealing with the creative law of the Universe. The sooner we realize that we are the creators of our experiences the sooner we shall begin weeding out negative thoughts.
I am guided in ways of wisdom.
Knowing that our thoughts are seeds let us avoid the thoughts that result in confusion, weariness, and the lost path. By making the impress on Subjective Mind, ” I am guided in ways of Wisdom,” we shall find that our path is widening and smoothing out. Talk back to the suggestion of confusion as Jesus talked back to a negative thought by saying “Get thee hence, Satan.” I am guided in ways of Wisdom.
I am the Master of Subjective Mind.
Subjective Mind is the Creative Power of the Universe, and it is just as the name implies subject to a master. The Universal Spirit we call God is the Master in a Cosmic sense, and God-as-Man is the master in individualized form. The master does not perform the labor, — he gives the directions to the servant. Let us “speak our word with authority” and let the Subjective Mind do the work.
The Substance of God is the Source of my Supply.
We have learned from experience that that which is held in consciousness comes out in manifestation. Now, going from the known to the unknown, we say if this is a universal law then God’s consciousness of His Own Being must have had a material result, — this material result is the primal unseen substance from which all material things are made. It is intelligent since it is the result of Intelligence, and responsiveness is the chief characteristic of Intelligence, — because of this, this primal substance responds to a thought-pattern as steel responds to a magnet. Knowledge of this truth enabled Jesus to be instantly supplied with whatever He needed, and He said, “Greater things than I have done shall ye do.”
All my affairs prosper.
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom.” The fear of the Law of Cause and Effect is the beginning of Wisdom. Knowing this we shall fear to talk “hard times,” and shall think, talk, act Prosperity. “Act as though I am and I will be.” All my affairs prosper.
My life is God.
We never think of the possibility of God dying,—it should be just as impossible to contemplate the death of an individual, for the life of the individual is the life of God. The only thing that will die is the belief in death. This is the last enemy that shall be destroyed because it is the deepest rooted in the subjective mind, — the weed with the deepest root lives the longest. My life is God.
There is a perfect pattern for every part of my body.
The various organs, limbs and parts of the human body are instruments for the use of Eternal Qualities. The generic pattern for “Arm” is never broken no matter how many arms may be broken. The Generic Pattern remains intact, and if we impress this fact upon Subjective Mind “The pattern will draw its own correspondences,”— in other words the pattern for a bone will draw to itself out of undifferentiated substance whatever bones are made of, — and the same with the generic pattern for the eye, and every part of the body. “Follow the pattern shown thee in the mount,” the idea of the Perfect pattern.
I have found the Kingdom of Heaven.
“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all of these things shall be added unto you. The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.” We shall never find God by looking outside ourselves. The Life of Man is the Life of God, and when Man awakens to this fact he is already in the Kingdom of Heaven.
I am growing daily in an understanding of the Truth.
It is only as we put into practice the little that we know that more Truth will be revealed unto us. We shall all arrive but our progress depends upon ourselves. We have no one to blame and no one to praise but ourselves. If we continue to belittle ourselves, condemn our efforts, and scoff at our progress, the growth in understanding of the Truth will be slow and painful. Let us put into practice what we know today, and More Truth will be revealed to us tomorrow.
The Law of the Lord is perfect.
The Law of Cause and Effect never fails. It is no respecter of persons. The electric light button doesn’t know whether it is turned on by a little child or by Thomas Edison. The Law of Cause and Effect always responds no matter who contacts it. It knows no difference between Jesus Christ and a Fiji Islander. That’s the reason the Law of the Lord is Perfect.
What I AM speaks for me.
We can never hide ourselves. Let us be what we wish to appear. “Truth crushed to earth shall rise again, though all the world o’er whelm it, to men’s eyes.” Emerson says “What you are speaks so loudly I cannot hear what you say.” We all admire Wisdom, Love, Beauty and Peace, — that is because that is what we are. As soon as we recognize that fact it will make itself apparent, and we shall not need to resort to sham and hypocrisy.
I am thinking for health.
We are thinking either for or against our own health. Both health and sickness are results and not causes. They are not entities as a man is an entity. If they were we could say, “There is Health walking down the street,” — or, ” I saw Sickness driving a new Ford today.” No, both health and sickness are results of our concept of Life and our relationship to it. As we recognize our at-one-ment with Life, and all Good we shall be thinking for health.
I forgive easily.
We but injure ourselves if we hold a grievance in mind. The law is that that which the mind dwells upon will take form in our own experience. That is the reason why anyone who really understands the Law would never think of mal-practicing anyone. For the same reason we are learning to forgive those who despitefully use us. Some may say that is a very selfish teaching. It was the teaching of Jesus because it was the Truth , — and not vice-versa. “Pray for (unify with) those who despitefully use you and great shall be thy reward.” A recognition of your unity with all people means that unity, harmony, peace is filling your thought, and will therefore make itself apparent in your life.
My every need is met.
There is a Law that responds to Man. The Substance from which all things are made is ever-present and responsive. By a mental acceptance of the thing you require you are setting the law in motion to that end, and may await its arrival with thankful expectancy. “The things whatsoever you desire when you pray believe that ye have received them and ye shall receive them.”
God is individualized in me.
There is but the One Spirit, — God. It is expressed in creation, and Man is the manifestation of God at the point of self-consciousness. A man may make a garden, — the garden is the expression of that man’s idea of a garden. He may paint a picture, — the picture is the expression of that man’s idea of a picture. But if that man has a child that child is an expression of creativeness in self-conscious form. So the rose is God as the rose, the animal is God as the animal, and Man is God as Man, — expressions of the One Spirit but in various modes and forms.
My mind is a mirror.
If we look on discordant conditions the mirror of the mind casts this reflection into the creative soul-soil, and more discordant conditions will result. If we look with the spiritual eye upon the things of the spirit, Life, Love, Beauty and Joy, the mind will reflect these into our personalities and our affairs. “Whatsoever things are of good report think on these things.”
I look for perfection in myself and in others.
We find what we look for, — imperfection if we are thinking imperfection and perfection if we are thinking perfection. If we condemn ourselves and others we are creating more of that which we condemn and thus perpetuate a vicious circle. It is normal to desire perfection, — that is because we are made in the image and likeness of Perfection, but we shall never bring perfection into our affairs by condemnation. Jesus said “Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father in Heaven is perfect.”
I am a center of God peace.
Though we have all things and have not Peace we have nothing. Peace is knowing that Life is Life and cannot die. Peace is knowing that the Power of God is for the use of Man. Peace is knowing that the Substance of God is instantly available to Man. In this blessed trinity do we find that Peace of God which passeth all understanding.
I inherit only the qualities of the spirit and they are good.
I inherit only the qualities of the spirit and they are good. If we perm it the mind to dwell upon the fact that Grandmother had a cancer, and Father died of tuberculosis we are using the creative power of thought in a negative way, we are creating conditions like that which we hold in mind. Of course we shall not like the result, — that is because the real you and the real me is the individualization of God. Let us make this impress,— I inherit only the qualities of the spirit and they are all good. We shall then be using the creative power of thought in a constructive way, and there will be ample proof of this in the satisfaction we shall feel in the resultant conditions.
I am breaking thought-shackles.
“Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free.” The Truth never binds, — but erroneous thought does. Truth known is demonstrated in freedom. Does the thought of heredity bind you? You can break it for it is the thought of heredity that binds you and not heredity itself. Does the thought of poverty bind you? Yes, the thought may, but that is your own thought and you can refuse to think it. I am breaking thought-shackles.
My atmosphere is that of love.
I am a Center of God-Love. This Love in me is a magnet for Love, attracting to me lovely friends, lovely situations, and experiences. I see God-Love in others and they see God-Love in me. Because I am conscious of myself as a center of God-Love I am creating for myself a loving, lovable, lovely personality. My atmosphere is that of Love.
I recognize the Christ within me as my true self.
Man conscious of himself as the incarnation of God is the Christ. Jesus had this consciousness in such abundance that he was called the Christ. In proportion as we see ourselves as the embodiment of God in just that proportion shall we have the “signs following.” I recognize the Christ within me as my True Self.
My eyes are the instruments of perfect vision.
Vision is an attribute of God, and is therefore perfect and eternal. As we see this clearly there will be an improvement in vision on this plane. The seer looks through the eye. The Generic Pattern for eye is perfect, — the atoms of matter of which the physical eye is made are in a constant state of flow and change. The eyes are not old, but the thought that they are old or imperfect tends to make them appear so. My eyes are the instruments of perfect vision.
My thought is creative.
We are not victims of Fate, Chance and God’s displeasure. But we are condemned to live in the house we build for ourselves through the creative power of our own thought, Be that house a hovel, a prison, a palace or a cottage by the sea, it didn’t “just happen”, and it is not an unearned reward or punishment. Day by day we build the experiences we live in.
I have the power of choice.
There is a difference between choosing and out-lining. To be self-conscious carries with it not only the right but the necessity of choice. Even those who think that they do not choose are choosing to think that they do not choose. The more advanced a person is in an understanding of the Truth the more wisely they use the power of choice. By a mental acceptance of the chosen thing a seed for that thing has been planted in Subjective Mind, and the thing itself will appear if the seed is not uprooted. Outlining just how the thing is to materialize is a very good way to uproot it.
Power is still.
“Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit saith the Lord of Hosts.” The power was not in the whirlwind, nor the earthquake, nor the fire, but in the still, small voice. We too often think of power as a loud noise. When a pipe explodes it is because it is weak. People of power proclaim that power by doing something with it, not by talking loudly about it.
I attract the Good.
Like attracts like. If we would attract the Good we must know ourselves to be centers of God-consciousness, at-one with all God-attributes. Knowing ourselves to be at-one with God-Love, God-Power, God-Substance, we shall find that we are attracting to us people and conditions that we call good.
It is done unto me according to my belief.
I rejoice that this is so, because it makes me the master of my fate, the Lord of my own domain. Let us look upon every condition in our lives, and facing it squarely say “it was done unto me according to my belief.” Only then shall we be ready to consciously use the creative power of our thought in a thoroughly constructive way.
The world is better because of me. We need not go as missionaries to far-lands in order to make the world better. Life is a unit. Subjectively we are all one, and every time any one of us recognizes himself as a center of God-Intelligence the world is that much better, and world-peace that much nearer.
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