Universal Mind is subjective to me.
The Mind of God is Subjective Mind. This fact is likely to be surprising and perhaps a bit shocking when it is first considered, but if we will give the matter a bit of serious thought we shall see that it must be so. There could only be a universal objective mind if there were a universal creature or huge Man-God to possess such a mind. However, “you cannot get out of a bag what is not in it,” and the fact that man has an objective mind is proof that the possibility of an objective mind exists in the Universal state, but this possibility becomes an actuality only in the objective mind of Man. This conscious knowingness in man we identify with Universal Spirit. It is analogous to the masculine element in nature. The receptive, creative element is Subjective Mind and is analogous to the feminine element in nature. The result of the union of these two is called the Son in the Bible, and we are told that the Son is like the Father — like the idea with which the Spirit impregnates the Mind.
The action of the Subjective Mind is not limited by precedent.
This is because the Subjective Mind works only by the deductive method. In other words, it cannot initiate or start a creative process. The “starting” is done by the objective (conscious) mind which is another name for Spirit. Since Subjective Mind works only by the deductive method, it is not dependent on any already existing pattern. Therefore, when we conceive a new idea, Subjective Mind accepts this new idea as a pattern and sets about creating it in manifest form. Every new idea, and in a certain sense, every idea, is “an immaculate conception.” This should be a great encouragement to us in making our “demonstrations,” for it is because of this truth that we have any hope of freeing ourselves from existing undesirable conditions.
The creative power of Subjective Mind is unlimited.
Subjective Mind has no will, purpose, or desire of its own. It is purely impersonal. It is because of this fact that it accepts as its will, purpose or desire any impression we make upon it. It neither knows nor cares what it creates for us — but we care. If we are planting flower seeds and unbeknown to us a weed-seed falls into the ground we never hear the soil say, “I beg to call your attention to the fact that you have planted a weed-seed;” not at all, the soil’s business is to receive and act creatively upon any seed that is planted in it. The same is true of Subjective Mind.
Today I declare my independence.
Spirit is free, and since the Life of the Spirit is the Life of Man, Man craves a sense and manifestation of freedom. But this freedom can never be made apparent until there is a mental acceptance on the part of Man that he is free. It is not what we hope for, but what we mentally accept that takes form in our experience.
Subjective Mind is to me whatever I believe it to be.
It is often a good plan to personify Subjective Mind. This is perhaps what Jesus did when he spoke of the “Father.” Those who have had good earthly fathers will be able to easily personify Subjective Mind as “Father,” telling it what you want and then relying upon it to grant your request. The Bible personifies Subjective Mind in many ways. The following verse is found in the 54th chapter of Isaiah “Fear not . . . for thy Maker is thine husband; the Lord of hosts is his name.” One of the best beloved personifications is found in the 23rd Psalm, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” Personify Subjective Mind in any way that conveys to your mind that your request is in capable hands, and then leave it there.
1 AM acceptable to God, and approved of men.
Where is our thought dwelling when we believe ourselves to be the object of criticism? If we think someone is condemning us, how are we thinking about that one? It has been thought to be a virtue to be “very sensitive.” We see now that such “sensitiveness” is simply a proclamation that we have been believing other people to be less kind than we mistakenly thought ourselves to be. When we believe ourselves to be the object of criticisms, we often feel a tightness in the throat as though nature were trying to make it impossible for us to voice our belief in “hurt feelings.” Know that you are acceptable to God, and approved of men, and your throat will “loosen up,” that you may sing a psalm of thanksgiving.
Every good gift is from above.
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” We reap what we sow, but through the ages Man has accredited God with sending good, and believed that if God did not send evil, at least it came with his consent. Now we know that both good and ill are results of our own sowing, for “there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning” with the Law of Cause and Effect. But there is a mystical reason as well as that imposed by ancient custom why we instinctively raise our heads when we feel ourselves to be the recipients of “Good,” as though it actually came from above.
Natural Laws admit of no exceptions.
The chief characteristic of Law is that it is impersonal. For this reason Justice is represented as blindfolded. Because of this impersonal quality of Law, it admits of no exceptions. That which is lighter than air rises, and that which is heavier falls, and the prayer of a righteous man will not change this law. Dynamite will explode when ignited, no matter whether the torch be held by a saint or a sinner. “The rain falls on the just and the unjust,” — it knows no difference between them. The Creative Law will respond to me as readily as it did to Jesus of Nazareth.
I choose to consider myself Chosen.
Law is impartial — but to those who understand its rules it will appear to be partial. This is the knowledge which frees the wise, and binds the ignorant. With all thy getting, get understanding — understanding of the Unity of all Life, and the Laws of its manifestation. Such an one may appear to have been “chosen of God” but the wise will know that he humbled himself to the Law that he might use it wisely.
I find the Spirit of the Universe within myself, and manifestations of It in my external world.
I AM a manifestation of Spirit at the level of self-consciousness. Substance is a manifestation of Spirit at the level of primal, first or simple consciousness. Self-consciousness being a higher stage than simple consciousness, I am superior to and the master of substance.
I give as unto myself, and I receive as from myself.
God is in debt to no man, and that man who the most completely recognizes himself as a center of Universal Consciousness will be the freest from a sense of dependence upon others, or from a sense that others are dependent upon him. To the extent that we sense the ever-presence of the Universal Self in all mankind, we shall be freed from the belief that we are impoverishing ourselves by giving, or from the danger of “vaunting ourselves and being puffed-up” because of our generosity. “He that giveth a cup of cold water (in the consciousness of the Universal Self) giveth unto me (the Universal Self).”
Substance is the seamless robe of God.
Every state of consciousness gives rise to a corresponding manifestation. This is the Law of the Creative Process — why it is so we do not know, but since it is a proven fact, let us be wise enough to make use of it. Every state of consciousness gives rise to a corresponding manifestation — and the Universal Consciousness of Being (Existence) had a corresponding manifestation, namely, the Primal Unseen Substance from which all material things are made. The more aware I become of myself as an incarnation of the Universal Life, the more aware I shall become that the Universal Substance is ever-present.
I create as God creates — by contemplation.
There are not two methods or Laws of The Creative Process, one for God and another for Man — the method is the same in either case; namely, Self-contemplation. Whenever Man contemplates himself as the cause and the essence of that which is to be manifest, he has transcended time and space and is creating as God creates in that consciousness wherein the Seer and the thing seen are One — the realm of the Absolute. Now Time and Space are, as it were, the standards upon which the manifestation (the results of contemplation) lie or rely, that the Seer may behold his work in relationship to other manifestations, admire it, and call it Good. Time and Space are not in themselves objects of perception, but modes or means by which the Perceiver perceives his manifestations in their relations to other manifestations — much as fond parents view with pride, their off-spring at a children’s party.
My desires are God-inspired.
Since we accept as our hypothesis that there is but the One Spirit of Life (God), and that all creation is a manifestation of the nature of this One, the desires of Man must be prompted by the Root of his Being (God). When we give our mental consent to the good we desire for ourselves, the desired thing will manifest in our experience, and God’s will and ours be done. Desire and not Reason forms the basis of our faculties and of all things. By reason we perceive manifestations and the Law governing their cause, appearance and conduct. Every occurrence in the phenomenal order is a necessary effect of a cause which was rooted in our God-given nature and which made itself known to us as a desire. By Reason we perceive that this is so.
God made man upright.
The posture of man distinguishes him from most beasts. Uprightness physically and ethically is accepted as desirable. As proof that the mind reacts upon the body and upon conduct, a man who accepts as his major premise that Life is Good, that he lives in a perfect world governed by perfect Law will be found to be upright in conduct and in posture, for this mental attitude, if completely accepted, will heal any ailment and transform the Man and his conduct into the likeness of the One whose form is upright, and whose character-value is Unity.
All exists as a perfect whole.
Life is a unit, and all creation but the expression of this Perfect Oneness. All strands of the web of Life lead to the consciousness of Unity “whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.” Nothing in nature exists in isolation — touch it where you may, you are immediately conducted to the fact of the Unity underlying all things. Unawakened Man sees a tree as a tree, a house as a house, and a man as a man, and no connection between them — while Awakened Man stands on a mental-hillside, and looking down, beholds an Eternal City where Man dwells in the Mansions of the Father with the Tree of Life in his door-yard. All exists as a Perfect Whole, But only that exists for me Which I comprehend and my soul-eyes see.
Feeling is the seed of creation.
Not what we think, not what we hope for, not what we grimly determine shall be, but that which we feel is existent, appears in our conditions. Now our feeling comes to the surface of consciousness as a desire, and if we will stand off a bit and view our desires impersonally, we shall find that fundamentally they are all right, although the desire for power, for example, may spring from the feeling that we are weak, and if so, weakness is manifesting. Be a fair judge in your own case, and say, “Of course I desire power, power is an attribute of God and I am a God-center.” If you accept this decision there will be an instinctive feeling of power and this will make itself manifest in you and in your affairs. The Will is a “holder” and not a power. Desire is the seed that blooms into a flower. Judgment is a road-sign, and Reason a Judge, but never a sand-grain can they budge. Feeling, Desire, the Urge of the Heart — these are the Well-springs where creations start.
Prosperity is a state of mind.
Both prosperity and a lack of it are states of mind made manifest. There is no Cosmic Poverty, but if our mental eyes see nothing, nothing will be given a false-birth and will garb itself as the specter, Poverty. Now we can look right through “nothing” and when we do we shall behold “something,” and according to the degrees of this beholding, will the manifestations of Prosperity be.
Divine Intelligence is manifesting through me for the perfect conduct of my business.
“Wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?” My Father’s business is my business, and my business is my Father’s business. My Father is the Source of all Wisdom. I refer all things to Him, and He guides and directs me.
I AM, an important part of the Universe.
More people suffer from an inferiority complex than we suppose, and even that which passes for what may be called a superiority complex is usually a “bold front” to cover up an inferiority complex. That one who senses himself as a self-conscious Expression of the Universal Spirit will not be tempted to depreciate himself, neither will he be prompted to flaunt his accomplishments, seeking thus the approval of men that he may be reassured that he really does amount to something. Every part of the Universe is important just as every part of the body is important. Unity is made manifest in diversity, and each part takes on importance when viewed as an expression of the Whole. “For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office; so we, being many, are one body in Christ (the consciousness of Unity) and every one members, one of another.”
Love is the fulfilling of the Law.
The Universal Spirit is conscious only of Itself. Our highest idea of human love is to be conscious of one to the more or less complete exclusion of all else. Now if we can imagine a person capable of this same rapt adoration of everybody and everything, we should find in that person Unity personified, which is exactly what everything and every being in the Universe is — but, “we see this now as through a glass darkly.” “Love thy neighbor as thy self,” — seeing thyself in him.
I avenge not myself, for it is written,
“Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, sayeth the Lord,.’’ To the extent that we hold a grievance in consciousness, unhappiness will accrue to us. And the same Law works in the case of the one who has sought to injure us. He has been holding injury in consciousness and it is bound to react upon himself — this is the meaning of that scriptural passage “I will repay, saith the Lord.” It is the Law of Cause and Effect speaking out loud.
I have confidence in myself.
I have confidence in my God-given qualities. I have confidence in my Universal Self. I have confidence in God’s ability to express Himself and all his attributes through me. It can come again! That confidence that once you knew. Eternal Wisdom still abides from which thy wisdom grew.
I rise in the consciousness of Truth.
This should be interpreted both figuratively and literally. As we make it our habit each morning to arise in the consciousness of the God-self, we shall find that we are rising in an understanding of that Knowledge which frees from a mistaken belief in limitation. This Greater Knowledge will be found to be expressive of greater health, wealth and happiness.
Nothing exists without a cause.
Too often we hear people say, “I have done my mental work faithfully but it doesn’t seem to work for me.” Let us no longer fool ourselves. The Law always works. Every condition in our lives is a perfect demonstration of what our mental acceptance has been. We read in our experiences the proof of just what “our mental work was.” It is not necessary to inquire, “Adam, where art thou?” Our conditions scream where our mental abiding-place has been.
The Creative Law of God is mine to use.
I am using it every minute of my life, and what it creates for me is of my own choosing. The Creative Law is an impersonal power which I cannot avoid contacting. Therefore, “I stand porter at the door of thought, admitting only those conclusions which I wish to see manifest in my body or in my affairs.” My mental acceptance “feeds” the material to the Law-machine. It “grinds out” whatever I give it.
Day by day I build the house I live in.
All men are builders equipped with materials and tools. Each builds according to his own blue-prints. One who built well (Plotinus), has given us a valuable suggestion, “I do my work better if I look to the One, even though my back be turned to my work.” Our tools are carried in a mental knap-sack, and Universal Supply is our building material. Let us follow the pattern shown us in the Mount — the idea and the ideal of perfection.
Life is flowing through me now manifesting as perfect health.
Sickness is the result of the inhibition of life. Inhibitions are the physical manifestations of mental dams. Remove the mental obstruction and the stream of Life flows through and we call the result health. Anything that will remove the mental obstruction is good whether it be a prayer, an unexpected dividend or a bottle of medicine.
I AM in my right place.
Everyone is in his right place. Each is in the only possible place he could be in. But this does not mean that we have to stay forever where we are. Move into a better place mentally and a better place will be found to be surrounding you — you will not even be put to the bother of “moving in.” “In my Father’s house are many mansions,” an infinite number of possibilities. “The things whatsoever you desire, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.”
With my mind and my mouth I glorify God.
Let us think, talk and act health, wealth and happiness, so shall we glorify God. This is “prayer without ceasing,” — that we be so imbued with the Spirit of Unity that the fruits of the Spirit — Life, Love, Wisdom, Power, Peace, Beauty, Joy and Freedom will be our daily and Eternal harvest.
As I feel myself to be, so am I.
“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he,” and so are his outward conditions. This is because Subjective Mind is amenable to suggestion. And in this fact lies our hope, for it means that by changing our beliefs about ourselves we can improve our conditions. How different from the old teaching that God-in-the-sky metes out rewards and punishments. “God taketh no delight in the death of man, therefore turn thyself and live.” “With the pure, thou will show thyself pure, and with the froward, thou wilt show thyself froward.” The Kingdom of Heaven is within us, but only to the extent that we realize it to be there, does it become so in reality, and do our outward conditions become objective correspondence of it.
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