God and His Laws are One.
God acts always by Universal Laws. Reality and its rules are One. What we call Truth is often discerned by intuition and revelation, but these are merely means by which reality is perceived and are never a violation of Law — intuition being, as it were, a secret lever on the Machine of Universal Law — and Revelation a knot-hole in the Cosmic Fence through which someone has looked and reported what he saw. “All’s Love, yet all’s Law.”
All Power is given unto me both in Heaven and on Earth.
“Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.” Jesus was speaking to the God-within, realizing Its power as his own. Thy will be done (finished) on the material plane in proportion as it is already finished on the mental plane. This is true of God, both in the Universal sense and when operating as Man. Unto Man awakened to this fact all power is given.
Thought and feeling react upon the body.
All Substance is the manifestation of Spirit, and Spirit being the Essence of Intelligence, it follows that its physical correlative, namely Substance, must be endowed with intelligence. This intelligence of Substance we call atomic intelligence. “The greater intelligence always controls the lesser,” therefore the thought and feeling of Man reacts upon the substance of which his body is composed.
Thought which is in attune with Life has a beneficial effect upon the body.
Everyone who is in his sane mind desires health, wealth and happiness. That is because the Spirit of Life which is individualized as Man is the Essence of Life, Substance and Joy. Therefore when man’s thought is “dwelling in the presence of the Most-High,” or in other words, when Man recognizes himself as the Life-Spirit (or God) functioning as Man, his thought is attune with the source of his being and his body manifests health.
All power comes from within.
The only place we can contact Universal Power is within ourselves. Each individual is “the inlet” of this power, and when he awakens to the fact he is in position to become the intelligent “outlet” of it. The manifestations of the power will depend on the direction Man gives to it. Jesus spoke of this awakened consciousness as a spring of Living Water forever bubbling up within Man.
Universal Supply responds to my Acceptance of It.
“Unto him that hath (a consciousness of the ever-presence of Supply) shall be given, and from him that hath not (this consciousness) shall be taken even the little that he hath.” There is a responsiveness on the part of the Universe to the mental acceptance of Man. Lack is not in the Supply but in Man’s receptivity to it.
Nothing affects me but my own belief.
The Spirit of Man is forever immaculate. Individuality is never violated. It is not what goeth into a man that defiles him but what cometh out of his own heart. God and Evil alike cannot affect us unless they find something in us which corresponds to them. That which corresponds is already within in the belief of the man and merely attracts to itself that which is like it. Let us no longer deceive ourselves — it is our own beliefs which come garbed to dwell with us. Jesus said, “The prince of this world cometh and findeth nothing in me.” Probably if he had had a still higher consciousness he would not have known that “the prince of this world cometh.”
Today some new aspect of Truth reveals itself to me.
God plays no favorites. He works by Law and not by prejudice or favor. Whenever truth is revealed to anyone, it is because that one has “laid siege to its shrine.” The perception of Truth may come in one fleet, revealing flash and we say a discovery has been made, but the mind has doubtless been chiseling away for some time in that direction. Thus doth God reveal Himself to Man. He never forces Himself upon us. He is the diamond and we are the miners, and each of us through our own natures must chip away all that bulks between. Thus the inner experience of the presence of the divine, the immediate vision of God’s living reality, will ever be found to conform to Truth. Such experience may, for the time being, lack the sanction of a philosophical system appealing only to cool and deliberate reason, but this will not be because such experience contradicts reason but only because it transcends it. Inner experience is the pathfinder to the realm of Truth, and Reason tags along as best it may, oft blinded by the too-bright Light, until one day, discerning the laws of the experience, it triumphantly announces the new discovery and claims it in the name of science.
Power is not dependent on the proof of it.
This is true of spiritual power as well as gravitation, electricity, etc. We recognize natural forces and learn to utilize them. Let us do the same with the spiritual power — It is, and we can make it our servant, just as we do with so-called natural forces — but we must do it in the same way, namely by recognizing that It is, finding out the law of Its operation, and then using It. The law of the Spiritual Power is that it does unto us according to our belief.
I become like the thing I think about.
Images in churches affect men’s conduct; images in men’s minds have a greater effect. Let us image then, the good, the beautiful, the happy and the true, that we in time may think of ourselves as so. The seer and the thing seen are one.
God is made manifest through me.
According to the Law of Cause and Effect, that which is accepted as being has a manifestation. Thus “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us” — God became individualized. And He continues to create in the same way, now working from this branch-office which is Man. Knowing this, we are free, freed from fear of God, and from dependence upon manifestations of Good, because we have now found ourselves to be atone with the Source of Good. To one thus freed no one manifestation of Truth (what we call our demonstrations) is all-important. “Come unto me (the true inner self), all ye that labor and are heavy-ladened and I will give you rest,” — (rest from a sense of dependence upon manifestations of Life, Love or Substance.) This does not mean that there will cease to be manifestations, but only a freedom from dependence upon them. We recognize the flower to be the manifestation of the seed — but we do not go out and lean on the flowers in our gardens.
The Justice of God is satisfied in the natural working of the Law of Cause and Effect.
The Justice of God is not the will of a potentate, seeing to it that the wicked are punished and the good rewarded. The Justice of God is the sure working of the Law of Cause and Effect. Those whom men call wicked are oft seen to flourish as the bay tree. Why? Because they have a consciousness of abundance, and acceptance of success. Those whom we call “good” are often poor because they have little or no consciousness of abundance and success. The Justice of God is in the hands of Man.
Whatever is, is right.
This is true if by “right” we mean the only possible result of the use we have made of the Law of Cause and Effect. It is not true if by “right” we mean that man must be submissive to the dictates of a God-on-Throne. There is no God on a throne except as man enthrones the God-within.
Nature has nothing to do with human standards of right and wrong.
The above quotation is from Spinoza, philosopher of the 17th Century, often spoken of as “the God-intoxicated man.” Paul said, “But for law there would be no sin.” The fact that laws of man can be broken proves that they are not fundamental to being. It is man’s nature to desire happiness. And man has made laws restricting individuals who attempt to acquire what will make them happy at the expense of someone else. When man realizes that his desire for happiness is backed up by the Way to attain it there will be less or no need for man-made laws. This Way is the Law, and its Cause and also its User is the fact and consciousness of Unity.
My nature is in accord with the Law of Life.
There are no strangers to the Universal Family. Each is an integral part of the Whole. We may believe that our native desires are opposed to or unheeded by God — but this is mistaken belief; however, as long as it is our belief, we are affected by it, for action and reaction are always equal. What we interpret as good is the nature of the Universe and therefore the nature of Man. For ages, Man has believed that he was conceived in sin and born in iniquity — now we know that the Life of Man is God, and his nature good. Much that we accept as truth is superstition. Instruction given us in early childhood is often taken in later life as a Law of God, when in reality it was but the ignorant or vicious teaching of some person, but because we cannot remember the time we did not believe it, and because everyone else believes it, we accept it as Truth. We must break mental adhesions as doctors break physical adhesions, if we would be free. Whatever is incorporated in the realm of belief becomes an actuality in experience — but fortunately our mistaken beliefs do not alter Reality.
The mind is the architect of the body.
“Be ye transformed by the renewing of your spirit.” The “miracles” of Jesus were not opposed to Law but in accord with it. The more we learn of our real nature and the laws of Life the better bodies we shall have. There is a principle of continuity — nature makes no leaps — by degrees and without gaps a better body evolves if we look toward perfection instead of imperfection. We are not independent of our own nature, and that nature is in accord with the Law of Life, which is progressive unfoldment.
The present is big with the future.
Out of the Present shall the Future be born. There are insensible transitions everywhere and in everything, but each stage in unfoldment is the logical consequence of the preceding state and the source of the following state. This procession is from belief to thing, and can only be stopped by a change of belief. The religious interpretation of this truth is called “the remission of sins” and is one of the points wherein the teaching of Jesus was superior to that of Buddha, who taught the Law of Karma, which is that there is no stopping the unfoldment of a belief to its utmost logical conclusion. The teaching called Karma would have us believe that a belief is independent of the believer and goes on unfolding even though the believer has discarded it. This may be the truth about seeds planted in the soil, but a belief dies without the nourishment of mind.
Truth never contradicts itself.
That which transcends human understanding cannot contradict the truth perceived by human understanding. Whatever is contradictory to reason cannot be true in religion. Truth is, and the more we perceive of it, the freer we are. “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free,” and freedom is always in reference to Law.
I am birthless, and deathless, and changeless.
Immortality is not the result of a particular divine favor or a privilege of human nature, but a metaphysical necessity, a universal phenomenon embracing all the realms of nature. Life is all there is. It changes its attire in a perpetual metamorphosis but it does not die. The belief that life dies — this is all that dies. “And the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death,” because it is the deepest rooted of our erroneous beliefs.
The God-within wipes away all tears.
“And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away.” Not a God of pity but the consciousness that the life of man is; God destroys belief in death, and banishes sorrow into its native nothingness. Life, not death, is the foundation of our being — and joy our natural atmosphere.
My true self is already perfect.
The better the concept I have of the universe, the better my contemplations represent my true self. Whence comes Man’s craving for Perfection except from Perfection? Perfection is the Truth of Being, therefore Man craves manifestations of Perfection. The only imperfect thing in the Universe is Man’s thought of imperfection and this is not the outcropping of his true nature but is prompted rather by the fear that that Perfection which he instinctively feels to be his birthright cannot come into manifestation — and since this is his belief imperfection makes its appearance.
Matter is mind in form.
Force constitutes the essence of matter; hence matter is in reality immaterial in its essence. Many ancient and modern philosophers have perceived this — and now science is proving it. There can be no reciprocal action between two essentially different substances — and there is reciprocal action between mind and matter. They differ in degree but not in essence. The so-called material world represents an ascending scale of substances or rather forces; these become more and more refined and spiritualized as we pass from mineral masses to light. Why then should we not assume that this “series of ascent” continues beyond and finally ends in mind or spirit — but lest we get the cart before the horse, let us say begins in mind or spirit.
Life is never incorporeal.
Souls are never without bodies. It is the nature of thought to clothe itself in form. We have all proven that that which we hold in consciousness has a material result — according to this same law, the Universal Consciousness of Life had a material result — or in other words the Spirit of Life clothed itself in substance. If Life is God as is commonly accepted, then Substance is the seamless robe of God.
Where Life is, Substance is.
Where Life is, Substance is because it is the physical correlative of Life, alike in essence but different in degree. This Substance responds to Man, who is a center of Universal Life, and translates itself into things which correspond to Man’s accepted thought-images. The poorest man in the world is surrounded by just as much Substance as is any modern Midas.
The world I perceive is the projection of my self-contemplation.
Nothing exists for me except through my perception of it. In so far as the mind perceives ideas, it produces things. The ability to perceive this truth is called “abstraction” and is a prerogative of the human mind alone, for, so far as we know, animals do not have this power. The word “abstraction” comes from the Latin word “abstrahere” meaning “to separate.” Because of this faculty of abstraction we are able to separate the idea of a thing from the thing. This is important in demonstration, for before a healing can be accomplished, the believer must be separated from his belief — then the undesirable condition, whatever it may be, will vanish. As the contemplation changes, we shall behold a corresponding change in the world of appearances.
I AM a representative of the Universe, for I AM Spirit, Soul, and Body.
That which takes place in me (the microcosm), namely, contemplation, is the reproduction in miniature of that which takes place on a larger scale in the Universe (the macrocosm). I create as God creates, by contemplation — in fact, God is creating from this center which is myself. Mind in its conscious state is what we call Spirit — mind in its subjective state is what we call Law (or Soul) — and mind held in form by an idea is what we call Body (or thing or condition). Hence we see that “these three are One,” and that we have here an explanation of the ancient teaching called the Trinity.
I experience only my own beliefs.
Nothing affects us but our own beliefs. The sooner we realize the truth of this and stop blaming others for our misfortunes, the sooner we shall be in position to use the creative power of our thought in a constructive way. What the other person believes manifests in his life, but what I believe about that other person manifests in my life. We put our own interpretations on experiences — hence to an extent, at least, we never perceive nor experience anything but ourselves.
I reproduce Life as I see it.
All reproduce in their conditions Life as they see it, and no two alike; just as many mirrors held up to the same object will each reflect it differently, depending on the “point of reflection.” The more Life, Love, Substance and Peace I am conscious of, the more my conditions will resemble these qualities.
The Law of my being forces me to desire happiness.
Man’s desire for happiness is fundamental to his being, though we take devious paths to reach the goal. We accept as our hypothesis that there is but the One Principle of Life which we call God and that this is the Life of Man and all created things. Since the desire for happiness is fundamental to Man, and God is the source of his being, that which we interpret as Happiness must be the nature of God. Having arrived at this conclusion, we can more whole-heartedly announce “It is my will that Thy will be done.”
As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.
This is because there is something which acts creatively upon our thought. This “something” we call subjective mind. It receives our mental acceptance and creates it into a condition. Therefore if we believe we are poor and sick and miserable, our conditions will reflect our belief. Change the belief to change the condition, for “out of the heart are the issues of Life.”
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