When I think, the Universal Mind is impressed.
Knowing this should raise Man’s estimation of himself. We are all a part of a Great System, and no man liveth to himself. A man may live alone, without friends and social contact, but the Universal Radio is working, and our isolated friend is directly in front of the microphone. Whatever we broadcast comes back to us in form—this is the plan of creation.
My recognition of Truth frees me from all my infirmities.
We do not compel Love — we do not coerce Life — we do not impose our will upon Divine Intelligence — we may try to but the effort is futile, and in trying we defeat our purpose. All that we call Truth is the underlying nature of the Universe, and therefore the underlying nature of Man. When we perceive this we automatically draw aside the curtain between God and man. We raise a window-shade on a bright morning and the sun shines into the room. We do not raise the shade and then force the sun to shine in — nor will it illumine and cheer the room as long as the blinds are drawn tight. The Spiritual Sun is always shining — some raise the shades and some do not. Emerson says, “When we discern Truth, we do nothing of ourselves but allow a passage to its beams.” Not Truth, but my recognition of Truth frees me from all my infirmities.
I reap what I sow.
The farmer chooses his seeds, but once they are planted he has no choice as to what plants will grow from those seeds. Whatever is involved will evolve — this is the Law of Growth, The Divine Route, the Way — the end is contained in the beginning. “Every plant brought forth fruit after its kind.”
I make no attempt to uproot tares.
When Jesus said, “Do not uproot the tares,” he meant do not fight with unhappy conditions. An unhappy condition grew from its own seed, but it will not thrive without your attention. Your recognition of the unhappy condition waters the weed. If you wish wheat instead of tares then plant wheat and devote your attention to it, and the tares will die from lack of nourishment.
I think about that which I wish to experience.
To hold in consciousness an unhappy condition is to perpetuate it. That is the Law of Mind. The Mind is like a food chopper; it grinds up our thoughts and of the pieces patches together a dummy figure. That particular dummy figure will exist only as long as we continue to supply that particular kind of thought-food.
I know the Law of Mind.
When a man knows the law of electricity he is in position to make electricity his servant. He doesn’t pray to the law of electricity, nor does he fear it. He rejoices that he knows the law, and because he knows it he also knows that there is no disinclination on the part of electricity to be a light if he wants a light, nor a fan if he wants a fan. Now, the Law of Mind is that “It is done unto according to our belief,” and Mind offers no objections to the use we make of it — it will operate as a blessing or a curse according to our belief.
I am a blessing to everyone who contacts my vibration.
Everything has its own vibration, particularly is this true of people, and if we are in tune with Life and Love that is the wave-length upon which we are operating. Now that which we interpret as Life and Love is the fundamental principle of the Universe, the World-ground, and therefore the foundation of every individual. So when we are most conscious of ourselves as Life and Love we have a Universal hook-up and everyone who listens in likes the program because it is like a voice from the old home town.
I am acting the part of Love.
The word “person” comes from a Latin word meaning “a mask.” In the early days of the theater the performers wore masks or false-faces to convey to the audience the parts they were attempting to interpret. Later the masks were discarded and the player had to make at least some attempt to be the character he was portraying. Today we say that the more a player feels and lives the part the better is his performance. So it is in the Play of Life. If we feel our at-one-ment with Love, Peace and Beauty, then the Costume Mistress decks us out in that sort of “mask” or personality.
My conditions express what I think of myself.
If we were ushered into a room filled with gold and coppers, silks and rags, and told to take our choice, we would think ourselves very foolish if we chose the rags and coppers. Yet every conscious moment the offer is extended and we make our choice. The Universe offers all and we can take what we will, and what we choose to take expresses us. There is no Cosmic poverty, but if the specter of Poverty is lurking in our thought it will reach out its bony hand and from a dusty corner drag a rag to deck us in. But the offer is renewed each moment of our lives, and if we do not find the rags becoming let us reach for the gold, the brocade, and the precious stones, that it may be said of us as Jesus said of Mary, “She hath chosen the better part.”
All that the Father hath is mine.
The rich man may be sick, and the well may be lonely— the successful man may be unhappy, and Absalom with the beauty of a god may know not one hour of peace. But this is not a picture of the God-intended Man, for he is complete, well-rounded, and every whit whole. The bread of Life is freely offered, but we pick up only a few crumbs, and thereby starve part of our nature. There must be two parties to a gift-contract, the giver and the receiver. All that the Father hath is thine — all Life, Love, Substance, and Peace, accept all and so honor God and thyself.
Spirit is One, and Nature is its correlative.
“Every chemical substance, every plant, every animal in its growth, teaches the unity of cause, the variety of appearance.” God masquerades in many forms, and when He comes as Man He says, “Oh Man, I like Myself as Man best of all, so I will let you choose and create the garments I shall wear as Man, but I warn you, I shall not be content unless you deck me out in all my finery of Love and Beauty, and assure me that they are Eternal Garments — I am tired of this Cinderella-tale which would strip me of my coach-and-four when the clock strikes twelve.”
My knowledge of the Creative Law enables me to manifest Supply.
There is no Law of Supply as opposed to a Law of Limitation. There is just the One Creative Law, but it will appear to us as a Law of Supply if we are conscious of the ever-presence of Substance, or it will appear to us as a Law of Limitation if we are conscious of Lack. Knowing this, we may speak of “a Law of Supply” and “the understanding of the great principle of the Law of Supply will deliver us more and more completely out of the region of anxious thought and toilsome labor and bring us into a new world where the useful employment of all our powers, whether mental or physical, will only be an unfolding of our individuality upon the lines of its own nature, and therefore a perpetual source of health and happiness.”
My mental creations are spiritual realities.
“To use the apostolic words, we are dealing with the substance of things not seen, and we have to attain that habit of mind by which we shall see its reality and feel that we are mentally manipulating the only substance there ultimately is, and of which all visible things are only different modes. We must therefore regard our mental creations as spiritual realities, and then implicitly trust the Law of Growth to do the rest.” — Troward
Progress is the Law of Life, and it is manifesting in all my affairs.
“All our progress is an unfolding, like the vegetable bud.” This we call evolution. But only that can unfold which is conceived. The fulfillment is in the concept. The forming of the concept is involution — its growth is evolution. And every stage of the journey from thought to thing is perfect. The green apple is as perfect as the ripe apple, and we would see it so if we judged by the present instead of the future. God judges righteous judgment because he knows only the Present. We shall progress in proportion as we sense Perfection at every step.
I AM keeping my mind’s eye open.
When we become confused mentally and fail to see Life-as-it-is there is likely to be an unpleasant reaction upon the physical eyes. That which the mind dwells upon will eventually be made apparent. Therefore if we are making it a habit to say “I AM keeping my mind’s eye open — I am discerning more of Truth each day,” then, as Emerson says, “In a moment and unannounced, the truth appears. A certain wandering Light appears and is the distinction, the principle we wanted. But the oracle comes because we had previously laid siege to the shrine.
I can specialize the Creative Law to meet my needs.
God did not choose the Jewish race — the Jewish race chose to consider themselves “the chosen people.” Wise are those who follow this example. Let us say, “Good exists, and it exists for me. Life is, and it is flowing through me, manifesting as perfect health. Love is, creating in me a lovely personality. Substance is, and it is apparent in all my affairs.” Thus shall we specialize the Creative Law to meet our needs.
I am an Expressor of Beauty, Wisdom, and Charm.
We express through our personal atmosphere what we really are. “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he,” and so others sense him to be. Affectation fools no one. It is not admired — nor is it to be condemned for it is a reaching out for Perfection, but it is usually prompted by what we call “an inferiority complex,” the afflicted ones feeling that they are not as wise, or as charming, or as beautiful as they would like to be, and so they affect the veneer of these qualities. Let us recognize all desirable qualities as God-attributes, and then localize them in ourselves.
I AM my own best friend.
We often hear it said, “He is his own worst enemy.” Why not reverse this and be our own best friend? Charity begins at home. Let us recognize ourselves as centers of Divinity, and we shall not so easily think poorly of ourselves. Our guest is God — do not gad about in search of Him. You will not recognize Him in others until you have discovered Him in yourself.
I accept the answer to my prayers.
The answer to the prayer is in the prayer when it is prayed. If you accept the thing you ask for, it will manifest in your life — but if you refuse the answer to your prayer it cannot be delivered. All prayer is according to Law, and the Law is, “It is done unto us according to our belief.” Therefore if we believe that our petition is granted it will be.
The Word I speak sets the Law in motion.
The Law of God, which is the Creative Power of the Universe, is no respecter of persons. The Spirit knows itself as you, and it respects its own word spoken through your lips — but this can only be in proportion to the degree that you recognize yourself as Spirit. The more aware you are of yourself as the Spirit the more you will believe that your word sets the Creative Law in motion.
My word takes form in fact.
It would do no good if our word simply set the Law in motion and nothing came of it. Seeds planted in the soil do not always grow into plants. The mental-soil is much surer, and every mental acceptance will materialize if it is not uprooted by a contrary thought. How thoughts become things we do not know. Neither do we know how seeds become plants, but this does not keep us from planting seeds and reaping a harvest.
I am conscious of Infinite Supply.
“Unto him that hath shall be given, and from him that hath not shall be taken.” It is a matter of consciousness. It would be impossible for a person to be conscious of the ever presence of Supply and still remain poor. Our conditions manifest our states of consciousness. I am conscious of Infinite Supply.
I AM the creator of my experiences.
We are made in the image and likeness of God, and God is a Creator, therefore Man is a creator. And Man creates in the same way God does, by contemplation. Contemplate the thing you wish to experience, see it as finished, give thanks that it is so, rejoice in it daily — and God himself could not keep that thing from manifesting in your life. For this is God, creating from the center which is yourself.
I AM a Center of God-Peace.
Peace is not weakness, but Power — Not a power opposed to something, but the power that knows no opposition. And only that individual can know real peace who sees with the Soul’s Eye that there is Only the One, senses it as Power, Wisdom, and Goodness, and then localizes it in himself.
My thoughts are constructive.
Constructive thinking is in league with Reality. What is Reality? That which abides. What abides? Well, Man’s desire to experience Eternal Life, Boundless Love, and Abiding Peace — these desires are the cloud by day and the fire by night that lead us to the conviction that Life, Love, and Peace abide, and are the stuff Reality is made of.
There is guidance for me. It is not enough to say,
“There is Infinite Wisdom.” We must link it up with ourselves, we must permit it to function at the point of our need of it. We do this by accepting the guidance we require. I whisper my need to the Cosmic Ear, Whatever that need may be, And Universal Knowledge Expresses Itself through me.
My Life is a sermon.
We express our belief, though we speak not a word. We preach in acts, though the voice be silent. What we are proclaims us to the world. Would you preach a sermon that would inspire, help, bless others? Then recognize the Indwelling Spirit, and the Spirit will speak with many tongues in all you think, say, and do.
I AM deathless Spirit.
There is no age to Spirit — perhaps that is the reason man “loses spirit” when he measures off his life in weeks, months, and years. We are on an Eternal Holiday — enjoy it. We are deathless Spirit — stop choking yourself with the thought of death, and live.
Infinite Power is mine to use.
We do not see electricity, nor gravity, nor gas — we see what they do. So is it with Infinite Power. It manifests through what it does. And it can be directed by Man if he will use it the way it works, and that way is believing that it is, and that it will do what we tell it to. The password to the Powerhouse is Belief.
My spirit is God.
“By their fruits ye shall know them.”
Consider the man who believes that Life is at war with Death, that God and the Devil are sworn enemies, that Goodness and Evil are ever at sword’s points — consider such a man and you will find him tormented by fear, weakened by sickness, and expressing that from which he would escape. But even his belief in these so-called negative qualities cannot quench his desire to experience their opposites — that is because their opposites are the foundation of his existence. Turn now to the man who believes that this is so, and who at least makes some effort to live up to his belief, and you find a man whom God shines through, expressing the qualities of the Indwelling Spirit.
My body expresses health.
Both health and sickness are results. If we prefer health, let us train our thinking to that end, namely by entertaining thoughts of Unity, Love, Prosperity, and Joy. The state of health is like a thermometer — it registers the mind.
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