Subjective Mind believes what I believe.
Our mental acceptance of a thing starts a movement on the subjective side of life calculated to produce that mental acceptance in manifest form. Not the thing we desire, not the thing we talk about, not the thing we pray for, but that which we mentally accept will take form in our experience. Through prayer we frequently make a subjective impression of the lack of the thing we pray for, and in such cases we say our prayers are not answered. If we believe in the lack of the desired thing more than we do in the fulfillment of the desire we are mentally accepting the lack of it, and Subjective Mind can do no other than make this lack more apparent.
There is nothing hidden which shall not be revealed.
Whatever is impressed (pressed in) upon the creative medium which we contact through thought will one day confront us face to face. That which we permit the imagination to repeatedly “play around” in our own minds is causing a mental acceptance of that thing. This is equally true of the desirable as well as of the undesirable things. Therefore the wisdom of following the advice of St. Paul — “Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, think on these things.”
My body expresses my concept of myself.
Descartes, the French philosopher, writing in the 17th Century said, “God has given us bodies as nearly like ourselves as He could.” The outside is always like the inside, and if we wish to change the outside, the remedy is to change the mental concept of ourselves. This can best be done by refusing to mull over in the mind any defect, and gently directing the thought to the beauty, the strength and the perfection of the spirit which is the real self.
The Life Principle which is the source of my being, is also the source of all Substance.
That which we hold in consciousness has a material result, and in accordance with this same Universal Law of Cause and Effect the Universal Consciousness of Life (or what we might call God’s consciousness of his own Being) had a material result, namely, the primal unseen Substance from which all material things are made. Therefore where ever life is (and there is no place where it is not) is also Substance, ready to repair our bodies or fill our pocket-books.
I assume the Perfect.
Only to the degree that Perfection is our major premise can Perfection manifest in our affairs. Someone has said, “We assume the perfect in order to get the best possible.” Certain it is that if mental pictures of imperfection are displayed on the walls of the mind’s picture gallery, we would not recognize Perfection if we met it. Jesus said, “The prince of this world cometh and findeth nothing in me,” — because he mentally accepted the ever-present reality of Life and Love.
I am the center of my world.
What we are, what we really feel ourselves to be is the nucleus gathering to itself all that surrounds us. Jesus said, “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he” and everything that relates to him. Our thought draws to us its own correspondence. “Our universe becomes the subject of our knowing only as we find in it certain relations to our own self-consciousness. The world we achieve is an ego-centric world.”
I rest in the Ever-Present Now.
Much of our fatigue comes from the fact that in thought we are straining ahead trying to be some place we are not, or thinking of all the things we have to do. Let us rest in the Ever-Present Now, knowing that all time and space is at the point of our recognition, and that Wisdom, Power and Peace is the nature of our Being.
I lean upon the God-within.
Disappointment is salutary if it tends to throw us back upon ourselves. The quest for satisfaction, which is the goal of the soul’s journey through experience, will end when we discover the God-within to be the true self. “In Thee I have no pain or sorrow.” The more we lean upon the God-within, the less pain, sorrow and disappointment we shall experience. “Come unto me (the God-within) all ye that labor and are heavy ladened and I will give you rest.”
I receive gratitude graciously.
By a refusal to accept gratitude graciously we belittle ourselves, and cause a feeling of failure of accomplishment in the mind of the one who has offered the gratitude. Often from a mistaken sense of modesty we turn aside a well meant compliment, and in so doing instead of allowing the impress that we have done something worthwhile, we unconsciously impress upon subjective mind that we have very little ability. Let us get the big view of the Impersonal Self and on occasion worship it with the one who has perceived virtue in us.
MAY 10
I AM greater than anything that can happen to me.
“Before Abraham was, I AM.” The Eternal Principle of Life is centered in me. My Eternal Self is in the path-way of experience — the experiences are the rooms I walk through. They are real as experiences, as rooms, but they are not myself. Worlds without end may vanish, But Good and my Soul endure.
MAY 11
Criticism findeth nothing in me.
When we criticize ourselves or others we are holding in consciousness that which by our own judgment ought not to be perpetuated. The corner-stone of our teaching is that that which is held in consciousness comes out in manifestation, therefore it stands to reason, that by criticism we create more of the condition we criticize — and thus perpetuate a vicious circle
MAY 12
My will and imagination are in accord.
Harmony of the conscious and subconscious ideals are necessary to successful, happy living. Coue reiterated the belief of other philosophers who preceded him when he said that when the will and imagination are in conflict the imagination invariably wins. Much unhappiness and many physical ills are the result of a lack of harmony between the will and imagination. There is a desire for something which the Reason or higher-self does not approve — and the mental house is divided against itself. Often by “calling the desire up on the carpet” and contemplating the logical result of it we can cause it to be dissolved — substituting in its place something upon which the will and the imagination can agree.
MAY 13
Substance responds to me.
Substance is spirit in a grosser state of being, and is endowed with a degree of intelligence and is therefore responsive to the demands of spirit (which we identify with Intelligence). Recognizing ourselves as centers of the Universal Spirit we find ourselves to be immersed in substance which is responsive to our mental acceptance of it. If it is raining and I put a pail out of doors I cannot hope to catch more that a pailful of rain-water, no matter how much rain there is; and if I turn the pail up-side down, I’ll not get any.
MAY 14
Truth does not depend upon my thought.
Truth is that which is. Jesus said, “Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free.” All unhappiness is the result of believing that to be the Truth which is not the Truth. As we contemplate the Truth, the reality of Life, Love, Wisdom and all that we think of as God-qualities, so shall the creative power of our thought bring these qualities into manifestation in our own lives here and now.
MAY 15
I link dreaming with doing.
The idle dreamer accomplishes little, and he who acts rashly has much to regret. Let us follow up our day-dreams with our mental consent that will result in and necessitate action — or else forbid the day-dreams entrance. If we do not direct and sanction the pictures the imagination draws as daydreams, they will direct us. This is a knowledge. Socrates perceived the relationship between true knowledge and virtue. The truly educated man is he who has learned to control his imagination.
MAY 16
I AM an integral part of the Infinite Harmony of All-Being.
Through selfishness we rob ourselves. Selfishness sees us as individuals, but does not take into consideration our relationship to the Whole. It is only when this relationship is realized that we find our true place in the scheme of things and are able to draw down into the Self that Life which is fundamental to all existence.
MAY 17
I see Life as a Whole.
A narrow view of Life is the result of ignorance, and ” Ignorance,” Emerson tells us “is the only sin,” which means that ignorance is the greatest mistake. This mistake makes it impossible for us to realize the possibilities inherent in our nature, and therefore causes a consequent limitation of all of our powers. “Jove nods to Jove from behind each one of us,” and the life finding expression in all people and all things is the source of my Being.
MAY 18
My individuality is one of the modes in which the Infinite expresses itself.
We are not isolated, separated beings, set adrift to cope with a power which is extraneous to us. There is but the one Life-principle, and the Law of its Spirit is Self-expression through contemplation of Itself — and one of these Expressions is generic Man. And Man can command the powers of the Universal for his own purposes only in proportion as he realizes and obeys their generic character which is Unity.
MAY 19
The Unity of the Spirit is the Bond of Peace.
We are free only as we recognize our oneness with the Infinite Being. With this point of view we start life anew, for we now see that the only place limitation abided was in our own mistaken thought. The misapprehension of this truth was the parent of all our misfortunes. All that we formerly longed for we now find to be ours, for there is nothing outside the confines of the Spirit of Life which we now view, in the light of the unity of all things, as our Universal Self.
MAY 20
I AM a partaker of the Divine nature.
The Divine Power can intervene to rescue Man only by becoming one with him, and this relationship of oneness must be apparent to Man, otherwise he remains “lost” in the misapprehension of his own nature and the unhappy state resulting from this misapprehension. Only as we sense our oneness with the Divine Nature can It express through us the qualities intrinsic to It.
MAY 21
He healeth me of all my diseases.
All sickness results from “wandering from the Father’s house.” Knowing this, the remedy is apparent, namely, convince the mind that there is no separation between the child and the Father and never has been. As the light of this truth dawns upon us we are automatically healed, and enter into the enjoyment of “all that the Father hath.”
MAY 22
All Good is naturally mine.
The wise are no longer resigned to the idea that pain and sorrow are the will of God. By a weak submission to ills of all kind we perpetuate them, but that this should be the will of God is Divinely unnatural. God changeth not, but our ideas of Him change in proportion as we throw off the black hood of superstition and use our common sense. It is interesting and encouraging to discover that just to the extent that we do this we have what approaches to a more divine idea of the nature of God and Man’s relationship to Him.
MAY 23
My Word shall not return unto me void.
“As the rain cometh down and the snow from heaven and returneth not thither but watereth the earth and maketh it bring forth and bud that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth; it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”
MAY 24
My salvation is near to come, and my righteousness to be revealed.
Salvation is an individual proposition, and can only come as we accept the good our nature craves, and refuse to pray for salvation, which simply means that we are holding in consciousness the thing we wish to be freed from. The Law of Cause and Effect works directly and not inversely. Salvation can never come as long as we hold in consciousness the thing from which we wish to be saved. We cannot be saved in our sins, but only from the belief that we are sinners. Then will the “rightness” of things be revealed and our salvation accomplished.
MAY 25
I keep Sabbath continually in my heart.
Even as the Seventh day links that which is gone with that which is to come, so does the consciousness of Unity, typified by the Sabbath, link all into one Great Whole. It is the lack of the understanding of the underlying unity existing behind all modes of life that has given rise to The Floods, The Towers of Babel, and all the misfortunes from which mankind suffers. Hence the admonition throughout the scriptures to “keep” the Sabbath-day holy unto the Lord — in other words to be ever mindful of the relationship between all peoples and all expressions of Life due to the fact that our source is one. In the following passage from Isaiah those who do not know of the power possible to Man are called ignorant, dumb, and sleeping; while those who do know of the Invisible power but do not recognize the unifying principle are called greedy. “The Lord God which gathereth the outcasts of Israel saith: Yet will I gather others beside those that are gathered — All ye beasts of the field, come to devour, yea all ye beasts in the forest. The watchmen are blind; they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand; they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter.”
MAY 26
I sing unto the Lord a new song.
“Ho every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money, come ye, buy and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.” If our “song unto the Lord” has been a wail of lamentation because of the limitation manifested in our affairs, let us sing a new song unto the Lord (make a different impress upon Subjective Mind) so shall the wicked forsake his way (his old song), and the unrighteous man (the man without the right idea) his thoughts, and let him sing unto the Lord a new song, and the Lord will abundantly pardon—(Subjective Mind will produce a different result).
MAY 27
Beloved, now are we the Sons of God.
Not in “some far-off, divine event” shall we become the sons of God, but in that hour when that relationship which already exists dawns upon Man shall he begin to use the Universal Power. He is already piped with this Power, but he has to turn it on with the faucet of Recognition. So shall it come forth in his experience directed by his will, to the manifestation of those attributes which are the Essence of the God-head.
MAY 28
Oh how love I Thy Law!
The creative power of the universe is at the disposal of man. This is the nature of things. We cannot change it, so let us learn to use this Law of Cause and Effect wisely, that we may have cause for rejoicing. Man has been very much like a small child at the wheel of a powerful car. But now we have learned the technique, namely, that it is done unto us according to our belief — knowing this we enter into the joy of mastership, becoming efficient drivers.
MAY 29
I AM guided in ways of Wisdom.
I rest in the blessed assurance that Wisdom directs my way. By knowing my feet are guided I open new channels each day. Channels for Infinite Wisdom to flood with Its Holy Fire — channels that I have opened that lead to my Heart’s Desire. I link my mind with God’s own mind and the word that I seek comes through. I know that my problem is answered, and the knowing makes it true. With a child-like trust I abandon myself to the-One-who-knows — thus the wisdom of the Father goes where the child goes.
MAY 30
The Light of Knowledge illumines my Path.
Through ignorance we lose our way — and through knowledge we find it again. The Path is there all the time, and when we wander from it we say that we have lost it. The path is never lost. There is always a Way, and when we yield to the Greater Intelligence, the Light of true Knowledge illumines the Path.
MAY 31
I gather to myself increasing Strength.
Our weakness is proportionate to our belief in isolation — and our strength in proportion to our dependence upon the One incarnate in ourselves. “He who hath given up houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or children, or lands for my sake, shall receive an hundred-fold, and inherit life everlasting.” As we cease to lean upon people and things, (and refuse to allow them to lean upon us) we shall find True Strength, and greater joy in all human relationships.
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