I AM the essence of substance.
I am the essence of substance, a recognition of this fact will result in the manifestation of supply. Substance is Spirit made manifest — the physical correlative of the Universal Subjective Consciousness of Being. Therefore wherever there is a subjective consciousness of existence, there is also the material testimony of this consciousness. It follows then that wherever I am, Substance is also present. This Substance in its native state is invisible to the human eye, but it will come into appearance in the form of whatever my mind accepts as being — since Being is the idea seed which resulted in the conception of Substance in the first place.
I live in the consciousness of the ever-presence of God.
To live in the consciousness of the ever-presence of God is to experience only that which :Man calls Good. “And God saw everything that he had made, and behold it was very good.” “And God brought all things unto Adam (Man) to see what he would call them.” Man. beast, bird and flower spring from the same source. and in their essence are Good because they are God-derived. But Man, viewing things from the standpoint of the relationships existing between things has set up a standard of comparisons, and judging by this manmade standard be has named some things Good and some things Evil.
Within me is the fountain of Good.
“Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life” Whosoever shall recognize himself as an individualization of the Universal Spirit of Life will awaken to the fact that his every need, whether it be a need for Love, Wisdom or Supply is automatically met. “Call unto me and I will answer thee, and show thee hidden things which thou knowest not. I will bring health and cure, and will reveal the abundance of peace and truth.”
The Christ-within-me upholdeth all things by the word of his power.
Until we awaken to the perfection of the inner self, we are still wandering in the wilderness. But the moment we realize that the life of Man is the life of God, we are in position to turn on the faucet of Universal Power. The word “Universe” is a description of God and his creation, “unus” being the Latin word for “one,” and “versus” being the Latin word for “turned,” — the One “turns” and becomes versatile or many-sided. The One expresses Itself in the many. A realization of this truth enables us to “speak as One — having authority— the consciousness that our word is backed by God-power
He gives His angels charge over me to keep me in all my ways.
We cannot sow seeds of fear, doubt and hate and expect to dwell in a serene state of mind. Fear, doubt and hate are not in accord with the nature or truth of things, therefore to allow these sentiments to hold sway in our minds means that an abnormal or false condition will be created. Speak unto every negative thought the word of dismissal, for then only shall you know peace. “Then saith Jesus unto the Devil, (a negative thought), Get Thee hence, Satan. Then the Devil leaveth him, and behold, angels (Peace) came and ministered unto him.”
The God-within-me strengtheneth me.
“Fear thou not, for I am with thee, be not dismayed for I AM thy God; I will strengthen thee, yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded; they shall be as nothing; and they that strive with thee shall perish. Thou shalt seek them and shalt not find them, even them that contented with thee; they that war against thee shall be as nothing and as a thing of naught. For I, the Lord, thy God, will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not, I will help thee.” The phrase, “them that contended with thee,” is properly given in the revised version, “the men of thy contention.” we turn from our belief in contention we find the God-within.
All things are possible unto me.
All that I believe to be the truth will be the truth to me. If I believe that sickness, poverty, unhappiness are possible unto me then these conditions will make their appearance in my experiences. If I believe that health, prosperity and happiness are possible unto me then these conditions will make their appearance in my experiences. “All things are possible unto you.” “Whosoever shall believe that what he sayeth cometh to pass, he shall have whatsoever he sayeth.”
The gift of God is eternal life.
“God commanded the blessing, even Life for evermore.” Because the Universal Life is the life of the individual. man craves life, but if he believes in death, he will die. But this change called death is man-made and not God-decreed. Man will eventually awaken to this truth, either on this plane of existence or on some other, and when he does he will never again create for himself the experience called death. “He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit sayeth; he that overcometh (the belief in death) shall not be hurt of the second death,” (will not have to die a second time before he learns that Life is Life and cannot die.)
I AM free to express my own individuality.
True love is never selfish, denying to another a benefit we would claim. Love that would hold another in bondage is not love but the opposite of it. Love knows no limits, therefore it never limits another. Love is boundless, therefore it never seeks to bind another. “He that loseth his life shall find it,” — through the utmost willingness to allow others to express their own individuality, we draw love to ourselves — for Love, to be Love, must be free.
Through an intelligent use of the Creative Law I can bring about the things I desire.
Our desires shall come to pass (to pass before us as figures in a parade pass before us) if we will transmute wishes into mental acceptances. We rob ourselves of a thing by simply hoping for it. Take the prompting of hope as an intimation that you should form a mental acceptance of the thing suggested, and you will then be intelligently using the Creative Law to bring about the desired thing.
Peace is found only whole.
“Any prayer for less than the all-good is vicious!’ We cannot, either as nations or as individuals take our peace as a dog takes a bone and go off in a corner and gnaw at it secretly, reveling in the fact that someone else is paying for our peace by a sense of defeat and suffering. Such peace is only an illusory armistice between two states of conflict. We must learn to trace the life of our fellowman back to the One — then when we again behold his face we shall spontaneously call him brother.
God goes forth into creation.
Variety is made out of Unity. Like Siamese twins all manifestations of Life are inseparably linked together. Touch any remote part and the heart of tile Whole vibrates and sends out the word to the rest of the Family that a distant brother has been heard from. The Infinite presses upon us. God reminds us of his presence in every stone and leaf and sunset.
Good comes forth into manifestation through me.
I cause Good to be made manifest by mentally accepting it. I cause God to be made manifest by a recognition of His Indwelling Presence. To the extent that my mind dwells only upon the ever-presence and availability of Good. Good will come forth into manifestation through me.
I employ the mind as a servant.
When we differentiate between Spirit and Mind, we mean that Spirit is Conscious, and that Mind is Subjective. We are not bound by our thoughts but are the masters of them. The reverse of this condition is depicted in the parable of the good man of the house who was bound, The more we recognize our at-one-ment with the Universal Spirit, the more wisely we shall employ the Mind.
I bless, develop and direct my power of imagination.
“The will is not the Creative Faculty in us. It is the faculty of Conception that is the Creative Agent. and the business of the Will is to keep that faculty in the right direction, which will be determined by an enlightened Reason. Conception creates ideas which are the seed, that in due time will produce fruit after its own kind,” – Troward
I will not leave thee nor forsake thee.
Our God-natures never leave us, no matter how long we neglect them. Man, like the Prodigal Son, may wander into far countries of despair, but his God-nature never deserts him. It reminds him of Its presence by prompting him to crave health, wealth and happiness. It is that ” spark which a man may desecrate but never quite destroy.” When we turn and acknowledge it as the True Self, It will instantly supply us with whatever we most need at that particular time. So shall we come to think of Earth as Heaven. Heaven must be recognized as being within us before we can be in Heaven.
The promised land is an attainment and not a place.
By putting into practice the good I know today I shall attain a greater consciousness of how to proceed tomorrow. Progress is the Law of Life, but progress can only be made by starting from the place in consciousness where I now am. So will the Path of Discernment unfold before me. “One step enough for me” — but it must be one step as a preparation for the next, and not “One step, and then stop.” Each must walk all the way to the promised land, but “thy shoe shall not wax: old upon thy foot.”
I represent a divine idea.
Because the Spirit of Life is Infinite no two people, and no two things are alike. “Imitation is suicide.” No one can develop to the utmost by copying someone else. This at best can result in but a counterfeit. The qualities which we admire in another await in their undiluted essence for us to bring forth in ourselves after an original pattern. “We but half express ourselves and are ashamed of that divine idea which each of us represents.” — Emerson
All things in Creation are expressions of God..
There are no aliens in the Kingdom of God. The Universe is in perfect equipoise. Though two things seem possessed of no relationship, if we trace them back far enough we shall find that they meet — like ribbons on a May-pole. All creation is a single web closely interwoven. The more understanding we have the more this truth becomes apparent. “Each new step we take in thought reconciles twenty seemingly discordant facts as expressions of one law”.
All things announce the presence of a supreme power.
All power is based upon reality. Much that passes for power but is not is the out-growth of weakness, and will sooner or later find its own level But even back of weakness there is the reality of strength, the vision of power. The mistake is not in the vision but in the estimation of the correct way to express it. All power is centered at the point of the recognition of it.
I grow into the likeness of my dominant aspiration.
Animals, following the instinct of their peculiar natures, develop outstanding characteristics which in turn become descriptive of them. And when Man permits or encourages one line of thought to become a subjective part of him he is often fitly described by saying of him, “He is sly as a fox” or “He has horse-sense” or “He is faithful as a dog.” The apostles are often depicted in art by their symbols-thus, St. John, the spiritual-minded, is represented by the eagle, the loftiest soaring of birds. Man being self-conscious can refuse to allow an undesirable inclination to become subjective, and can, on the other hand, thus develop constructive ideas.
Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us. “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is.” Whether we sprang full-orbed into self-consciousness, or whether we arrived at this stage by a slow, painful process of evolution doesn’t so much matter — the point is that we are now self-conscious. Now we can claim Perfection as our Father-Mother-God, and when this recognition of perfection becomes subjective with us we shall “be like Him.” for we shall see, think, talk, act only perfection. “Be ye also perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect.”
He that loveth his brother abideth in the light.
“He that loveth his brother abideth in the light, but he that hateth his brother is in darkness. and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes.” Because Life is a unit one cannot love without receiving the fruits of love, and transversely, one cannot hate without receiving the fruits of hate. Whatever we hold in consciousness is as bread cast upon the waters which returneth after many days.
The word of God abideth in me.
“Man is made in the image and likeness of God,” and “The Word was God, and all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men.” The creative power of God abideth in Man. Word means idea, and we are told that “The Word was God” — ideas are creators. This understanding is “the light of men.” No longer need Man stumble and fall since he knows that his word is creative.
1 am fully aware that the Life of God is the Life of Man.
We need not search for Eternal Life in order to derive the benefit of it, but we must become conscious that the life of Man is (not shall be) Eternal Life. Jesus said “Ye search the Scriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternal life””. Eternal Life is not a reward but an ever-present fact. Whoso eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood, hath eternal Life. Whoever hath the Christ consciousness which is the present awareness of his at-one-ment with life right here on this plane, hath already Eternal Life.
The Kingdom of God cometh not with observation.
With the spiritual eyes we perceive ideas, and with the physical eyes we perceive the manifestation of ideas. The Kingdom of God is discernable to the physical eye for it is a mental state. But when the Kingdom of God (the mental state) becomes the Kingdom of Man (the physical state) then do the eyes of Man behold it. The Kingdom of God cometh not with observation.” — not through a desire to be “spiritual” but through the ability to “see” that the physical plane is just as spiritual as is the mental plane.
1 am anointed to preach good tidings, therefore will I give thanks. “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives (of false belief), and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord; to preach good tidings, and to comfort all that mourn. I will greatly rejoice in the Lord; my soul shall be joyful in my God, for he hath clothed me with garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness. Even as the earth bringeth forth her bud, and as the garden causeth the things that are sown in it to spring forth, so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth-therefore will I give thanks.”
My affairs will take on the appearance of my controlling thought.
Even as the lad in Washington Irving’s story of “The Great Stone Face” came in time to look like the face he loved, so will our conditions reveal what we have been worshipping. We become like that which we think most about.
Whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in Heaven the same is my brother and sister and mother.
Everyone is where he is because he is what he is. The consciousness of an individual decides who his real kinsfolk are. For this reason we feel as though we had always known one who may have been but recently introduced to us. For this reason the members of our own household may seem almost like strangers to us. We grow to be like what we think about, and all those (though far-flung stretches of earth and sea may separate them) who are growing into the likeness of Unity, are brothers and sisters in Christ.
I attract my own unto me.
People who are sick and unhappy often complain of a lack of sympathy and understanding from those who are well and happy. In order to absolutely sympathize with the sick and unhappy we would have to be that way ourselves. “In my Father’s house are many mansions.” — many states of consciousness, and all those in one state of consciousness will vibrate together and between these states “there is a wide gulf fixed.” “But I, if I be lifted up, (if the perfection of my own nature be regarded and upheld) will draw all men to me” because a recognition of the Perfect Self will attract to me desirable conditions, and others “seeing the good works” of this state of consciousness will learn to glorify the Father within themselves.
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