I am the essence of those things I seek.
The Universal Spirit of Life is the Sum and Substance of all that is. As a child expresses itself in modes and manners different from those of an adult, so the Universal Spirit of Life is expressed in various ways. The Universal Subjective Consciousness of Life may be considered to have first found expression in (or resulted in) Primal Substance, (the first stage of that which we call Matter.) All Creation is an expression of varying degrees of Universal Subjective Consciousness. This Universal Spirit of Life awakens to the reality of itself in Man. When Man becomes subjectively conscious of himself as being anything (rich, poor, happy, unhappy, etc.) a condition corresponding to that subjective consciousness is automatically created in his experience.
Love casteth out fear.
“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” Thou shalt let nothing occupy thy consciousness but the fact of thy at-one-ment with the One Perfect Life. This is Love, and “God is Love.” And from this consciousness will be found to flow out the fruits of the Spirit as though poured from an Infinite Cornucopia (horn of plenty). Job said, “That which I have greatly feared has come upon me.” Often that which we mistake for love is figuratively speaking a worship of false gods. A mother was heard to say, “I love my daughter so — when she is in the automobile I worry about her all the time — I am so fearful she will have an accident.” As Love casteth out fear, so just as truly fear casteth out Love, “beside whom thou shalt have no other gods.”
I am greater than any experience.
As we walk through rooms in a house, so we walk through experiences, and they are all of our own building. As we can stand in a room and look about us and say, “I am in this room,” so must we learn to detach ourselves from our experiences and say, “I am having this experience.” To the extent we do this we shall find that we are free and not plastered to an experience as paper is plastered to the wall. If one is in the midst of an unpleasant experience and will detach himself from it long enough to see that it is only an experience and not himself, the foundation will be found to have been knocked out from under that particular experience. On the other hand, if one is having a pleasant experience and will frequently behold it in the same impersonal way, speaking to himself somewhat after this fashion, “This is a beautiful room I have built, I am enjoying it, and I shall always have the power to build beautiful rooms,” the experience is likely to continue for some time because the “builder” is not leaning too heavily on that particular “room” as though his happiness were entirely dependent upon it.
Anxiety is a barrier to success.
We hope for success but we fear failure. This fear is equivalent to a prayer for failure. The fear is our real mental acceptance, and mental acceptance is the only kind of seed that the mental soil reacts to. “Love casteth out fear, for fear hath torment.” Love means a consciousness of the Unity of all life, the Oneness back of all things. Carry the theory of One-ness into practice in some such way as this: “There is only the One Spirit of Life and so it is in my life — there is only the One Creative Mind and it is mine to use — there is only the One Substance out of which all things are made and I am immersed in it” — and Love will be found to have cast out fear.
Where I am all good is — the spot whereon I stand is Holy Ground.
The Life Principle is a unit. It is not divided into sections and parceled out. All of the Creative Power of the Universe is at the point of anyone’s recognition of it. The wide expanse of the ocean may lie before us but if we look at it through a knot-hole the ocean for us will be limited by the size of the knot-hole. On the other hand no matter how long I look at the ocean no one else is deprived thereby of the same privilege. I rob no man of a view because I behold it. So it is with the Universal Power — It is all where I am if I recognize it as being there. An awareness of this fact constitutes the Entrance to the Promised Land.
Evil is a lack of the recognition of Good.
Both Evil and Good are terms which man has invented to describe conditions. These conditions are the results of mental acceptance. Darkness is the absence of Light, but if to us there is only darkness we shall continue to stumble and fall. Perception that there is Light ushers it in and the darkness automatically goes. If our minds are occupied with “the problem of evil” then to us Good is not. “Resist not evil and it will flee from you” — don’t wrestle with evil, leave it alone, and direct your attention to Good, and evil will leave you alone.
Fear flees before knowledge.
We fear most the things we know the least about. “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” “Resist not evil and it will flee from you.” As long as we fear a thing it will continue to hound us, but if we will turn and face it, it will be found to vanish, and we shall have mastered that particular fear. The story is told of a man whom the Devil was chasing toward the burning lake of Hell — when the man reached the brink he turned and laughed in the Devil’s face, and the Devil disappeared.
I hold no thought of envy.
Emerson says, “What we love we have, but by desire we bereave ourselves.” There is a world of truth in this one sentence. Because the Principle of Life is One, we become one with whatever we abandon ourselves to, (this is true of destructive as well as constructive ideas) — but when we merely wish for a thing our real mental conviction is that we do not have it. “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” and when we are able to see all the beauty, or love, or wisdom there is in a thing or a person it will be because we ourselves are possessed of that degree, or more, of the same qualities.
Happiness is my destiny.
Everyone desires happiness, but we take different roads to the same goal. The greatest unhappiness is caused by the belief that we shall never be happy. The misery resulting from this belief will in itself force us back onto the path, the path of knowledge, and from this knowledge we shall learn that the way to experience happiness is to accept our desire for it as the essence of the thing itself — then it will no longer be a forlorn hope but an actual reality.
I can control my thinking.
By repeated thinking about a thing we arrive at a mental acceptance of it. “Vice is a monster of so frightful mien that to be hated needs but to be seen; yet seen too oft, familiar with her face, we first endure, then pity, then embrace.” The mental embrace of anything results in a manifestation of that thing. This is The Great Law, and since we cannot change it, let us make it our servant by complying with it.
I am a personification of the Universal Whole.
There are not God and Man, but God as Man. When we grasp this fact as completely as did Jesus, we too shall be able to say, “I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” I AM what It is in essence, and It is what I AM in objectification. I know that God is Life, and Love, and Power, and Joy, and Wisdom; I know that God is Beauty, Light, Supernal Peace and Freedom. And I am one with God’s own self — all clouds are brushed away — my being merges with the One as dawn glides into day.
I am an entity in the Spiritual world.
To merge with the Whole does not necessitate nor permit the loss of individuality. The word “merge” comes from the Latin word “mergo,” meaning “to dip.” As it is possible for a sponge to be dipped into water in a basin and the identity of the sponge retained, so it is possible for the individual to conceive of himself as “dipped into” the Universal Spirit. This will not result in the loss of identity, but rather the expansion of it, even as the sponge expands as a result of the dipping process. This expansion enables one to see beyond the confines of a sponge existence and to know that the water in the sponge is one with the water in the basin.
The Universal Mind is to me whatever I believe it to be.
As the end of a “see-saw” goes up in accord with the weight on the other end, so Universal Mind always responds to us in exact ratio to our belief. Our belief is the weight that determines how high our consciousness will rise. The greater our belief in The Universal Goodness, the more Good we will experience.
The Universe holds no grudge against me.
The only grudge is that which we hold against ourselves. And as long as we hold it, it will appear to us as though the Universe held a grudge against us. As long as we plant weeds in our garden-patch we shall have weeds, but this will not be because the garden-patch has a grudge against us. Just the minute we plant flower seeds the soil will begin to produce flowers. So it is with the Universal Soil. We don’t have to have a “pull” with it. It doesn’t know whether we are using it, or Jesus Christ, just as the garden-patch doesn’t know whether Jesus or John Jones is planting the seeds.
I do not create — I direct.
Just as we do not create the flowers in our gardens, but choose what flowers shall grow there, so through a mental choosing we can decide what flowers shall grow along our path-way of life. Creation is already accomplished, but it can be reassembled and made to appear in various guises, pretty much as we buy dress material that is already manufactured and then decide how we will “make it up.”
I experience only that much of reality as I am conscious of.
To a frightened child in the dark the goblins are real. To one beholding only stress, worry and limitation they are real and will continue so until the eyes are raised to behold a broader horizon. Not by the tread-mill of contemplation of misfortune do we advance, but by a mental visioning of a higher and wider expanse. I stood on the rim of the world one day — a wonderful, beautiful, vast survey, and viewed a scene I had dreamed not of until I reached that height above the mundane setting of every-day life with its hurry and worry and stress and strife; and a truth was born to my quickened soul — all exists as a perfect whole, but only that exists for me, which I comprehend and my soul-eyes see.
Life can give me only what I will take.
All that the Father hath is mine, but until I comprehend this I shall continue to experience limitation. We are like the elder son in the parable of the Prodigal Son — he had never taken good things from the Father’s store-house because he did not know he could. It is not enough to know that the Father hath; it is not enough to say “God will give me what is best for me”; we must do our own taking, and this is accomplished by recognizing that by a mental picture of ourselves as possessed of the thing we desire, we already have it.
The physical is the out-picturing of the mental.
The Law of Creation is founded on this truth, that a mental acceptance of a thing is the thing, and that this mental receiving will be testified to by a physical out-picturing of that thing. This is exactly what Jesus was referring to when he said, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” He wasn’t talking to a God way off in the sky, but to himself — and each of us must say the same thing to ourselves. My will (my desire) is done (finished) on the physical plane in direct ratio to my perception that it is already finished on the mental plane.
I am tolerant.
Intolerance is the result and proof of ignorance. If we feel that we have the right to believe as we wish to, we should be able to see that all men have that same right. Truth never contradicts itself, and if what we believe is the truth, the signs following will speak for themselves and will do more to convince others than any pressure we could bring to bear. In matters of religion we should be particularly tolerant, for each man’s religion is the best for him at that particular stage of his unfoldment. If we have a better religion let us prove it by our works and not by our loud talking. All religions have some truth, but no religion has all the truth — just as all boats have seats but no boat has all the seats. The boats are means of arriving, and the seats in all boats are alike in one respect — they are something to sit on.
I am endowed with the power of volition.
Volition comes from the Latin word meaning “will.” We are giving our mental consent to some thought all the time — in other words we are “willing” that that thought should occupy room in our mental house-hold. What we must recognize is that each thought brings forth a brood of its own kind — therefore the wisdom of following this advice, “Stand porter at the door of thought, admitting only those conclusions which you wish to see manifest in your body or in your affairs.”
I am a Trinity-Being — Spiritual, Mental and Physical.
The enlightened do not regard Spirit as Good, and Matter as Evil. They are one and the same thing operating at different rates of vibration. We do not say that water is good but ice is bad. We recognize that they are the same thing a t different rates of vibration, or, as we say, at different temperatures. We can be cognizant of Spirit and Matter only through the mediumship of the Mind, and since only like comprehends like, Spirit, Mind and Matter must be one and the same thing at different rates of vibration.
God is all in all.
God is all (there is) in all (that is). “And without Him was not anything made that was made.” There is but the one Spirit of Life, and expressions of Itself are called Creation. I am an expression of It in self-conscious form. I have no quality that is not derived from this One Source. A perception of this truth results in manifestations of Good in my experiences.
Every organ and limb and part of my body is the perfect instrument of an eternal verity.
Man did not evolve to his present state after the same manner in which a house is built and occupied — namely that upon completion of the house the occupant moves in. Vision projected an instrument through which to function, and we call that instrument the eye. Vision uses the eye but is not in it. So with every organ and limb and part of the body. As we evolve more highly through an understanding of our true nature, it is logical to suppose that the instruments will be correspondingly refined, and even that new instruments may be projected. This has already been done to a certain extent by those who are called clairvoyant and clairaudient.
The purpose of God comes to fruition in my recognition of my own perfection.
The whole purpose of the Bible is to lead Man up to a recognition of his own perfection. Jesus said: “Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father in Heaven is perfect.” Only as Man recognizes his own God-nature can Creation progress further. “Hitherto the Father worketh, and now the Son works.” Now the Son recognizes that all Life and its inherent qualities are resident in him.
I give direction to the Creative Power of the Universe.
Even as a pigmy East Indian directs a huge elephant and makes it work for him, so Man directs the Creative Power of the Universe. As the elephant does the work but does not understand that which it accomplishes, so the Creative Power is a doer and not a knower. Whatever we impress upon it, it produces. I give direction to the Creative Power of the Universe.
Demonstration is the only proof of knowledge.
Since it is the Law of the Universe that a mental acceptance produces a manifestation of it, demonstration is the only proof of knowledge. Both the Good and the Evil we know is evidenced in our lives. Our experiences are signboards proclaiming where our thought has been dwelling. “By their fruits ye shall know them.”
Vague ideas produce confusion.
“Every plant beareth fruit after its kind.” Vague ideas produce confusion. Many who are habitually confused have trouble with the nose and nasal passages. The proto-type for the nose is the ability to follow an idea to its logical conclusion. Perhaps that is the reason for the old saying, “Follow your nose and you’ll get there.” Instead of continuing in a maze of mental confusion with its attendant “colds,” etc., talk to yourself somewhat after this fashion: “Infinite Wisdom is operating in me right now; It knows just what to do, and how to do it. I rejoice in a clear perception of right action.”
My body is the objectification of my concept of myself.
Do not treat a sick body if you would heal it. The sickness is a result and to change that result change the mental abiding- place. Direct your attention to the fact that the One Perfect Spirit of Life is your life now and forever, that the Servant of God (Subjective Mind) is ready to do your bidding, and that the Substance of God is your Eternal Supply. When such contemplation completely fills your mind the body will offer no complaints.
Knowledge is Power, and practice makes perfect.
There is no royal road to learning. This is as true of spiritual knowing as it is of academic knowledge. It is only as we put into practice the little that we know today that we have any hope of arriving at greater knowledge tomorrow. That is because Truth is a unit, and each succeeding unfoldment rests directly upon that which precedes it, and in its turn forms the foundation for the next revelation of itself. He who attempts to climb up some other way will fall to the bottom and have to start over again.
Belief does not create power, it uses it.
Belief is like the gear-shift in an automobile. It is not the power — it determines the direction the power will take. There is just one engine in an automobile, and whether the car runs forward or backward depends upon the gear that is being used. So it is with the Universal Engine. It is the power and by belief in Good or Evil the way we take will be either forward or backward. The engine in a car doesn’t know nor care which gear is being used — but the driver does care, and he knows that it is up to him to use the gear that will propel the car in the direction in which he wishes to go.
My conditions are counterparts of my beliefs.
“As above, so below; as within, so without.” Conditions of body and affairs but symbolize the belief. There is no hiding of a subjective acceptance. This is the great law of freedom to those who understand.
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