I have no enemies. Jesus said ” Pray for your enemies.
If you pray for your friends only what reward have you, — do not even the publicans and sinners the same? But I say unto you pray for them that despitefully use you, and great shall be thy reward.” As long as we are conscious of enemies we ourselves are not unified in thought with the Spirit of Life, therefore only discord can manifest in our lives. Look beyond the points wherein you disagree with your ” enemy” and say to yourself “There is only the One Spirit so this, my enemy, must be an individualization of It. In this we are united. He desires health, wealth and happiness, — in this we are alike.” So shall you be holding Unity in consciousness and “great shall be thy reward,” — peace of mind, and harmony in body and affairs.
Prosperity is expressed through my affairs. There is something inherent in Man which cannot be expressed by limitation. That is the reason we rebel at a lack of prosperity. In his essay, “The Over-Soul,” Emerson says, “We grant that human life is mean, but how did we find out that it was mean?” How indeed, unless there is something resident in Man which judges from a higher standard than is to be gained from a contemplation of the results of negative thinking. Unwittingly we have used the creative power to express limitation but we have not taken this starveling child to our hearts,—rather we have denied its parentage. This we can no longer do for we have learned that our affairs are the out-picturing of our convictions. There is Infinite Supply ready to respond to the Creative Power, — Thought is the Lever and we are the Engineers.
I accept the Good.
When we realize our at-one-ment with All Good our prayer will no longer be a beseeching but an acceptance. As long as we believe that God is one thing and we are something else we shall continue to eat crumbs. Prayer is a consciousness of complete unity with all that we call Good. Where, then, is the need for asking for that which is already ours? True prayer is not begging but perceiving,— God surveying through our eyes that which he has made and called Good. Through such a consciousness God comes into His Own.
I am a new classification of the Spirit of God.
“Imitation is suicide.” The Infinite is expressing Itself, — and it never uses the same mould twice. When we imitate others instead of being ourselves we are “slaying the firstborn.” There never was any one just like you. You are the expression of a unique idea. God’s idea of you is called by your name. Do not strangle God’s idea by paying too much attention to others. That which you admire in others can be expressed through you, — and perhaps more of the same if you will but “stay at home with the Cause.”
Money is a concrete manifestation of Infinite Supply.
That which is held in consciousness comes out in manifest form. By the same universal law, God’s consciousness of Being results in an unseen physical substance which also is omnipresent. Consider money as the visible appearance of this unseen substance, and you are naturally led to the conclusion that money is the manifestation of God’s consciousness of His own existence. You say, “Of course I believe that God is omnipresent,” — It should be just as easy to conceive of money as being omnipresent.
I am intelligently using the Law of Cause and Effect.
The Law of Cause and Effect is the Universal Creative Medium. It is the way thoughts become things. It is the creator of conditions, the go-between by means of which ideas take visible form. Inasmuch as it always does as it is told, it rests with the individual to instruct it wisely. Being a good servant it never argues but always agrees, — hence the necessity for giving it instructions in accord with the spirit of Life, Substance, and Wisdom, if we would be healthy, wealthy, and wise.
The One Perfect Vision is using my eyes.
Vision is Spiritual and does not reside in the eyes. However, the physical eyes are the instruments Vision uses on this plane of existence. ” If thine eye offend thee pluck it out” was the admonition of Jesus. Let the thought that Vision is in the eye be an offence unto you, — pluck it out of your consciousness. The Spirit which does the seeing projected a perfect pattern for the eyes, and when we unite with that Spirit the perfect pattern will “draw its own correspondences,” building perfect instruments for the use of Vision.
I am attracting to me that which is like myself.
The Spirit of Man is God, and therefore perfect. That is the reason we desire perfection in our affairs. This desire is the God-urge in Man. When we yield to it, it designs all our circumstances according to the perfect pattern. A recognition of the Perfect Self will result in conditions of body and affairs that meet with our approval. If the finite self is our highest concept this concept can draw to it only a small, cramped expression. Jesus said, “Follow the pattern shown thee in the mount,” — the idea and ideal of perfection.
I daily walk with God.
“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, — that publisheth peace.” The feet and limbs are those parts of the body which enable us to progress from one point to another. Let the idea of progress fill the mind, — the ability to progress spiritually and mentally, and the feet and limbs will respond. When one is suffering from the belief that he is being held by conditions there is often an unpleasant reaction on the physical instruments for progress. The remedy is to convince the mind that the spirit within you is free, that no thing and nobody can impede your spiritual progress.
I AM the Word of God.
A weak thought has little power, but powerful thought is equipped with that power we concede to it. Words are the garments thought wears, and for this reason words themselves have power. Jesus said, “The words I speak unto you they are Spirit and they are Life.” This was His belief and so when he spoke a word it was charged with the power of manifesting Spirit and Life. The Greek word “logos” means not only “word” but the “idea” embodied in the word. It is in this sense that St. John uses it, ” In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, and the Word (or God) became flesh (or man).” The Word of God is not the Bible but God’s idea of Himself functioning as Man.
I have found my home in God.
We have been like ships without a rudder, having nothing by which to steer our course. We had no faith because we had nothing in which to place our faith. Our prayers were “like an infant crying in the night and with no language but a cry.” But now we have found our home in God, have oriented ourselves in the Universal Plan. Our cry for understanding has been answered for we have learned that the God who seemed so far away is the Life of our life, — “nearer He is than breathing, closer than hands and feet.” ” In Him we live, and move, and have our being.” This is no longer a theory, a beautiful but vain hope, for we have proven by demonstration that when we accept as our premise “God is the One Life, and I am an individualization of Him; the Creative Law of God creates for me; the Substance of God is builded into my affairs,” the conclusion of this premise is the fulfillment of our heart’s desire. We are no longer strangers in a strange land, for we have found our home in God.
Deity shines through me.
Recognizing God as the Source and Sustainer of my life I permit the Love, Wisdom and Beauty of God to shine through me, illumining all I say, do, and think. “As an arrow is lost in its mark,” so am I immersed in the ineffable Beauty and Peace of the Divine. Deity shines through me. A Light is shining on my path. Its Source is God-in-me. The beams of God-Light brighter grow, For I have found myself in Thee.
M y thought is in line with the Unity of the Great Whole.
“Thought which is in line with the Unity of the Great Whole will produce correspondingly harmonious results, and Thought which is disruptive of the Great Principle of Unity will produce correspondingly disruptive results,— hence all the trouble and confusion in the world. Our Thought is perfectly free, and we can use it either constructively or destructively as we choose; but the immutable Law of Sequence will not permit us to plant a thought of one kind and make it bear fruit of another.”—Troward
I have the power to specialize the Creative Law.
“Every Law contains in itself the principle of its own expansion.” There is no limitation in the Law of Creation, but as long as we believe that there is, it will appear to us to be a Law of Limitation. The Law cannot specialize itself but it will respond to us in a special way when we provide the proper conditions. This we are enabled to do because of our ability to choose and initiate a thing “in mind,” — the Law automatically responds, creating for us the thing which we have conceived. If this were not so we should never have a new invention. The Law remains the same, — what it creates depends upon the thought-pattern we present to it.
The Universal Spirit is localized in me. As long as we think of God as outside ourselves we are like a street car with its trolley off the wire, — we are at a stand-still spiritually and mentally. It should always be borne in mind that the Universal Spirit is expressing Itself and that it is localized in us. Knowing this we are in position to bring to bear upon our interests Universal Power. Thus do the individual and the Universal become One in Purpose, Endeavor, and Achievement, for the individual’s desire for self-expression is the reflex action of the Universal Urge. When the two are united the Universal Power is finding an individual outlet.
I see myself in others.
If we are thinking hate-thoughts everyone will appear to us to be hateful. If we are conscious of ourselves as Love everyone we contact will take on the atmosphere and vibration of Love. Everything works in circles and that which we send out returns again to us. “Beauty,” it is said, “is in the eye of the beholder.” We see in others what we know ourselves to be. If we would attract good we must be the good we wish to experience. Wishing and hoping will not “turn the trick.” There must be nothing in us which denies that which we would attract. We cannot broadcast condemnation and expect Love on the rebound. Be the qualities you admire, and you will see only those qualities in others, and they in turn will see only those qualities in you.
I am the Master of my Fate.
The doctrine of Karma teaches that there is no escape, that a train of causation once started cannot be prevented from arriving at its destination. A state of hopelessness and apathy is the result. One has but to observe the condition and national atmosphere where the doctrine of Karma is held to be the truth, to realize the effects of this teaching. The Christian doctrine of the ” remission of sins” is in direct contradiction to the doctrine of Karma. By “remission of sins” is meant the possibility of starting an opposite train of causation which will dissipate what would otherwise be the logical result of the contrary cause. The logical result of a ball thrown toward a window would be a broken window, but if someone intervenes and catches the ball the window remains intact. The truth of this teaching makes us Masters of Fate.
Health is my normal condition.
We recognize both health and sickness to be results, not things in themselves. Health results from a healthy outlook on Life, and sickness results from a sick outlook on Life. If you would change the result change the cause. Jesus said “Do not uproot the tares.” By this He meant do not try to heal a sick body or a sick condition, — change the belief and the “tares” will die from lack of your nourishing attention. That health is normal is evidenced by the fact that we are not content without it. Thus does the Perfection which is the True Self at last impel us to recognize the Reality of our Being, for this recognition alone will result in the health we crave.
Wisdom directs my thinking.
Thought is the action of Mind, and Thought results in activity on the subjective side of Life. This activity results in formation. The formation will be called good or bad according to the nature of the thought producing it. Fight not with things, let Wisdom guide thy thinking, and you’ll welcome the fruit Thought brings.
I am a Center of God-Peace.
Unless we have Peace, we shall find wealth and fame but baubles in our hands. Peace is the Nature of God, and it will be ours only when we recognize ourselves as “Made in the image and likeness of God.” When we have awakened to our Divine Parentage we shall claim our heritage of Life, Wisdom, Power and Love; and knowing naught external to the Selfhood of God we shall come into possession of the Pearl of Great Price,—the Peace of God.
I am a friend to myself.
The bearing of false responsibility is mistaken kindness. It injures ourselves and others. When we think of others as weak and incapable we are making that impression of them upon subjective mind, and if they are thinking of themselves in the same way they are receptive to our thought and we are thereby adding fuel to the fire. We injure ourselves by assuming false responsibility for we make the impression on subjective mind that we are burdened, carrying a load of woe, etc. The way to help others is to make our own demonstration of health, prosperity and happiness, and then we can tell others how we did it, saying unto them, “You can create new conditions through the power of thought. I know, for I have done so.” We cannot truly be kind to others until we have first learned to be kind to ourselves.
There is no hell except the one my thought creates.
Belief in a literal hell of fire and brimstone is no longer entertained by thinking people. The doctrine of hell as a locality grew out of an ignorant or malicious teaching. It could not have resulted from a clear concept of the Unity of all Life. It would be equivalent to condemning yourself to hold your right hand forever in the fire, while you, yourself, escaped the pain, or even derived pleasure from seeing your hand burn. That there is a mental hell is not to be denied, and the sooner we awaken to the fact that it is of our own making the sooner we shall be able to ascend into heaven which is also located in our own mentality.
My prayers are answered.
In the Bible we are often enjoined to “fast and pray.” For centuries this has been enacted in a literal way, fast days being prescribed and prayers intoned. The true fast is to fast from a belief in evil, and true prayer is a conscious unification with that which we call Good. When we have united with God in Spirit we are already atone with the source of all Good, then by a mental acceptance of any particular good we wish to experience we have fulfilled the requirement and have but to await with joyful expectancy the answer to our desire. Jesus said, “The things, whatsoever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye have received them, and ye shall receive them.”
I do not cast my pearls before swine.
Many over-enthusiastic people seek to force upon others the teaching which has resulted in good to themselves. We are warned against this in the instructions of Jesus to His disciples, “And if any house receive you not, shake the dust from your feet and go on.” It takes two to make a gift, the one who bestows and the one who receives. A safe rule to follow is, “Let your light shine, and others seeing your good works will glorify your Father who is in heaven.” When we have enriched our own lives others will be prompted to ask how we did it, — then is the time to tell them.
My soul has found rest.
“Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” When we cease trying to bear the burden with our limited, finite sense of strength, and come to know that there is a Wisdom waiting to guide, a Power strong to bear, a Heart beating in sympathetic understanding with our own, we shall find the burdened lifted, and rest unto our souls.
I am in harmony with Life.
Harmony cannot express in our lives until we have harmonized with the Spirit of Life. Inharmony is born of mental confusion. When we have unified with the One all our conditions will express harmony. When we seek and find the One in all people, all people will harmonize with us. The One is made manifest in the many, — Unity passes into diversity. Just as the One is in harmony with Itself so will this harmony become manifest in the many when the many look to the One.
My consciousness of Infinite Supply results in prosperity.
I must be rich in Spirit if I would be rich in purse. I cannot think poor thoughts and demonstrate abundance. “All that the Father hath is mine,” — but I must claim it and accept it before it can manifest in my life. We would not honor an earthly father by refusing his gifts. We dishonor God by not accepting the richness of His Life, Love and Substance. Where there is a mental acceptance there will be a material appearance.
The Law creates in accordance with the Word that sets it in motion.
Just as the speed of an automobile depends upon the amount of gasoline the engine receives, and the direction the car takes depends upon the way the steering-wheel is turned, so the “creation” of the Law depends upon the word we speak and the amount of faith we have in our own word. Jesus spoke as one having authority because He believed in the power of His word. The Word is the pattern we give to the Law, and the authority with which we speak it determines the amount of power it will have. An automobile may be capable of running at a high rate of speed, but if we give it only a small amount of gasoline the car will run slowly. There is no limit to the creating capacity of the Law, but a lack of faith in the word we speak will reduce the motion of the Law, and proportionately lengthen the time of production.
I have much to give. Emerson says,
“There is an absolute balance between Give and Take.” The habit of giving creates something to give, and he who gives what he has, of ability, time, strength, smiles, kind deeds, as from a full storehouse, is creating a consciousness of abundance that is sure to fill his pockets with gold. One must be sure to have the opulent thought and not give as though the giving depleted, nor yet be too conscious of the vacuum the giving fills, for this would be to make an impress of Lack. This consciousness would never fill a purse. Let the thought be, ” I have much to give, and I give gladly and with a free hand as a sower sows his seed,” so shall it return multiplied, full measure, pressed down and running over.”
My Word takes Form in Fact.
If this were not so, an idea would never be anything but an idea. The inability to see the relationship between Spirit and Matter was one of the greatest problems that confronted the early Greek philosophers. It is still a problem to many people, but when we see that Matter is the Natural Correlative of Spirit, and not something opposed to it we shall understand the inter-dependence of the one upon the other. Without the Word of the Spirit there would be nothing to take form, and without Matter there would be nothing to enable the word to take visible form. We may not see much similarity between a seed and a full-grown plant, but without the seed there would be no plant, and without the possibility of the plant there would be no need for the seed.
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