Venice J. Bloodworth – Golden Keys To A Lifetime of Living



1 – A Brief Biography
2 – Reflections
3 – From the Viewpoint of Religion
4 – A Recommendation for Balanced Living
5 – In the Area of Whimsy
6 – An Introduction

7 – Lesson One
8 – Lesson Two
9 – Lesson Three
10 – Lesson Four
11 – Lesson Five
12 – Lesson Six
13 – Lesson Seven
14 – Lesson Eight
15 – Lesson Nine
16 – Lesson Ten
17 – Lesson Eleven




Although the book, KEY TO YOURSELF, was no doubt the greatest single accomplishment of her career, Dr. Venice J. Bloodworth was also known through her works, to many people within and around the vicinity of Atlanta, Georgia, as teacher, counselor, and friend.

Venice Bloodworth received her doctorate in psychology from Northwestern University, Chicago. The content of her teaching, and the practice of her chosen profession reflect both the findings of modern psychologists, and the principles taught hundreds of years ago by Jesus of Nazareth. In describing her work she has said this: “The method is always the same, regardless of what is to be accomplished. First, the idea. Second, visualizing the idea. Third, manifesting the idea. First we make a decision; then, we use the marvelous function of the mind, the imagination, which I call the workshop of the mind, to visualize this change. Since it is a law that energy follows thought, then when the thoughts are flowing in a positive manner, we get positive results.”

She shared her formula for health, beauty, joy, harmony, and richer living through several avenues: writing, private consultations, public lectures, and class work. Dr. Bloodworth referred to her subject matter as Spiritual Psychology, and set for her purpose in teaching the goal of helping humanity, by explaining to people that they can THINK themselves into actually being well, happy, prosperous, and beautiful. In addition she provided helpful suggestions as to how her students might nurture this belief, and thus stay with it, until the desired changes appeared either in form or experience.

The personal affirmation she used to begin her day’s activities was this: “I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy.” Standing before her mirror, she repeated these words for about ten minutes each day. Evidence of the effectiveness of her belief came to her in many ways. For instance, she discarded her glasses after realizing that her eyes were “whole and perfect, and continually rebuild themselves.”

When Dr. Bloodworth was around thirty years of age, she decided that this was “such a nice age to be” that she resolved to retain her youthful appearance, by remaining as she was then. This she did most successfully. In fact, when she was beyond fifty she was continually taken to be a woman as young as the age she had named for herself.

Upon three different occasions this petite, lovely, and gracious lady was offered roles in motion pictures, which she did not accept. She preferred to help the sick and frustrated regain health and happiness, and those who had lost their way to become rehabilitated and useful citizens.

Her interests extended to many areas of helpfulness, including lectures to PTA groups on child psychology, and work with the Atlanta Council of Church Women at the Atlanta Prison Farm, and the Georgia Training School for Girls. KEY TO YOURSELF was written over a period of several years, along with the demands of her professional practice, which she carried on in her farm home near Kenesaw Mountain.

Although Dr. Venice Bloodworth was devoted to the service of humanity, she found time also for a normal, well-balanced personal life. As a homemaker and wife, she spent many happy years with her husband, James A. Bloodworth, a railroad official. Together they enjoyed the comfort of their farm home, along with the collection of animals they took with them back into their wooded mountain retreat. There was Mike, the dog, a mare named Honey, and a pair of cats called Ike and Mamie. The cat family grew, as cat families will, to include three kittens, Napoleon, the proud one, Rastus Densenberry who was by nature “sort of slow,” and Loving Sam, whose name was well suited to his personality.

In acknowledgment of help received, the Bloodworth home was richly showered by tokens of gratitude from patrons, from many points around the world. Their library too was representative of many interests, containing a wide variety of reading matter, from the purely inspirational to mystery novels; books to inform, to live by, and for entertainment and relaxation.

Since her notebooks reveal qualities of character, which we believe are best made known by what she wrote, we have chosen to let the work of Venice Bloodworth speak for her, rather than relate only facts about her. Therefore, this story of her life is continued along with the content of her own thinking, which we have come to know by what she has written. We feel this decision harmonizes perfectly with the basis of her belief— that the outer appearances are the result of inner awareness — or in the words of the wise, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”


The tenor of Dr. Bloodworth’s life was a harmonious reflection of the philosophy she taught. Since service marked the path she walked, the following excerpt has been selected because of the relationship it has to this most unselfish phase of her character. These words, which she has written, call attention to both an attitude that she embraced, and an approach to life which she practiced.

Acquaintance with her teaching, is to know much about the teacher, for what she taught she became. In turn, what she became and practiced is reflected in the philosophy she accepted and shared. We have noted, as you will, from the few paragraphs that have been copied from a notebook found among Venice Bloodworth’s effects, that she certainly must have considered service to others mandatory to progress. Her words follow below.

“The Path of Purification is the probationary path on which certain qualifications must be developed. The Path of Illumination is the Path of Holiness, subdivided into four stages, each of which is entered by a special initiation, symbolized among Christians as the Birth, Baptism, Transfiguration, and Passion of Christ. The Path of Union is the attainment of Masterhood; of liberation, and final salvation.

“The first step of all, which is absolutely necessary, without which no approach is possible, and by which achievement ever comes within reach of realization, may be summed up in four brief words: ‘The Service of Man.’ That is the first condition. For the selfish no such advance is possible; for the unselfish such advance is certain. And in whatever life a man begins to think more of the common good than of his own individual gain, his steps lead toward the Path, and are preparing the man to set his feet upon it, whether his interest lies in service of the town, community, the nation, or the wider joining of nations together, right up to the service of humanity itself.

“There is no distinction between the kinds of service provided they are unselfish, strenuous, and moved by the ideal to help and serve. It may be purely intellectual — the work of the writer and author, trying to spread among others the knowledge he has found, in order that the world may be a little wiser; a little more understanding because that man has lived and written. It may be along the service of Art wherein the musician, the painter, the sculptor, or the architect puts before himself the ideal of making the world a little fairer and more beautiful. It may be along the way of Social Service where the man, moved by sympathy for the poor and suffering, pours out his life in the work of helping. It may be in political work, where the life of the nation, internal and external, is the object of service. It may be along the way of Healing, where the doctor tries to bring health in place of disease, and to make conditions good for the body, in order that the body may be healthier and longer lived than it would otherwise be.

“Everyone is in some service. That is true, because the way to the Path is set in human life. There is nothing necessary for the growth and evolution of that life, which may not be made a step towards the Path. But the difference lies in the conditions of the work. The basic difference lies in THE MOTIVE.”


The notebooks of Venice Bloodworth adequately confirm the fact of the spiritual nature of her teaching. In the paragraphs that follow, we found what we consider heartening evidence of her awareness of man’s unity with God, as well as her ability to share this faith through the clarity of her thought. Since the work requires no further introduction, we simply quote what we have found.

“Life, in all Its activities, everywhere manifest, is God in Action, and it is only through the lack of the understanding of applied thought and feeling, that mankind is constantly interrupting the pure flow of that Perfect Essence of Life, which would, without interference, naturally express Its Perfection everywhere. The natural tendency of Life is love, peace, beauty, harmony, and opulence. Life cares not who uses It, but is constantly surging to pour more of Its Perfection into manifestation; always with the lifting process, which is ever inherent within Itself.

“I AM.

“I AM is the activity of THAT LIFE.

“How strange it is that students with sincere interest, do not get the true meaning of those two words.

“When you say and feel ‘I AM,’ you release the spring of eternal, everlasting Life to flow on Its way unmolested. In other words, you open wide the door to Its natural flow. When you say ‘I am not,’ you shut the door in the face of this mighty Energy. I AM IS THE FULL ACTIVITY OF GOD.

“Having placed before you so often the Truth of God in Action,

I wish you to understand Its first expression in individualization. The first expression of every individual, everywhere in the Universe, either in spoken word, or silent thought or feeling, is I AM, recognizing Its own conquering Divinity. The student, endeavoring to understand and apply these mighty, yet simple laws, must stand guard more strictly over his thought and expression in words. Otherwise, for every time you say ‘I am not,’ or ‘I cannot,’ or claim that you have not, you are throttling that Great Presence within you. This shows you the enormous power you have to qualify the mighty Energy of God. Thus you see, how important it is for you to KNOW what you are doing when you speak, think, or feel. You are using the most Divine Principle of Activity in the Universe— I AM.”

On another page she wrote: “I cannot speak of this to you too often. When you really recognize, and accept the mighty Presence of God in you, there are positively no adverse conditions.

“When you think of the expression ‘I AM,’ it means that you know you have God in Action, expressing in your life. Do not let false expressions continue to govern, and limit you. Continually remind yourself that you live, move, and have your being, and all outer expression in the full opulence of God. By thus reminding yourself of this invincible, unconquerable Presence you keep the door open for Its pure Essence and Intelligence to weave Its wondrous Perfection into your outer experience. . . There is only one thing in this Universe that can surround you with limitation, and that is accepting outer appearances instead of the mighty, active Presence of God in you, . . . Arise, and walk with the Father, the I AM, that you may be free.


Words of praise are found in the papers belonging to Dr. Bloodworth, for the widely acknowledged importance of balance as being essential to successful living. In a few brief lines, she has set forth an explicit explanation of the relationship between the four drives: work, play, love, and worship, along with her views concerning the desirability of recognizing the value, and giving expression to each.

Elusive though it may be, we heartily agree that balance is necessary to the integrated, well-rounded life. Venice Bloodworth has this to say in favor of establishing a program which includes it:

“Life must be balanced between work, play, love, and worship. While each must be pursued for its inherent satisfaction, all must have a chance to react upon each other. To maintain maximum output in work, one must spend time in play, must attain satisfaction in love, and at the same time grow in spiritual power. Work, play, love, and worship contribute to a balanced way of living, and to a framework for the personality which keeps an individual calm and poised, as well as dynamic. It is just as important to balance these drives in times of stress as in periods of quiet.”


Venice Bloodworth not only advocated the importance of balanced living, but evidence found in her notebooks would also indicate that she appreciated the value of variety in achieving it. By way of contrast it is interesting to look first at the sweet and tender dedication that appeared in her book “Key To Yourself,” and then at some delightfully whimsical letters, which were written sometime in moments of imaginative thought, to the same mother to whom the book is dedicated.

The first reads: “This book is for my Mother whose teachings are contained herein. A very gallant and beautiful lady whose dreams all came true.”

The other writing is captioned, “A Lifetime in Letters” or “Letters to My Mom.” They are reproduced only in part. The first one follows:

Dearest Mom:

It is nearing the time when I must come to Earth. Today I had my first glimpse of you. One of the angels whose duty it is to guard the star-windows of Heaven allowed me to look through, and I saw you. My heart gave a big thump and I fell in love with you. Now I can hardly wait for the time to come when the Father will send me to you.

They tell me I am to be a girl this time. I hope you won’t be disappointed. Some say that boys are preferred on Earth, but here the Father loves us all the same.

Yes? They’re calling me. Our time is here. See you on Earth, Mom.

The second letter reads:

Dearest Mom:

We started to Earth on a moonbeam but the closer we came, the darker it was. The Guardian Angel, the Father sent with me, said it was all right, that the place we are to meet is called the ‘Valley of the Shadows.’ My angel says mothers are wonderful people and pay a big price to bring us safely through the valley. I hope I’m worth it and that you will be all right. I don’t want to lose you, now that we have found each other.

And another one is filled with questions:

Dearest Mom:

Where in the world are we going so dressed up? This is certainly a tricky outfit you made me. Why am I getting so much attention? What’s alt that music and singing? What are all these folks doing here? Hope we won’t have to wait. Did you make an appointment? Oh, you say it’s Sunday and we’re in Church. Hm- m, pretty isn’t it? Who’s that fellow with the thingamajig on and the whatchamay call it in his hand? He’s going to christen me!! Omigoodness how do I get into such things? Well that wasn’t so bad. But, Mom, why is everyone so long faced and solemn? Don’t grown ups know that God wants everyone to be happy and joyous?

The last of the letters:

Dearest Mom:

Did I do something wrong today? It’s hard to understand things. You wanted me to sit on that little pot. So why does it matter where I sit on it? I got lonesome sitting there all by myself. That is why I took it out on the sidewalk where all the people were passing. They were all laughing and having fun too, when you insisted on taking me back into the house. Why can’t a gal combine business with pleasure, Mom? You say that is private business? Well, what do you know! Aren’t grown ups funny?

At this point she seems to have abandoned the pursuit of a career in literature of the lighter nature, for the purpose of devoting her time to understanding many of the questions asked by the great human family. Through study, insight, and interest many enlightening answers were discovered. These she shared.

Part Two of this book is devoted to letters of a different nature than those which have just been quoted. Those which follow were designed as teaching lessons, for pupils who had turned to her for guidance in their quest for understanding Life and how to live progressively, joyously, harmoniously, in health and prosperity.


As the demand for her teaching increased, Dr. Bloodworth prepared a series of lessons for instruction by correspondence to ease her crowded schedule. This useful idea now becomes a welcome answer to those who are asking to see more of her writing. These lessons, which were intended to fill a definite need for those who wished to be included in her classes, are now available to meet a present demand.

In explaining the value of applied metaphysics, as presented in her teaching, Venice Bloodworth has written: “As the term implies, Metaphysics is that science which is higher—above the physical. It deals with universal or spiritual laws, and while it is necessarily spiritual, an Absolute and Divine Science, it is nevertheless, practical and non-sectarian. This course of lessons tries to answer the questions of who is God, and where is He. Why am I here? They also set forth clearly the various phases, degrees and laws of achievement through Idealization, Visualization, Realization, and Demonstration. The student is taught that thoughts are tangible things; that without the thought and word nothing is made or brought forth into expression. Moreover the student is taught how to relate himself to God, to understand the Divine attributes within himself, and how to connect or unite himself with the Universal Energy. Through the study and application of Metaphysics man learns to know himself. He understands the purpose of life — his own individual life. He awakens to his own soul’s latent power, his own possibilities, and comes into the realization of “The Father and I are One.”

The lessons that follow have been reproduced in order that you might enjoy the benefits to be derived from them for purposes of personal development.




“The Kingdom of Heaven is within you, and whosoever shall know HIMSELF shall find it.”

Dear Friend:

In the coming weeks as we visit together through these letters many things will be brought to your attention. All of them you know deep within your Real Self. Some of them you may already be aware of, some you are not. All are given for one purpose only, to make you fully aware of who and what you are.

In all this amazing and marvelous Universe which God has created there is only one thing which He created in His own Image and Likeness and endowed with His own Power and that is you. You are the most wonderful of all God’s creations. We are very apt to forget that in the hurley, burley world of affairs and allow ourselves to sink into a state of apathy forgetting for a time our greatness, and also the ever presence of our Creator.

Today we live in a world that is sick with a sickness wrought by men with greed and lust, hate and fear within their hearts. When we look without we see a result of fear driven humanity seeking a place of refuge and peace.

In a recent newspaper editorial the writer spoke of the Atomic bomb as “the last word in power.” Although many are in agreement with this writer, this statement is utterly false and without foundation in fact. True, it may be the most powerful and destructive military weapon yet devised by man. It is probably true that one of the newer bombs now being made can destroy New York City, and that, as one military expert recently declared, seventy-two rightly placed bombs could wipe this nation out of existence.

Yes, these things, together with much more that is being said may be quite true. Yet the statement and the belief that “the atomic bomb (or any other material invention) is the last word in power,” remains a dangerous untruth.

When will a nation that is supposed to be a Christian nation, a nation that places the words, “In God we trust” on its silver currency, remember and acknowledge that THE FIRST AND LAST WORD IN POWER IS GOD. And that Power, in Its very nature is love, peace, order, harmony, truth, good will, friendliness and happiness. Moreover, the only things It can or will destroy are those things which are unlike Itself. Those things which man has built up in defiance of Its Perfect Law.

Yes, the world is sick with fear because we forget that Our Father is GOD THE ALMIGHTY and we His children are made in His Image. What about that? Can you believe it, can you say and believe that “I AM GOD”?

Now we can accomplish nothing for ourselves or for the world by optimism that rests upon no foundation other than a dislike to hear unpleasant things, and a belief that man can stop the working of God’s Law of cause and effect simply by denying the existence of the effects. We are all in the conditions and afflictions because we have misused the power that is ours. If therefore, we have the power to bring about conditions and afflictions we do not want, perhaps through ignorance, it stands to reason that through the right use of the same power we can bring into our lives the good we desire so much.

“If thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.” (Matthew 19:17) The “Life” of which Jesus spoke was not just a future life as some have thought. It is that ETERNAL LIFE which, since it is eternal, must include the here and now as well as the hereafter. It is life in its fullness, a life free from destruction, disasters, and death. A life of order, peace, love, and plenty. A life of Divine Supply for every human need.

The secret of obtaining this life according to the words of Jesus, given to instruct all mankind, is to “keep the commandments.” These are not only the Ten Commandments given to Moses, but also those written within our hearts and souls by the very finger of God Himself. “Thou shall keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee.”

These commandments written in your Real Self by God will be the subject of many future visits with you and  how you  may apply a Universal, Impersonal, Principle to solve all your difficulties whether large or small, and bring into your life the peace, love, and abundance which is the birthright of every individual will be given quite simply in a way the child could understand and use.

Until next week dear friend remember, “In him we live, and move, and have our being.” (Acts 17:28)

Love and blessings,

Venice Bloodworth


Come give me your hand. I want to take you to a place I know.

It is a beautiful castle but within it are two places that need lots of work done for it to be whole and truly beautiful again. Let’s go upstairs. Have you ever seen an attic so jam-packed with a lot of useless plunder? Know what it is? IT’S YoUr MIND. Many of us go through life hauling a lot of useless freight simply because we don’t know how to free ourselves.

Well, first I want you to take your main beliefs and examine them thoroughly. Then ask yourself, “Why do I believe this? Is it something I have proved or something handed to me by race, superstition, suggestion or man-made theories?” Examine each thing carefully because what you decide to keep, YOU HAVE TO LIVE WITH.

Now let’s go to the cellar, now down another flight. Dark isn’t it? This is the dungeon where the lord of the castle keeps his prisoners. Each prisoner’s name is on the cell door, criticism, hate, resentment, anger, and in the last and darkest cell the worst of all, fear. Recognize the jailor? YES, IT’S YOU! This dungeon is your heart (subconscious mind) and the jailor is just as much imprisoned as the prisoners because he has to stay with them, and feed and care for them. The only way he can be free, is to free the prisoners. A great teacher once said that ten minutes a day spent in forgiving ourselves and others was the best preparation for a good life.

I know you are shocked. I was too when I recognized myself. But I was glad too, because I realized what a perfect chance I have to wipe the slate clean, and begin a new life such as the gods themselves would envy.

Now is the time to start!

8 – Lesson 2 

“God requires the past.”

Beloved Friend:

Did you ever read Emerson’s advice in his letter to his daughter? “Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could today; some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in, but forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense. This day is for all that is good and fair. It is too dear to waste a moment on the forgotten yesterdays,”

Jesus gave us another way of saying this, “Cast your burdens upon ME and I will sustain you.”

Now let us find out about Me. Who is this Me Jesus speaks of? Is it the man Jesus? I think not.

He was speaking of that wonderful Me within You, God Himself.

But if we are to make progress in this new beginning we are making, it is absolutely necessary to STOP living in past events of your life and live in the present, the NOW. That is really all the time we ever have. The past exists only in our memory and no man can live the future, so you can readily see the NOW is the important time.

Why are our mental hospitals so full, and so many people struggling under such burdens it makes them ill to carry them? Are they the burdens of this present hour or day? No, I believe if you look into the matter thoroughly you will come to realize we are carrying ALL the burdens we have ever had, and the load is past bearing. We let the “dead past” color our bright new day and cast its dark shadows so we walk a darkened way. We measure everything by past experience, which is just as foolish as the forty year old woman who thought by wearing her hair in pigtails, and little girl clothes she could escape the responsibilities of adulthood.

We hug our past to us, the bitter with the sweet, never dreaming it no longer exists, except in our thoughts, but never realizing that our present is formed and shaped as it is because of our holding to the past. In memory lives the army of beliefs which strengthens our belief in good and evil. In admitting evil as a reality in the past, strength is added to our admissions of it in the present. Remembering and going over past evils, or problems, or mistakes will eventually cause them to RETRACE themselves in our present expression. Many a person is suffering, not from a sin, but the MEMORY of it, with its condemnation.

“Loose it and let it go.” Free yourself from the memory of what you have passed through. It’s the MEMORY of evil, drilled into us from childhood, that causes us to react so suspiciously toward the world. And yet we are told by the Great Teacher we must become as a little child to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The Child of whom He speaks is the Real Self of you; that pure and glorious and wonderful Self that has never really left heaven. And how do we become this Child? Is there anything in heaven or earth as wonderful, as pure, as lovely as a little child? He bears no grudges, has no prejudices, and finds everything valuable and of interest from worms to skyscrapers. He lives in a dream of bliss because he loves everything. He has no past to bother him, knows nothing about the future, so he lives fully the present day. When night falls, he sleeps secure in the knowledge that he is loved and protected by his parents. The world is his because he loves it.

We can be reborn into that world for already it lives in us and belongs to us by divine right because now beloved, you are the child of God.

If you could only realize for one moment, even to a small degree, what that means your whole life would change. The way to realization is to think about it, thrill to it, love towards it, until it becomes yours, as it surely will.

It is a fact that two things can not occupy the same place at the same time. So if you want something different in your life, something better than you now have, you must let go of what you are holding to NOW, else nothing new can enter in.

We have in these first two letters been trying to help you clear your decks for action. Next week we will start building, and I hope your building place is clear and clean. Remember, in using these principles it is YOU who will benefit. Are you ready?


Venice Bloodworth


Read slowly and thoughtfully the 91st Psalm each night before retiring and THINK, THINK, THINK, about its wonderful promises. Then ask yourself, “Is there anything in all the world to be afraid of or fearful about?” Answer me, is there?

9 – Lesson 3

“Greater is he that is within you, than he that is in the world.” Dear Ones:

At the very center of your being, there is the golden place where Divinity dwells. Here you can come at any time, in any place, and meet your Father. So come each day. Set apart some special time; come knock on the door of your heart. It will swing open, and you may enter, and hold sweet communion with the Creator of your life.

I know, my friend, it is often hard to steal away alone. Cares and duties of life press so closely, and bind so surely. However, if you will but try; if you will but make the effort, all these cares and duties will fall into their proper relationship, and you shall find such a renewal of beauty, strength, and calmness of spirit that as you leave this sacred place to go about your daily tasks you will find every burden lightened, and your way divinely guided.

But, you say, how can I find this lovely place in my heart? How can I come close to God’s Divine Presence? And I tell you it is only by being still that you find it. Then your whole being will be flooded with a glory you have never even dreamed was possible. This being still does not mean a blank stillness, but rather a sense of inner quiet which will come to you when you KNOW God is not far off in some heaven, but at the center of your own being.

I AM at the center of your being. I AM THE CAUSE of all that comes into your life. When sin, sickness, or distress enter your being, it is because you have brought it there by ignoring MY


PERFECT LAW. You have followed a law of your outer self, having made it supreme, and so you receive that effect. The more you become conscious that the outer is only the expression of the within, and as you come to realize I AM at the center of your being — that the outer is only the house wherein I dwell — to that degree of realization shall I be able to bring MY PERFECT EFFECT into your life. Carry with you always this thought, I AM CAUSE. Then the effects in your life shall only be such as glorify ME.

I AM ABSOLUTE! To see ME as the absolute of all lives; in your personal life, in the life of all things, plant, mineral, or animal, is to come into the highest form of realization. Then you know that every cell, not only in your own body, but in the universe, is a living, glowing part of ME.

I AM ABSOLUTELY ALL THERE IS! That which seems not of ME is only your mortal misconception. This full, complete realization is more than knowledge, and does not come at once to you. So do not be discouraged if at times it seems only a hazy idea, but strive all the more to bring it closer into your daily life. Practice MY PRESENCE at all times, and you shall thrill with the mighty rush of MY SPIRIT through you. Go forth into the duties of your day knowing I AM ABSOLUTE, and you are in ME, and I AM in you, closer than your own breathing, nearer than the love in your heart for I AM GOD, now and forever. You are God. Could anything in this universe be more wonderful, more beautiful than this mighty Truth? You are wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!

Will you ever again waste your divine life by giving in to silly, foolish thoughts, to fears, and hates which can only live if you give them life of your life? Answer me now, will you?

Devotedly yours,

Venice Bloodworth


Take this prayer of affirmation into your consciousness each morning and night. Try to realize what it means.

My Father fashioned all of me
In His own image, perfect, free.
When I’m not well, it’s not His will;
He’ll re-create me, if I’m still
And trust Him, while He works within,
To cleanse and heal me of all sin.
For life is changed within, you know,
Before results outside can show.
So, I must trust, be calm, and pray
And KNOW His strength is mine each day.
Christ lives in me, how can I fear,
Mere human woes, when He is here
With Power Divine to make anew
Each part that fails to function true?
Dear Lord, I give my life to Thee
To mould as You would have it be.

10 – Lesson 4

“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. ”

Do you realize that what you become in the future, the state of your health and finances, depends upon what you are thinking today? Startling, isn’t it? But it is the absolute truth! Your own thinking is what sets you apart from every other person in the world. That is what makes you an individual; your own thoughts. That is what makes some people rich, others poor, some people healthy, others sick, some people happy, others sad — their own thoughts. We can never get away from our own thoughts, because thought is the builder. Whatever happens to you is the result of your predominating habit of thought.

Your thought carries with it a vibratory action, that sets in motion the Creative Forces of the Universe, so thought is a creative power. Think of this, thought is CREATIVE POWER! The world without is a reflection of your world within. If your outer world is not all you desire, you must look within for the cause.

Our lives are governed by Law, Universal Creative Law that never varies. We can’t think poverty and get riches. We can’t think sickness and get health. Every thought carries with it, its own vibratory action. There is only One Law, One Principle, One Cause, One Source of Power and that is God.

So we cannot change the Law, but we can change our thoughts. By bringing ourselves into harmony with Divine Law through our own thinking, we attract all that is good.

It is natural for man to be healthy in mind and body and to abound in all good. When man learns that, through his own thinking, he has an attractive power, and lives in accord with Divine Law, health and prosperity spring forth naturally and abundantly.

What you are now, depends upon what you were thinking in the past. What you will be in the future depends upon what you are thinking now. So begin NOW and build the kind of future you desire; and remember, ONLY WHAT YOU THINK CAN COME TO YOU.

With kindest regards,

Venice Bloodworth


Daily keep out of your mind all negative thinking. Think only of the things you desire in your life; things you wish to accomplish. Then your PREDOMINATING HABIT OF THOUGHT will be changed, and all you desire will be the reality of the future.

11 – Lesson 5

“According to your faith (belief) be it done unto you.”

Today we are going to talk about the conscious and the subconscious mind, and our relation to Universal Mind or God Mind.

Each one of us is endowed with two phases of mind, conscious and subconscious. The conscious mind is that part of our mind which thinks, judges, reasons and chooses. The conscious mind is the ruler of our mental world. Through conscious constructive thought we bring to ourselves health, happiness, friends. But if the thoughts in our mind are fear, worry, hatred and kindred thoughts, then we bring into expression sickness, unhappiness, and lack. We must learn to use this wonderful power of thought in the right way.

The subconscious mind is that part of our mind which is related to Universal Mind or God Mind. It is the seat of memory and that part of our mind which keeps the body going, keeps the heart beating, blood circulating, digests food, builds cells, and repairs the body. IT IS THAT PART OF OUR MIND WHICH BRINGS INTO EXISTENCE, BY THE POWER OF THOUGHT YOUR DREAMS AND DESIRES. Whatever your PREDOMINATING THOUGHT is, that is what your subconscious mind will bring into expression for you, be it good or bad.

The subconscious mind does not reason or reject, but accepts the ideas and beliefs of the conscious mind. Always have an affirmation in mind. Repetition is the keynote. If you say or think a thing long enough you will believe it. Then it will become a part of your consciousness. If you say “I am healthy” long enough to impress the idea of health upon the subconscious mind, you will come to believe it. When you believe it, health is expressed in mind and body. It cannot be otherwise, for that is the Law.

Every thought that enters the conscious mind is either accepted or rejected. If we accept an idea or thought as true, it is then carried to the subconscious mind to act on, and is brought forth into visible expression as a part of our physical condition or environment. So we see that it is the conscious mind that decides our fate. To control our health and environment we must control our thought.

Universal or God Mind is the source from which all things spring. God is the source of all life, love, health, happiness, and harmony. God is Spirit, and the subconscious mind is that spiritual part of you which is related to God Mind and one with God Mind. Here, then is the secret of the wonderful power of thought. Thought is a spiritual activity. Spirit is creative, therefore, thought is creative.

But remember this, there is only One Principle, One real Power, One Source, and that is God Mind, Good. It is only when we get away from this Principle that we have fear, worry, hate or lack of any kind. They are without foundation in fact. When we go back to our source, back to God Mind and dwell on Principle, good, health, happiness, and harmony, these other things will dissolve, and we will see that it was through ignorance that we let our minds dwell on unhappiness of any kind. It was through ignoring the Law of Life.

“Acquaint now thyself with HIM and be at Peace.”


Venice Bloodworth


Every night upon retiring repeat this affirmation until you fall asleep, and any time during the day you can think of it.

“I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy.”

12- Lesson 6

Dear Friend:

I know you have heard it and so have I. People have said they did not understand God, because God gave to some and not to others. How God made some people sick and others well and happy. People sometimes blame God for their misfortunes, but the fact is that WE are entirely responsible for our success or failure, our happiness or unhappiness.

Man alone is the maker of his own destiny. Man alone is responsible for his own actions. We are not a slave to circumstances, but the master of our own fate.

Man is the highest manifestation of God. God gave man DOMINION over the whole earth, but He also gave man the power to think, to choose, to have free will. So if our lives are not just as we wish, we have no one to blame but ourselves.

We attract to ourselves only that which corresponds to our PREDOMINATING HABITS OF THOUGHT, which become subconscious impressions. We can make a NEW LIFE for ourselves by changing our habit of thought, and thereby changing our subconscious impressions, and bring into being all we wish to be, to have, and to do.

If you have thought lack, think success. Replace sick thoughts with thoughts of health. If you have been unhappy, resolve to put it out of your mind, and think only of what you want, for LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE! When you think you are impressing that thought upon the subconscious mind, so never let your mind dwell on what you do NOT want.


You have the power to change everything about you, your body, your circumstances, your environment, by changing your thoughts and ideas. You will cease to worry over appearances of any kind, because you will know they are the results of PAST wrong thinking, and your PRESENT right thinking will bring you the bright FUTURE you desire.

The instructions for this week are to read and study this lesson over and over again until it is firmly established in your mind, for this is the fundamental principle underlying this course. We are laying the groundwork for future health, happiness, and success.

Next week we will take up planting the idea.


Venice Bloodworth

13 – Lesson 7

We have learned so far that thought is creative; that while we may think what we choose, our thoughts are governed by immutable Law. We know that the Universal Mind or God Mind is the Principle of all existence, and that Mind is the One Power, the One and Only Presence. We know It is Omnipresent, filling all space, and that through our subconscious mind, which is a part of the God Mind, we may bring into expression all that we wish to have. Now let us find out how we can do this.

When we want to raise a certain kind of flower in our garden we plant it according to kind, and if we want corn, we plant corn, or if we want beans we plant beans. We plant these different seeds in the same soil, and tend them carefully, and are never in doubt as to the nature of our product because we know that where we planted flower seeds, we gather flowers, and where we planted corn we get corn, and where we planted beans, we gather beans. We sow and reap the product of our thoughts in the same way.

We reap what we sow, in kind and quality. That is the Law. We cannot sow thoughts of one kind and reap the fruits of another. We can be absolutely certain that we will get the results of our predominant thoughts.

Everybody and everything is governed by the same Law, and we should not expect to reap riches from poverty thoughts, happiness from misery thoughts, health from disease thoughts, or peace from angry thoughts, any more than we would expect to reap peas from tomato vines.

We sow our thoughts in our subconscious mind and the Law of Growth brings them into visible expression. If our thoughts are positive in faith, desire, courage, determination, cheerfulness, and love, our physical condition and environment will express these qualities in health, happiness, and prosperity. But if our thoughts are fear, hatred, envy, anxiety, grief or jealousy, we will reap these results in poverty, disease, and misery. IT IS THE SEED YOU SOW THAT DECIDES THE NATURE OF YOUR PRODUCT.

So we can see how a man whom some may consider a sinner, may sow seeds of love, faith, desire, and courage, while a so- called saint sows seeds of fear, anxiety, and grief. Therefore, we should not blame God because the sinner harvests peace and plenty, and the saint reaps bitterness and poverty. The Divine Mind is impartial, and the Law never changes, but works for everyone in justice and love. This is a Universe of Law and Order. Man does not make or break the Law, he works with It or against It as he CHOOSES, and he reaps the pleasant or unpleasant results of HIS OWN DECISION.

When you plant a thought in mind, do not dig it up the next day and change it for another one. Nurture it with faith and love, until it grows to maturity, and is expressing outwardly in your environment and circumstances. For if you planted corn one day and dug it up the next day and planted peas, you would never see the harvest of corn. Water your thought with faith and hope, never letting go of the idea, and you will be rewarded, for as St. Paul said “Faith is the SUBStAnCE of things hoped for, the EVIDENCE of things not seen.”


Venice Bloodworth


Before going to sleep each night, think over the things you want to be expressed in your life. The subconscious mind takes over when the conscious mind is asleep, and works on your ideas that are given to it.

14 – Lesson 8

Dear One:

God created us, but we are the product of our own thoughts. We are the builders of our lives. Our lives contain the joys or sorrows that were born in our imagination, and brought into outward expression by the power of thought. Our failure to succeed, and all sickness, springs from fear and negative thinking, and are self-imposed.

We fear all manner of lack, limitation, and disease. This fear has no foundation. Fear comes from false appearances, race consciousness, environment, and is not born of right thinking. These fear thoughts must be overcome. But how? By understanding that there is nothing to fear! Not by opposing evil, but realizing that evil is only in the realm of appearance. Evil never was and never can be real. Evil is simply the result of wrong thinking, and in no way related to Principle.

There is only One Principle and that is God, Good; fear makes cowards of us, but remember, fear is born in the imagination. We can imagine all sorts of terrible things, and most of the time, things do not turn out nearly as bad as we had feared.

Whenever you find anything bothering you, start saying some affirmation, and keep it up. Do not give way to fear and worry. Absolutely refuse to entertain any kind of negative thought. Remember, the subconscious mind does not argue or reason, but goes to work, and brings about conditions that the conscious mind believes to be true. So think about and concentrate upon what you want, NOT on what you do not want. Take the load of fear and worry off your mind, for what was ever accomplished by worrying? Only more fear and worry. Substitute new ideas for the old worn out beliefs and worries. Turn your face to the sunrise of truth and forge ahead. Nothing can stop you. CONDITIONS ARE THE RESULTS OF THOUGHT. Change the thought, and the condition also changes. Then you no longer have any excuse for fear or worry.

It matters not how many sick or unhappy people you see. This does not alter the fact that the One Principle is good, and when used intelligently, will destroy all lack, limitation, and disease as light destroys darkness. When things go wrong we have deviated from the Life Principle, and need only to correct our thinking to get into harmony again. So whenever you let your mind be on any inharmonious condition you must realize that such conditions are apparent only. “Judge not according to appearances . . .”

Don’t let fear thoughts get the best of you. Have a mental house cleaning every day. Always have an affirmation ready to repeat over and over. Whenever you affirm that you are healthy, happy, and prosperous, you are stating the exact truth, and are in perfect accord with the will of God for you.

Fear, worry and all such negative thoughts are very expensive guests to entertain. They bring nothing but misery and discord. There is no need to fear anything, for we carry the indwelling power to overcome everything. Yes, right within ourselves is that great God Power. We have only to tune in, to bring into our lives all success, health, and happiness. It is just up to us. When this truth becomes a part of your consciousness                         you too will understand that you have nothing to fear.

With much affection,

Venice Bloodworth

15 – Lesson 9

Dear Child of God:

Do you realize that everything you want or need is already in the realm of Spirit, waiting to be brought forth by the builder thought? Your subconscious mind brings you the matured fruits of your mental action.

Everything is first an idea. Then comes a mental picture of that idea. Nothing was ever accomplished without first thinking about it. Imagination, when used rightly is a divine gift, for with mental images you may build any condition you desire, and believe in.

We cannot possess anything without first thinking about it. Possession depends upon consciousness. Build whatever you want in your imagination — a home, job, better health, friends. It must be in your mind before it will ever be anywhere else. Do not stop to think of how, when, or where it may be accomplished. Leave that up to the God Mind. You are not limited. You are drawing upon the inexhaustible Universal Supply. God never limits us. We limit ourselves. Did you ever stop to think of that? We say we can’t have this or that because we can’t SEE where it is coming from. The only difference between you and the so-called successful and rich man, is that he DREAMS BIG. So can you dream big. As I say, God places no limit on us. We can have, and do, and be in EXACT accord with our thoughts and consciousness. That is the LAW.

Did you think that you live in your neighborhood, your home, or your environment? The circumstances, or condition you find yourself in, is the result of your own thoughts, whether they are to your liking or not. You cannot have poverty or riches without having a consciousness of one or the other. You cannot have health or sickness without having a consciousness of one or the other.

Whatever you want, concentrate on that, until it becomes the only real thing to you. Want it with all your mind and heart and strength. EXPECT what you want and nothing else. Give no thought to what appears, or what is apparent to the eye. Build your ideal in the realm of thought, and the Law of God will certainly and surely bring it to you. For the subconscious mind has no pattern with which to mold your future except the one given to it by your conscious mind.

Now the reason some people do not succeed is because they do not have the patience to stick to one idea long enough to see it through. They give up too easily, and claim that it “doesn’t work.” Others keep changing their minds, and do not know what they really want. Did you ever see an artist keep changing the painting on his canvas?

Or a dressmaker keep changing the pattern of a dress when it is only half finished? Don’t give up when the job is half done. Stick to ONE IDEA long enough to bring it into expression.

Another reason people fail is because they are not working with Principle. They are doing a lot of wishful thinking. Did not Jesus say “Ask and ye shall receive”? Did he place any limit on WHAT to ask for? NO! When you do a lot of wishful thinking, you are saying to your subconscious mind, “I would like to have so and so, and I wish very much to have it, but I can’t see any way to get it.” You are telling yourself you CAN’T, but you CAN. Jesus also said “As thy FAITH is, so be it unto you.”

Yes, my friend, you can have whatever your heart desires. It just takes faith, thought, and CONSCIOUS effort on your part. Just make your mind up about what you really do want, hold to the idea, and know that you are working with LAW, and no haphazard wishful thinking, but with absolute Universal Law that never changes or varies, and you will be rewarded.

With love,

Venice Bloodworth

16 – Lesson 10

I will speak to you today on faith. The Bible says “Faith without works is dead.” But I say, “Work without FAITH is dead.” We must have the faith to know that what we want and need will be given to us. If we could fully realize that there is no lack of limitation in Divine Mind, we would have no doubt. It is only in the little mind of man that one is conscious of any lack. All supply is limitless and free-flowing to all God’s children. But we must put ourselves in the position to receive God’s blessings, and we do this by opening up our mind with faith.

The reason we have not had more faith is because of a lack of understanding of the Law of God. We have not understood that everything works in exact accord with definite Law. We must build our desires in our minds, with faith, hope, and courage, and hold them regardless of outside appearances. You must understand that the LAW WILL WORK FOR YOU EVERY TIME WHEN YOU ARE WORKING WITH THE LAW.

We do not see the Law working, but there is no reason to doubt it. We see the RESULTS of the Law. We cannot see life, but we know it is all about us. We cannot see love, but we do not doubt the power of love. We can only see the effects of happiness, peace, and health. Universal supply is all around us, and its outward expression is formed according to our thoughts.

All lack is man made, and is a matter of consciousness. All lack, whether it be money, health, or happiness, is a result of limits man places upon himself. God’s gifts are equally available to everyone, and are not limited either to time, place, or individual. They are attracted to those who understand and believe in their own inherent powers to achieve.

Why did Jesus tell us we must become as little children in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven? Because the faith of a little child is perfect. We have learned that the Law of Growth brings our wishes into being in the same way that our garden seeds are brought to their full growth. After a seed is planted in the ground, you cannot see it anymore, but you have FAITH that it will grow and mature. Since thought and substance are invisible, we tend to have less faith in a thought planted in mind, than we do in a seed planted in the ground. But we must plant our thoughts and let them grow to maturity, as we plant a seed in the ground. It is ABSOLUTE FAITH that brings about desired results.


Venice Bloodworth

17 – Lesson 11

“But today well lived makes every
Yesterday a dream of happiness
And every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Look well therefore to this day.”

– from The Sanskrit

Beloved of God:

What are you doing about today? In your method of thinking lies either success or failure. Beyond today are the problems or successes of tomorrow. Are you just drifting, maybe thinking, “There is always tomorrow”? Do you not realize that NOW is the only time we have? Tomorrow at the same time it will still be NOW. So let’s get busy with today.

Life gives back to us exactly what we give. We externalize in the objective world what we store up in our world within. The law is that we must ultimately express in objective form those thoughts, emotions, and impulses which we have stored up in our subconscious mind.

You have learned that the subconscious mind does not reason or reject, but accepts all suggestions given it by the conscious mind. Therefore, the secret of success is to store your subconscious mind with desire, ambition, courage, and determination to win. Add to these, love for your fellow man, and faith in the good of all things.

Have faith in your power to achieve. It is faith in yourself and God that attracts success. If you do not limit yourself, there will be no limit at all, for God never limits us. We share in this absolute power exactly to the extent of our faith, belief, and purpose. Our mental attitude is the MAGNET that draws to us everything we need to bring our desires into being.

You can think big things as easily as little ones.

Think of your life, not as it is, but as you wish it to be. Create a place for yourself in your mind and hold to it steadily. If you want a certain position, claim it as your own and SEE yourself doing it. If you want a new home, build it in your mind. See yourself working in it. Do not let any lack of training or education stand in your way. Your subconscious mind knows more than all the books in the world can give you. Education helps one to succeed, but some of the greatest men have achieved success without much education. Andrew Carnegie, after he had made millions, employed a tutor to teach him the essentials of education.

Abraham Lincoln was born in a cabin without a floor, and reared in poverty. Yet the mighty soul of Lincoln surmounted every obstacle, and led him to the highest position he could achieve.

Even Jesus Christ, whose teachings we are just beginning to understand, was born in a manger.

With these great examples set before us, we cannot help but realize that what a man is, depends entirely on the use he makes of his indwelling power.

Right thinking is the most important thing in our lives. Most of us merely reflect the opinions of others. Some fear to express an opinion of their own, because they fear ridicule. Shake off the old ideas, fears, beliefs, and prejudices. Dare to have a few ideas of your own.

Mind is the master weaver of your destiny. Stand porter at the door of your mind, and let no thoughts enter except THOSE YOU WANT TO LIVE WITH.

With love,

Venice Bloodworth


The End